The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Many people tell me that I should not give it all away in articles, after all who is going to buy my stuff if I give away all the ‘knowledge’.

But the truth is, all the MIND knowledge we can ever have will NEVER help us to live a better life, to be healthier, etc. Doctors are an unhealthy bunch, psychologists / psychiatrist are a wimpy bunch, energy healers come to me for healing…

Why? because the mind considers knowing, i.e. information sufficient… and …

…As long as we identify yourself with the mind, you consider information/insight sufficient as well… But in life it isn’t sufficient… not by far.

Just look at weight: we all know what we should be doing, and we have known it for ever. We read, we learn… and yet the number of obese people is growing by the minute. Or worse than that, people losing and regaining the weight, hating themselves, and are totally POWERLESS… and they don’t know what they can do to become POWERFUL.

There is a difference between knowing and KNOWING. Continue reading “The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too”

Spiritual Arrogance

Spiritual Arrogance

1-spiritual-arrogance-pict-1Humans have a dual nature, a dual nature that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…

Arrogance and pride…

Arrogance is duality itself.

  • It says, on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
  • On the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.

We call the arrogant side “it” in this article. And it talks. And it knows. And it pontificates…

What “it” says it knows? It knows everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen, if it is worth for you to do. It knows if you can. It knows the future, the past, what it all means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s all about, what is important and what isn’t. Continue reading “Spiritual Arrogance”

Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…

Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…

The counter-intuitive path to happiness

Most people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.

Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.

The selfish gene is not interested in you being happy, fulfilled, feeling connected, or even healthy.

If you have been eating crap, and still can copulate, the selfish gene says: OK, he is alive, he can procreate, good. Let’s continue with the program.

If you have been a user, a taker, a parasite, never accomplishing anything… the selfish gene will say: good… Let’s continue with the program.

Some cultures call this the ego, but there is a basic and fundamental difference between these two: the ego does have energy, forceful and strong, that is pulling upwards… In the Tumbleweed article, Ego, the triangle sitting on its side is stronger than the “spirit” that is standing on its point, yet you need the strength of the “ego” triangle to get anywhere…

I even teach somewhere how to whisper to the ego to help you overcome the pull of the Selfish Gene that wants you to continue what keeps you miserable, small, and limited to a survival machine.

It’s NOT that they don’t understand the price they are paying.

It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, being intelligent.

Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.

So what do the selfish genes want?

Continue reading “Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…”

Bloodless, tearless transformation. Really?

Bloodless, tearless transformation. Really?

A big winter storm is moving across America (I hear Europe isn’t doing better) and people are holding their breaths… Waiting for Godot A French nihilist play where people are talking waiting for some imaginary character, called Godot, someone who never comes, and yet you can spend your life waiting for him… Recognize yourself?

One of my favorite short movies is called Godzilla and Bambi… Bambi is grazing, Godzilla stomps him… the end.

or waiting for death… hoping…

How you do anything is how you do everything. If a snow storm makes you hold your breath, how do you think you are when you are trying to face yourself? Hold your breath… of course. You cannot face the tiger… because you don’t like to feel bad… anything bad.

The-powers-that-be teach you to keep your face to the light and avoid the darkness surrounding it. It eventually evolved to a slogan: Think Positive.

Result: a sissy humanity that is drowning in misery.

There are two kinds of lights: one light is like the Sun, life-giving and one light is like a fluorescent light or a candle… lets you see around you, but that’s it. It won’t give you satisfaction, it won’t give you anything… it’s small.

We are told to follow the small still voice within, but no one can check what we hear, no one can check if we are listening to the “right voice” out of the many voices within, and people I watch follow the voice within that tells them to withdraw, to shrink, to shrink away from what is hard, ugly, painful, or fearful.

One of the disciplines I immersed myself on my path to here is Kabbalah, the Kabbalah Centre version of it. Kabbalah is quite open to interpretation.

One of the most important things I learned in my five years immersion is that the Light, the life giving light is behind the darkness. The darker it seems the more Light it reveals when you have the courage and the know-how to go beyond it.

Another way it was said that the Light conceals itself with layers of buffer, as if you put layers and layers of bed-sheets on the window. First it filters the light, but put up enough bed-sheets, and you live in darkness.

Humanity lives in that darkness, and satisfies itself with inventing better and better light sources, like the newest I know, the led light fixtures. Ingenious.

The Dark Side, a group of people that revel in keeping people in darkness, in smallness, in quiet desperation, in slavery, just like the TV production kept Truman in the movie, The Truman Show.

When you look at your own life, don’t you experience asking yourself; “Is this all there is?”. Or don’t you ever wonder why your life seems repetitious, your money, success, happiness so limited and so small?

truman-showThe Truman Show

This is a very interesting short video putting religious references over the movie: worth watching, even if you are an atheist, like myself.

Here is the trailer of the movie.

is one of the most, accidentally, truth-telling movies. Of course some parts of it are not how it is… but the fact that we live in a world that is isolated from all-of-it, that has none of the grandeur of Life, that our choices are limited, and our misery, longing, sense of lack is permanent, like an undercurrent, underscoring everything.

And of course there is no door on our personal wall… the access to something bigger and better is through the dark spots, the darkness that we don’t want to approach. The unknown, the bigger scares us and we choose, time and again, to live in the little limited world where we know (and hate) every nook and cranny, but it’s comfortable.

If you are like that, you don’t belong with me, because you are, to me, the enemy. The ballast that keeps humanity down.

You see, the Dark Side people could continue doing what they are doing, but it’s not personal, and it’s not a physical prison bar they managed to erect, and who keeps the rest of humanity from evolving into the beautiful Expanding Human Being society is you… with your voyeuristic fascination of what you are not doing, what you are not willing to do, but are titillated watching it.

I don’t kid myself that you will ever take that step. I don’t. Your entire life, your cowardice, your finding satisfaction in meaningless stupid things tells me the whole story, the ending: you are not someone who should even be given a glimpse at heaven: because you are the enemy. You’ll weaken it, and spoil it for the ones that have a big enough desire to move them past the fear.

I want to attract the Jim Carreys of the world, (Jim Carrey played Truman in The Truman Show.) not the do-it-yourself pretenders.

Not the 99% but the 1% that can make the world what it really is, for everyone. An exciting and dangerous place, but alive. Alive with pleasure and with grief. The whole enchilada, not just the “tasty” parts.

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?

Summary: Emotions… without emotions you feel deadened. But you only want good emotions… unfortunately, for you, you can’t have the good without the bad, life is a roller coaster, and you would hate to be stranded on the top of the peak anyway…

I listened to the audiobook, Molecules of Emotions some 10 years ago in the car on a long trip. It’s a book written by a scientist, Candace Pert.

I did not set out to be a scientist of emotions. but I was eminently suited: instead of just talking about it, instead of writing about, I can actually verify the “findings”, verify or un-verify the theories by feeling. Continue reading “Molecules of Emotion. Are you suppressing the negative?”

Are you filling your head with ‘just in case’ knowledge while your life is waiting for you to know what to do?

I woke up this morning. I said the date, out loud, in Hungarian (my last dream before waking up was in Hungarian) and the sound of the words took me to a soul-searching.

I said (in Hungarian), Happy New Year Miss Benshitta… and it hit me, that I would be an old maid, a spinster in Hungary… ugh… would it have forced me to get married and become swallowed up by another’s life?

Had I stayed in Hungary… I probably would have continued working as an architect. I probably would have never done the steps that would have taken me through all the steps one has to take to reach and walk a different path.

I would be unfulfilled, and probably dead.
Continue reading “Are you filling your head with ‘just in case’ knowledge while your life is waiting for you to know what to do?”

Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?

This article is about personal evolution… going from where, how, who you are today to a higher level, a higher organization where you can be, have, do more.

Personal development covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations… from Wikipedia

As I am browsing the many pages of many self-proclaimed gurus about the topic, what is most striking is this: all think that they are there… up there… And looking from that imaginary height, they claim what the levels are.

That is the problem with imagination. You can only imagine things on your level, inside your paradigm. The higher paradigms cannot be imagined. Bummer, eh?

So you need to trust, and move into the invisible, the unknown, the maybe unfriendly… 🙁

Fear is normal. In fact, fear is healthy. If you are not afraid, you live in your imagination… and will wake up with your hand in the chamberpot… as we Jews say.

So what this means is this: you don’t know where you are going. I don’t know where I am going. I am, at best, taking you to where I have been. And then, if I am lucky, walk with you, trembling with hope and fear… with you.

Recommendation: when you see a website that has a graphic that names the levels: leave. They are lying to you. They are taking you on a ride. They have something to sell you.

Here are a few examples. Click on the pictures to view them full size.




It’s November 10, and the ground is covered with snow where I live. My hands are cold, I am contemplating putting on my typing gloves: gloves that the tip of the finger is cut off so I can type.

I started to keep my house cold in the winter a few years ago, but went all hogs with it last winter: my thermostat is set to 47 degrees (9 degrees Celsius) day and night, and I have a heating pad under my desk and a heating pad on the wall about two meters from my right shoulder on the wall in my office. I also have a heating pad in the bathroom that I turn on when I plan to take a shower.

Why am I doing this? Continue reading “Will you evolve? Is it in the cards for you?”

Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition

Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition

tower-of-babel-pieter-bruegelSummary: some six thousand years ago a mind virus was introduced. It lead to the rise of a strong ruling class and a sheep-like plebs. In this article I introduce the first ever remedy to the mind virus: the Unification Energy.

You see, humans have a strong inner connection to wisdom through connecting to All-Knowledge, but the mind virus severed, blocked the connection between the part of each human that connects and the part that they consider themselves to be… the part that has the mind, the subconscious, the body, and the Ego. The part that will look for nourishment, guidance, leadership, meaning, outside: on the horizontal plane.

Continue reading “Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition”

Talking about freedom doesn’t mean you want freedom

Talking about freedom doesn’t mean you want freedom

getting a firm knowledge foundationPeople go on talking about freedom, but they don’t want freedom, they want irresponsibility

I have spoken about the holes in your education in other articles. I have also spoken about the holes in your health.

Both cause you to cope with life poorly, to have less and less freedom in life.

And interestingly, both came from the desire to have more freedom, aka liberty, and to give our offspring more freedom aka liberty than we had ourselves.

The problem can be summed up in a word: choice.

We think that the more choice we have the freer we are. Continue reading “Talking about freedom doesn’t mean you want freedom”

How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?

How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?

Warning: read the footnotes!

One of my students in my coaching program taught me something today that I could not see before.

Every student of mine has had one or more health consultations with me, where I muscletested their supplementation, their eating style and the foods that work best for their body. 1

They also had to set up their water energizer system.

This particular student had her session a long time ago (in October of last year), but she didn’t make the changes I suggested. She kept emailing me with her doubts: can I trust that these are the foods I can eat? Continue reading “How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?”