The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

If I know you well, your relationship to life is mainly through understanding. Which you either have or not.

When you do, you are happy, even though you are just as unsuccessful at living well, being fulfilled as you were before. Continue reading “The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…”

Energized Water: What’s in the bubbles?

Energized Water: What’s in the bubbles?

What’s in the bubbles?

Some users of the Water Energizer audio noticed that bubbles start to appear in the top of the container when the water is almost coherent.

I didn’t notice it in the winter, but even mine had bubbles in the summer.

So I went to hunt for answers: what’s in the bubbles?

One of the current trends is rejuvenation, life extension, staying young longer. It’s not just old people’s, but even young people’s concern.

It could be mine, but I think I am past the point… I just want to stay alive and be able to work, walk, and have fun… too much to ask? lol. Continue reading “Energized Water: What’s in the bubbles?”

Principle guided life… but what principles?

Principle guided life… but what principles?

When I wrote the article about racial, ancestral identity and its importance, I touched on something that is not valuable for most people… because I didn’t go deep enough and I didn’t accurately identify what it takes to be proud of who you are, where you belong.

I got on the phone with one of the people who was very unhappy about that article… I was eager to talk, because it is near impossible to go beyond the visible by yourself. It is a whole lot easier when you get input… because what is invisible to you can be visible for another.

The conversation was fruitful… And the insight to me was: it is not virtues, it is principles that form the basis of a happy life… I will elaborate…
Continue reading “Principle guided life… but what principles?”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

Are you stingy or you are in survival with barely enough energy to DO your life?

You are stingy with others… You don’t have energy to be kind, caring, supportive… Or if you do, maybe your family and friends are not kind or supportive to you… Here is the why…

To be kind, etc… you need an abundance of surplus energy. If your body is in survival mode, the first things that NEED to go are the nice things for others… then for yourself. Some dogooders reverse the order…

People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don’t find myself saying, “Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner.” I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds. ~ Carl R. Rogers

That, being wonderful as a sunset, includes yourself, but…

You may be able to imagine yourself looking at others this way… but looking at yourself as perfect, wonderful, and no need to change?

Rarely if ever…

Occasionally I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and I like what I see. Occasionally. One minute out of thousands a week.

So why are we unable to even imagine that we are like the sunset… or the sunrise: my favorite. Continue reading “Are you stingy or you are in survival with barely enough energy to DO your life?”

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?

I am watching you… lol. Not like Big Brother, more like I learn from you what you need. Where you are defeating your best intentions, where you leak energy, where you get it wrong.

Some articles don’t make any noise: there is no one to hear them. My last article was like that. A tree that falls in a forest… doesn’t make any noise, even though it fell… Why? Because no one heard it.

Because you are here (I hope at least some of you) to get help in attaining to the good life, You want me to watch you… it is for your benefit.

I was just telling one of my students the biggest missing he has: The principle that

everything you ever wanted comes to you through other people

or as Wallace D. Wattles says in The Science of Getting Rich: the gold coins won’t roll out and to you, they will be in the hands of others.
Continue reading “Are you stingy with yourself? Skimping?”

Spiritual Arrogance

Spiritual Arrogance

1-spiritual-arrogance-pict-1Humans have a dual nature, a dual nature that is the enemy of growth, enemy of learning, enemy to the survival of the species…

Arrogance and pride…

Arrogance is duality itself.

  • It says, on one hand: I already know. I know. I am beyond that.
  • On the other hand: OMG, I am so stupid. I make so many mistakes. I better slow down, and not be so sure.

We call the arrogant side “it” in this article. And it talks. And it knows. And it pontificates…

What “it” says it knows? It knows everything. It knows if it is worth it to listen, if it is worth for you to do. It knows if you can. It knows the future, the past, what it all means, what it doesn’t mean, what it’s all about, what is important and what isn’t. Continue reading “Spiritual Arrogance”

If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration

If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration

When you energize your cells, you energize your whole body… including your brain. You get stronger, more resilient, and fare better in life.

The method that is easiest to use is to drink coherent water, water whose vibration is raised to 653… not an easy feat. You have to start with additive-free water that you cannot find in nature… so you have to find water that you can filter down to energizable level.

Filters are factory made, and are made with chemicals… so they may add chemicals to your filtered water rendering it not energizable. I have found only one company’s filters that both filter and are not leaking too much chemicals into the filtered water… DuPont’s whole house filters.

But put two of DuPont’s debris filters… and suddenly the water won’t energize: too much chemicals…

In addition to the trouble with making your tap water energizable, there are a host of other hurdles you need to overcome… 1

The process, after your base water is energizable, is to wrap your container with headphones playing the energizer audio… or alternatively use a high quality mini speaker in small closed place, like a refrigerator, with walls that don’t absorb the energy, but reflect it.

Using just the Energizer Audio is a relatively slow method of energizing your water.

There is a saying: watched pot never boils…

It’s an idiom, but there is a lot of truth in it.

When you watch the pot waiting for the water in it to boil, you don’t have a lid on it, do you?

If and when you put the lid on, suddenly the water starts to boil. Continue reading “If you are looking for a fast way to raise your vibration”

Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology

Since it got really cold in Syracuse, NY, I have been having a difficult time maintaining a high level of cell hydration. Why? I keep my apartment cold, 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit, 10-11 degrees Celsius and I get sore throat from drinking cold water.

By last night I was running on empty. I had a hard time concentrating, I had a hard time having a good time. I had cravings… not food… mental craving. I had cravings for stories.

Last night I had wild and slightly violent dreams, and felt no desire to do any work this morning. I got up at 3 am.

So for the past three and a half hours I have been watching youtube videos… Continue reading “Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology”

A life you love. Built at any age… with some simple rules

house of cards. the bottom card is the linchpinIn search of quick transformation…

This is a long article, first showing what doesn’t work, why, and then it takes you to what does…

One of the things about humans is arrogance.

Arrogance is not what you think it is… arrogance is really an attitude where you assume superiority where you have none…

Which is, in an ordered universe… EVERYWHERE. Continue reading “A life you love. Built at any age… with some simple rules”