Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.

Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.
the dream of not being stopped by fearMost purchases stay a dream only, a disappointing one at that… because…

If you are like me, if you understand the title of this article, you are terrified, dismayed, disgusted… Feel cheated, duped, bamboozled… But chances are you have no idea what the title says. You keep buying the stuff and get no results whatsoever. This article may change it for you forever.
Continue reading “Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.”

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

I had a conversation the other day with my core group. They felt to me rudderless, directionless, low on energy… like a floater.

What’s a floater, you ask? A floater is like stork sh!t… floats in the air and occasionally drops on the ground. Storks are known to poop while in the air… their poop dries out and starts its own rise and fall journey with the air stream… no innate motive power. A floater is like that. Continue reading “The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater”

Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?

Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?
anxious,depressed, peacefulInner Peace is elusive. It’s elusive like health.

What do you call peace? The lack of war? What do you call health? Lack of illness?

Imagine that you are walking in a forest, on a footpath on a beautiful summer day. The birds are chirping. There is a slight breeze. There is peace. And you may know that animals are hunting, eating another, and yet there is peace. Continue reading “Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?”

How to avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?

How to avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?
take-back your powerHow do you avoid feeling like a victim and take responsibility when clearly something was done to you?

Summary: Lifesaving method of taking back your power from anything or anyone, including yourself. It removes judgment, it removes blame, and returns you to living powerfully

I don’t have a lot of opportunities to practice this, but it is clearly needed. When I teach responsibility from the height of ‘I got this handled’ no one seems to be getting it.

So here is my opportunity to teach it from the trenches, as I am going through the struggle myself.

Here is what happened:
Continue reading “How to avoid feeling like a victim though it feels true?”

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

lily-tomlin-actress-quote-reality-is-nothing-but-a-collective-hunchMy article Energies Part 4: Designer Energies has been read by many people, and everyone I have spoken with, has, so far, misunderstood it. It matches not reality, but what they think of as reality

Why? Because the article touches on the most fundamental worldview through which you perceive everything: Through your personal reality.

You can’t see it, you can’t verbalize it, you don’t believe when someone calls it your worldview: it is reality for you, and that’s that.

No matter who it is, what they do for a living, what level of education, what level of vibration they are at: we all have a personal reality. Each vastly different from another’s… Continue reading “Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin”

Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?

Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?

running on empty,depletedI have been looking at the state of your adrenals to decide and see, not so much into your experience… but your experience matters.

Are you running on empty? By the middle of the day, by Thursday you are ready for the bed or the weekend respectively.

The other day, while leading a workshop, one of the students said something, and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed for minutes, it seemed, and could not stop for a long time. I wept more from laughing than most people cry from sadness, lol.

I have been observing myself the past week or so, and my joy of life. My satisfaction level, my experience of being alive has been going down steadily with every passing day. Yesterday I got close to the breaking point. Continue reading “Are you running on empty? Spent? No energy?”

Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy

Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy

manage your attentionRestoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy instead of allowing it to diminish you

Not everything you feel is an emotion.

There are emotions and then there are the effects of emotions. But…

…all emotions can cause incoherence…

Continue reading “Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy”

Can a spiritual capacity turn off ADHD-like symptoms? Procrastination?

I feel and I behave like an injured quarterback without my usual programs at my usual computer.

And the big winter storm is here… so I most likely won’t get the new computer on Thursday… Eh, we’ll just limp along, and it will turn out the way it will turn out… I can handle it.

One of the topics that have come up from students over the past few days is their difficulty to focus.

I say it is ADHD. Now, I am not a doctor, but then again, that’s a good thing. Because as long as you have some medication to take, you don’t pay attention to anything: you let the meds do the work, and you become a slave. Even if the meds work, Actually, especially if the meds work.

I don’t have ADHD. But I do have, from time to time, ADHD symptoms. Continue reading “Can a spiritual capacity turn off ADHD-like symptoms? Procrastination?”

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go

The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… the cane helps you go where you are going.

  • If you are going to a good place… wonderful.
  • If you are going to a bad place… the cane helped you to get there.
Energy remedies, energy healing, spiritual capacities are support. Supporting you to go where you want to go.

Continue reading “The energies, energy remedies are like a cane… help you go”

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…

… if you are willing to look and see what is so about you and your life.

The truth. Naked. Ugly. Often shameful.

Here is a correspondence I had with a client today:

She said: “I’m interested in changing my context since it’s part of what keeps me stuck.”

“… answering the questions: what am I doing? Why am I doing it?

Unless you have done the work of identifying what you have been doing, and why you have been doing it, no way you can shift the context. You cannot catch what you can’t see. And you cannot change what you can’t catch.” Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is available to you, if…”