Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Our current worldview is as if we are backseat drivers, at best driving next to the driver.

All we can do is

  • observe
  • react
  • hope
  • suggest
  • protest
  • resist

but ultimately we feel we have nothing to say in the matter of where this life is going. That is our current view of the world.

Continue reading “Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence”

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

Assumptions, assuming… the not seeing beyond the cover

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life…

The biggest, I say, were the result of this cognitive bias we all have. Making assumptions based on insufficient data.

Assumption is jumping from seeing something and its meaning… without looking further, or looking again.

Given that astuteness is the exact opposite: making the correct interpretation of phenomena or data, assumption is the sign of stupidity.

And I have been guilty of that. Continue reading “What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?”

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Why some people fly, others crawl, and most are stuck stuck stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

They say: Climb your way to your end goal, one insight at a time… Oh, you can’t? Not willing to be light on your feet? Stuck in your opinion and in your view of yourself and the world?

I had a group coaching session with one of my coaches yesterday.

He taught something that can be useful for everyone, not just marketers and business owners, like we all are in that group.

He made us draw a pyramid, and divide it to three tiers… The bottom tier is knowledge. The middle tear is wisdom. and the top tier is insight. (Insight is the glimpse you get behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz, the insight was that Oz was a little old man… not a god.)

For businesses, the higher your product is on that tier, the less competition you have, and the higher prices you can command.

For an individual, getting higher vibration, better health, more productive lives happens through insights… not knowledge, and not wisdom. Continue reading “Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…”

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it

Yesterday in the growth workshop I decided to look at my relationship to money. I have been trying to crack this tough nut for many years: in every business I have had everyone said I was sitting on a big mountain of money… but not actualizing much of it. 🙁

So I set out to work on money… Asking: how come I don’t make as much money as I could… with what I have…

Of course I am the course leader, so I don’t have time to deal with my own sh-it, but now it is on the sheet… documented, and the table. Continue reading “I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?”

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…
Energy. do you have enough?

Everything is energy, blah blah blah…

It is either true or not, but what is really true: if you don’t have the energy to do the things that forward your life then you are stuck, feel bad about yourself, and start dying.

Knowing how to manage your energy so you can get things done, so you have energy also for joy, fun, humor, creativity, a way to feel alive and valuable, is mandatory… I would say. Continue reading “Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…”

More about flexibility… What is it? How you get it?

More about flexibility… What is it? How you get it?

Sometimes people get an idea of activating a capacity that is so alien to their culture, it takes a good 5-10 minutes for the history channel, the ancestors backwards, to build.

No one in your ancestry possessed that capacity… so it has been non-existent for you even culturally.

It is so unfamiliar that ego doesn’t even know to protest. It is like a way of being that is totally unfamiliar… you can’t see other than special people, like kung fu fighters, or shaolin monks to demonstrate it. And, of course, Aikido. I have a book, Aikido in everyday life… illustrates how this principle looks in real life… brilliant.

Flexibility is also the capacity to be able to keep your balance even though the world is pushing you hither and thither… Continue reading “More about flexibility… What is it? How you get it?”

Are you flexible?

Are you flexible?

NEUROPLASTICITYYour worldview is hidden from your view, hidden from your awareness.

And it is, of course. Worldview is how the world IS for you, not how it seems.

If you have a fixed worldview, than all the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men Could Not Put a new worldview for you… unless you are willing to become flexible.

Cognitive flexibility has been more broadly described as the ability to adjust one’s thinking from old situations to new situations as well as the ability to overcome responses or thinking that have become habitual and adapt to new situations. Continue reading “Are you flexible?”

The 4 stumbling blocks to Intelligence… the empath’s view

The 4 stumbling blocks to Intelligence… the empath’s view

Intelligence is what makes you able to

  • navigate the treacherous world of humans,
  • see things for what they are, be able to
  • compare things even if they aren’t in front of you, and
  • find what is more primary and what is secondary so you can do things in order, and lastly accomplish things.

Continue reading “The 4 stumbling blocks to Intelligence… the empath’s view”