Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

remembering all-of-itIn this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do.

  1. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony.

    If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or in water, all of them are elimination type energies. None of them give you anything that’s not already there.

    What is between you and between being in harmony with All-of-it is man-made

    Continue reading “Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies”

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Do you or your teachers have theory induced blindness? the world is still flat as far as human behavior is concerned…

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a faucet assembly? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

Continue reading “How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?”

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional
We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?

Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?
the-worst-sinCaring… it is available only at the 540 level of consciousness.

One of my students bought the subscriber special deal last night. but after paying, she didn’t go and get it, so I had to do it manually for her.

She said when I brought this up: “My daughter was talking my ear off. Lol.”

I bet if you asked the daughter if she cares for her mother, she would be offended by the question. Of course she thinks she cares. But allowing her mother the peace and quiet to complete her purchase isn’t included in her concept of caring…
Continue reading “Why it is so hard to care, to be good to yourself?”

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others
Energy Healing

The Big Bundle is what I use to heal 90% of the time. Another energy is the Heaven on Earth (bundle) and the Source Light Energy.

We all hear and read about energy healing. And we hope they work… But most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing. Why? Continue reading “My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others”

Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?

Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?
Your current core identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?

I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is ‘worthless piece of junk = unwanted’. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to ‘nothing’ than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. ‘I am nothing’, does it communicate? It doesn’t seem to have the same emotional impact on me…

From time to time I notice it ‘informing my mood, informing my actions.’

Continue reading “Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?”

What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…

What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…

energy-to-heal-yourselfI think it was Hippocrates who said: ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

He didn’t know that what we call food in the 21st Century isn’t food. That there are more chemicals in what we call food than in actual medications. Continue reading “What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…”

One model for a satisfying life is the battery.

One model for a satisfying life is the battery.

cell-battery-rundownIf you suck the last little bit of energy out of your battery and then charge it, next day it will give you a little more…

This is not true for all types of batteries… but, it is true for most people…

If you suck the energy out of the battery sparingly, if you are more worried about the battery than about building something with its energy… at the end of the day energy is left in the battery. Continue reading “One model for a satisfying life is the battery.”

What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

There is a myth that there are people who are no-person outside of their function… doormen, drivers, conductors, ticket collectors, guards, secretaries…

But it is an illusion.

Just because you talk to someone you don’t consider them a person necessarily. According to my muscletesting, most people, most of the time, don’t consider anyone a person.

So how do you know if you are treating someone as a person or if you are treating them as a thing? And if you are treating them as a thing: what is ‘wrong’ with it?

It’s a theory, but muscletest says it’s true: when you treat someone as a thing, you become a thing. A thing only cares about itself, only worries about itself, is only concerned with its self-interest… to be safe, to win, to be right.

The more you treat anyone as a thing, the more you are like that… not very personlike. Continue reading “What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?”

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.

  1. sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
  2. the climber

Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.

Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.
Continue reading “Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality”