The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away

The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away
You’ve got to define what’s enough for you. And that is what you should aim for

Until you do that, you are dealing with too much freedom. To much freedom often leads to unclarity, to confusion, or inaction, where fear, ego, delusion rule.

It is smart to define that and it takes smarts to define the dance floor where you can win.

What is winning?

Winning always needs a game. Continue reading “The magic of self-management… Fear tends to go away”

Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?

Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?
I am finding that what stops people from moving ahead in life is either fear or arrogance…

You could argue that laziness should be listed too, but I have found that laziness is a coverup for either fear or arrogance.

Nick Kyrgios (tennis player) is paralyzed by the fear of never being good enough rather than laziness. FEAR, not arrogance or laziness, has surely created the beast that is Nick Kyrgios

I get a lot of requests to eliminate people’s fear, but I am sorry to tell you: I can’t and no one can.

Fear is not the problem, and it doesn’t need to be eliminated.

I am afraid too, and you wouldn’t know from watching me. Continue reading “Fear, arrogance, laziness… how do these stop you?”

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

let fear guide youSome 35 years ago I participated in a Creativity Seminar. Creativity: LIVING at risk.

It taught: move towards the fear, call it excitement. Continue reading “Do something every day that scares you, they tell you”

The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

10x your lifeExperiencing pain? emotional? physical? Where does pain come from?

Most people cannot properly, accurately identify what they feel inside. On one hand self awareness is low, on the other knowing what the inner dynamics are is not taught in any school, or by any ‘guru’.

Given that it is not taught, you’ll have a hard time, I guess, to accept that all pain is the result of resistance… emotional, physical… all pain.

But what about fear?

Fear, what you call fear, is resistance. No matter what name you call it, anxiety, worry, it is still resistance and it causes pain.

This article was inspired by two things, maybe three? Continue reading “The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear”

Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…

Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…

60% of people opt to think of the best, the best outcome, that it will, somehow, work out. Whatever ‘it’ is. they tend to panic.

10% of people opt to think of the worst… and they do whatever they can to prevent it. They use fear to be prepared.

30% of people sleepwalk. They never look to the outcome or the future or the consequences of their actions. They are not present. For the most part they are in their heads, that are, the heads, either in the clouds or in the sewer, but not in the present moment.

I don’t like panic. It paralyzes me, so instead I look and see what’s coming down the pike, and do what is in my power to make it the best possible outcome. I am a 10%-er Continue reading “Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…”

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential

greatness as potentialEach great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness as potential only.

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little.

About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Each great thing that was ever built started with something that had the greatness, as a potential only.

Most didn’t look like the start of something great. Many times it was a comedy of errors and their correction that took someone to something big. Continue reading “Internet Marketing Beginnings: Greatness as Potential”

Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…

Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…

Everyone has an Achilles Heel. Mine is deceit…

On the surface it looks like I make that behavior wrong… but what is underneath it is a concern.

A concern is what keeps your foot nailed to the floor so you cannot do much more than dance around that nail.

The concern is feelings stupid when I fall for the deceit… when I can be duped, when I am too stupid to be able to tell.

Of course I could say: I love people, I see the best in them, blah blah blah, but that is not the point.

I have an impossible standard for myself to never miss the sign of deceit, to never be found out that I am too stupid to see it a mile away. Continue reading “Anxious? Fearful? There must be a belief underneath…”

The myth that is between you and the life can love

The myth that is between you and the life can love

Myth is a widely held but false belief or idea.

Your soul correction has one element that serves as linchpin.

A linchpin is the ‘thing’ that holds a construct together. But to remove the linchpin you need to be willing for everything to fall apart… temporarily.

This is a difficult thing to do, even though you may be able to see what’s on the other side: when you rebuild yourself anew.

What’s on the other side, potentially, is a you who isn’t stuck with what you have now: fear, anger, disappointment, discouragement, hopelessness, distrust, resistance… whatever the linchpin of your soul correction is. Continue reading “The myth that is between you and the life can love”

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

I made my birthday week special by having a long, 90-minute private call with every active student of mine in my Growth course.

There are things you can see in an interactive course, and then there are things you can see in a private one-on-one call.

What I saw this week is priceless.

I saw how rigidity and fear, scarcity and timid moves, how living in survival actually looks when you look through actions. Continue reading “Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?”

What prevents you from getting what you want?

What prevents you from getting what you want?
When things don’t work, there is something that you don’t know.

One of the capacities an architect needs to possess (if they want to be a good architect) is being able to move their attention at will, and to widen and narrow their field of vision at will.

Interestingly, these are the capacities that are needed for a lot of professions, CPA, business leader, politician, scientist, movie maker, coach, and, although it is not a profession, for someone who wants to get out of the morass of the human condition, and onto the vertical plane of clarity, joy, fulfillment.

I won’t explain why you need these capacities for the professions although I could. Continue reading “What prevents you from getting what you want?”