How to get out of the trap seeing yourself as a victim?

quarterdoubleheadI once had a boy friend who refused to have sex with me when I wanted it, saying that I was using him. When he wanted… that was OK.

This article is a little sloppy, stream of consciousness… let me know if it is too sloppy… please.

I just had an interesting conversation with one of my students.

I have been suspicious as to why she was less than enthusiastic in her course work for the 67 steps coaching.

So I asked, this morning:

…answer one question: why are you in this program? What would you like to get out of it?

In terms of the good life…

I don’t mean to say that you are wrong, I mean to say that without being somewhat clear on what you want, you will only…

Fair question, right? You need to know why you are doing something if you want to do it well.

This was her answer:
Continue reading “How to get out of the trap seeing yourself as a victim?”

Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?

desire to receive for the self alone is the only evil there isI am reading Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene. The genes that use humans as vehicles, and are only interested in procreation, and not in the life experience of the vehicle.

But, as I have said before, there are 160 intangible capacities, mostly dormant, in the human DNA. The ones that we are going to look at in this article are the capacities (genes) of generosity (altruism) and trust.

Trust and generosity seem to be at odds with the selfishness of the genes… but they don’t have to be.

The crucial decider… is that a word?, is whether the gene of envy is turned on, or not.

Envy is at odds with trust and generosity, because envy means: desire to receive for the self alone… i.e. wanting the other to lose more than wanting to win. Considering the other losing as a win for you. Considering the other’s misfortune, suffering, pain, as a win for you.

According to Kabbalah, that is the only evil there is. I see it clearly.
Continue reading “Can you be selfish and generous at the same time?”

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed

Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed defined… can you manifest with what you have?

OK… this is the continuation of the WWII article…

In that I talk about Hitler and look at what was the issue that caused him losing the war in Russia… So I am repeating what I said there… Continue reading “Life skills, capacity, talent, desire, ambition, greed”

Did you have a long holiday? lot of time with family?

Did you have a long holiday? lot of time with family?
Some capacities, especially the ones that are your main soul correction capacities, are hard to keep on.

What does Source have to say about that?

There are different reasons.

Reason #1: You need more capacities turned on before you can tackle the “big one”.

Any capacity dealing with your Dark Side has huge support from the Dark Side, namely the Opponent. Continue reading “Did you have a long holiday? lot of time with family?”

DNA capacity: Deserving… Being Deserving…

bing deservingSome 12 years ago I was in a training program to lead introductory seminars… in essence sell a program in live 3-hour seminars.

The woman who trained us had a steady 80% effectiveness, meaning out of every 10 people, 8 shelled out $500 dollars to do a 3-day course.

The average number for the hundreds of introduction leaders in the world was about 20%… two out of ten attendees.

When we asked what was her secret, she said: I have an attitude: “Of course they register”.

Now, depending on where you are on the deserving scale, this probably sounds to you entitled, arrogant, or stupid wishful thinking.

Even then I knew she was onto something. I felt it. I felt that she was deserving of spending her time effectively with people who hear her. And I felt that she included every single person in that being deserving… the attendees of her introductions, and myself.
Continue reading “DNA capacity: Deserving… Being Deserving…”

The quality of your life, whether you grow or not, will depend on…

size-project-size-life2The quality of your life, whether you grow or not will depend on the quality of the projects you work on… not plan, not dream about, but work on.

“If you want to live a middle-class life, solve a middle-class problem. If you want to live a world-class life, solve a world-class problem.” -Steve Siebold, CSP

In terms of what we do here, middle class in the quote means low vibration… world-class means expanding.

When you look at your life, you can tell (unless you are lying to yourself) what kind of projects you are working on.

You use your life for your projects… and if your biggest project is shopping and cooking for Thanksgiving… well, that is the size of your life.

Your projects are either about you, or about something bigger than you.
Continue reading “The quality of your life, whether you grow or not, will depend on…”

DNA capacities… how many should you get activated?

will you fall or will you fly?This question is coming up with increasing frequency.

You should ONLY activate a capacity if and when you need it, when you have a use for it, and it’s missing. Otherwise you won’t know what to do with it, and won’t use it.

Ego will declare it a ballast… and turn it off.

What is the most important ingredient that you need to grow and need new capacities turned on?

It’s ambition.

Ambition is an inner force that propels you towards growth, upwards, onwards. It only has direction, and not a goal. If you have a goal, it is not ambition, it is desire… aka greed. All ego. Wanting to have.
Continue reading “DNA capacities… how many should you get activated?”

I got a nasty attachment this morning… nice people… appreciation capacity

the unwashed hands... the origin of most of our attachments that are killing usI see the so-called distance healers the same as the people who use coat hangers to perform an abortion. They may kill the child, they may kill both.

They pretend to be on your side, but really they are all about “desire to receive for the self alone”.

Distance healers leave their “channel” in you… like coat hanger abortioners leave the dirt and pathogens in you. And then you are on your own… suddenly not well. Suddenly carrying the proof of their guilt.

I was directly attacked by a “distance healer” today. They aimed at my tangerine spot but they don’t know where it is, so they missed it by about an inch. I pulled the attachment right away, but the skull where the attachment hit is now sore. Very sore.

Nice people.
Continue reading “I got a nasty attachment this morning… nice people… appreciation capacity”

Is the “law” of attraction a useful tool to get what you want?

law of attraction people low vibrationPeople mostly want money. And almost as many people want love. It is all desire to receive for the self alone. Greed.

You want what you want and how you want it on the vibrational level where you are.

Vibrational level, roughly, means: how many and which capacities of the 160 DNA capacities you use in your life.

Most people who are interested in the law of attraction racket are people who have 10-20 capacities of the 160 activated, but only use 10 of those 20.

That should tell you something: you live in a tiny box, self-imposed, and hope in a miracle. Read articles on the law of attraction hoping that you’ll be able to manipulate your mood to attract what you want…

Not going to work…

You are lazy, cowardly, with an avoiding nature. You know little, mostly things not worth knowing. You are not often willing to do anything new, and then you do it poorly.
Continue reading “Is the “law” of attraction a useful tool to get what you want?”

What is human nature and what is human being nature?

What is human nature and what is human being nature?

This article may not be to your liking… Be forewarned…

What is human nature?

Counter to new-age bs, counter to positive thinking, etc. human nature, at this point, is to desire everything ONLY for themselves. Or shall I talk to you? Only for yourself. Sharing is not a capacity that is compatible with today’s human nature.

Why? Because human nature is all about survival.

The fastest way to break up a family is to die… and then the people who inherit from you will fight and hate each other.

My two brothers did that over an old rare book… both wanted it. They haven’t warmed up to each other since… this was in 1995.

It is so in sex, it is so in business, it is so everywhere.
Continue reading “What is human nature and what is human being nature?”