Foresight is available only to sentient beings

Foresight is available only to sentient beings

Foresight is available only to sentient beings.

Nature, the Universe, don’t have foresight, don’t predict, don’t care, don’t make things wrong, don’t have regrets, and… gasp, evolution is NOT the survival of the fittest, it is the survival of the lucky. I’ll talk about this last one in another article, when the thought will be fully developed.

For now, I am interested in foresight and divination… this is the subject of this article.
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How do you pick a life philosophy, how do you pick a guru?

How do you pick a life philosophy, how do you pick a guru?

Tons of people come to my site to read my valuation of many gurus’ vibration. When they are done, they choose… How they choose, what they choose says everything about them, not about the guru, not about the method, not about the modality… but about them.

It tells ME what life-philosophy they subscribe to, by what ideology they live their lives. And also how happy they are…

Some ideologies are life affirming, others aren’t.

I spent some time today looking at certain things through this new concept: the fixed mindset.
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I looked what is more important to me than life itself…

I looked what is more important to me than life itself…

8ca346c61dd1530c4a485f63b8883ed3Why do I write? Who do I write for? What is important to me? These are the questions that are occupying my thoughts…

I just finished reading 1984, Orwell’s novel. I am not an American, so I never even heard about it until about 1984… In Hungary it is not a recommended reading. Continue reading “I looked what is more important to me than life itself…”

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious awareness, this is the expression I have learned, so far, from reading the Anastasia books, The Ringing Cedars of Russia series.

It sounds like a puny takeaway, but it is major in its implications.

It has raised MY conscious awareness of what and how I am teaching.

You know, from time to time you can’t see the forest for the trees. I can’t… lol

On my webinar calls, I teach you to step back, I teach you to find your Tangerine Spot, I teach you to lift it with your attention…

Let me stop here, because there is enough to say about those three distinctions that have left students at my mercy.
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What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of YOUR life? Holding your crap together anchors you to your crap

what is the meaning of your life?What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of YOUR life?

I have been having recurring dreams for about two months now. Disturbing dreams, involved, frightening, confusing, entertaining dreams. All around the same futuristic theme: time travel: going back and changing stuff so the outcome is different. Each time the effort backfired in the dream. Until last night I went back far enough that I touched the moment where it all went wrong…
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What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

My horoscope for this week, and what did I do with it? Let me ask you: what do you do with your horoscope?

It’s Wednesday, and I headed off to Free Will Astrology for my weekly horoscope.

Virgo Horoscope for week of January 19, 2012

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Three famous actresses formed the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League last year. Rachel Wiesz, Kate Winslet, and Emma Thompson say they believe people should be happy with the physical appearance that nature gave them.
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