The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle and soul correction

heaven on earth energy remedyThe Heaven on Earth energy bundle and your soul correction

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains all 38 Bach Flower Energies, the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies.

As I said it in other articles, the 38 Bach Flower Remedies correspond with strong feelings.

what are feelings? Feelings are the reaction to a thought, a meaning.

Isn’t it the other way around, Sophie? Well, yes and no. It is more like a snake that bites its own tail.

You see/experience something. It’s always a trigger. Your reptilian brain searches in its memory banks and spits out a meaning: this is a threat of this kind… and then you feel the feeling. Then the feeling becomes the new trigger. The reptilian brain does a database search again, and gives you a new coping “response” with will be a new feeling or a new action. Those again become triggers… and you can see the merry go round, can’t you.

So, what do the Bach Flower Energies do?

They interrupt this snake biting its tail mechanism: something happens, the feeling comes up and the energy neutralizes it.

Can it neutralize it before it comes up? After all who wants to have 38 different fears come up one time or another?
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Addiction: Could This Healing Modality Free You From Your Prison? Bring about Heaven on Earth?

addiction and Heaven on Earth energy bundle: see where they overlap Addiction: Could This Modality Free You From Your Prison?

I just re-read an article I wrote back in November. A lot has happened since, and with the development of the Bach Flower Energies, (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) and the Heaven on Earth energy bundle, I can now say: there is help for addicts.

What keeps the addiction in place is the “no alternative” and the bad feelings in absence of the pleasure trigger, the thing one is addicted to.
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You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t…

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t…

I woke up this morning because I didn't die the night before. I need coffee to face the day You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

There is a core group of people that come to every class, every meditation, read most of what I write.

You would expect them to rise steadily on the vibrational scale, wouldn’t you? I did.

To my dismay they aren’t. Why not? They are doing the work, right? You say. Maybe even they say that.

No. They don’t. They may pretend to do the work, but the work they do, is not the work to do.

Let me explain: The work to do is to restore the Original Design in your own life, and live it.
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When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?

When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?

timing is everything How things work: when should you get the Unconditional Love Activator and why?

When you first get your Unconditional Love Activator, the results will vary.

Why is that? Why isn’t an activator doing the same thing for everybody?

The answer is not as simple as you would like it to be.
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True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales of the past and what is so unless ego got the best of me… lol

As I am doing my empath training, both in the Sunday afternoon empath training classes, and in my private sessions with my friend Matsa, I am finding out that not all empaths are created equal.

At least not in the arena of the empath curse/blessing.

I once saw, ok, I admit, twice, lol, a movie where a father could touch someone and could see the mortal sin the touched person had committed. I was fascinated. One of the sons of that father was the same way.
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From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

This is a student’s email to me.

“I’ve been reading your emails and doing the Unconditional Love Activator and taken the Bach Flower Remedy and I have felt things that I haven’t felt in a while, such as getting angry, wishing others wouldn’t win, etc.
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Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.

Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.

oscillating structure by robert fritz: brilliant distinctionAgrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief. Are You Willing To Change? Do You Have a Big Enough Why? LOL… not funny

I’ve been diligently working on my assignment: connecting Humanity to Source and vice versa.

Humanity is learning about Source, and Source is learning about Humanity.

One thing Source learned yesterday is that Humanity, as a whole, is unwilling to change.
Continue reading “Agrimony: the perils of unexpressed grief.”

How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?

How Do You Become what Source Meant You To Be?

become the best you you can beHow Do You Become The Human Being Source Meant You To Be? How Do You Start Your Soul Correction?

This article explores the different aspects of Humans, the personality,  what methods will work to make a Human a Human Being,  what methods will kill you and what methods will destroy the planet?

Many of you are asking for your soul’s purpose, or in essence, your soul correction.
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What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

My horoscope for this week, and what did I do with it? Let me ask you: what do you do with your horoscope?

It’s Wednesday, and I headed off to Free Will Astrology for my weekly horoscope.

Virgo Horoscope for week of January 19, 2012

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Three famous actresses formed the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League last year. Rachel Wiesz, Kate Winslet, and Emma Thompson say they believe people should be happy with the physical appearance that nature gave them.
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The state of the planet: January 2012

The state of the planet: January 2012

Report on the state of the planet

dark side: grew to 9% in the last month from 1%. Cause: fear, the result of fearmongering

average vibration: 100

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