David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting

david hawkins muscletesting unreliable David Hawkins Muscletesting Vs. Muscletesting While Connected To Source

I am getting a lot of questions about muscletesting. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.

Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscletesting, the test is not reliable.

For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes later, and the answer would be the opposite. I would say that is not reliable.

When I started to work with Theta Healing, I found the same level of unreliability. Same question, different answers. Bummer.

I observed my chiropractor always come up with the same remedy to recommend: the one he got the most commission on. hm.

Then when I really connected to Source, the situation changed. Now I have complete certainty… except certain areas, the future, and other spying-like inquiries are not permitted me to access.
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