The difference between knowing and transformation

The difference between knowing and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation. Continue reading “The difference between knowing and transformation”

What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?

What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

  • You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
  • You shouldn’t have to pay attention
  • You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone past that stage… stingy was nice compared to… wait for it…

Circuitry: blocking even the chance of thinking about any energy going to the other… Block the flow…

Continue reading “What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?”

DNA Activation: You want to be special but you don’t want to do anything for it… not really.

mental states illustration... making energy visibleI was researching this whole Third Eye humbug on the internet.

Of all the “supernatural” abilities people want, this seems to take the prize!

People want to be special, want to stand out, want to amaze people, but they don’t want to pay the price. Please check if you are part of “people”. My hunch is that if you tell the truth, you’ll find that you are.

Now, what is wrong with this picture?

It violates fundamental spiritual laws.

What are spiritual laws? Why are they spiritual?

Spiritual laws are the laws of the invisible. Energy, for example. Energy is invisible. It can be made visible, 1 but what you see is not the energy itself, you see its effects… Or you feel it… or you hear it… the effect, not the cause.
Continue reading “DNA Activation: You want to be special but you don’t want to do anything for it… not really.”

You are hardwired to be bad and pretend to be good or better than others

make me be the person my dog sees when he looks at meUntil you can look inside at your ugliness, at your emptiness, at your hatefulness, spitefulness, gossipy judgmental behavior, and see it for what it is, you will NEVER raise your vibration.

But you have an issue: that ugliness is hardwired into humans. Continue reading “You are hardwired to be bad and pretend to be good or better than others”

Can you become an empath? And why would it be good?

I am a lot like a pitbull… I latch onto something and won’t let go until I pull it all the way out of the invisible, until all of it shows.

I just pushed the button “publish” on my article asking if you are teachable.

I had left two questions unanswered in that article: one about me learning how to connect by muting a video… and the other one: my ex student learning to connect, from me… but nothing else.

  • I am an empath. Nothing new in that.
  • The ex student is also an empath. Not a TRUE empath, like me. TRUE empaths, I think, are born. But empathy can be opened up: it is a spiritual capacity. And intangible capacity. NOT superhuman.

Continue reading “Can you become an empath? And why would it be good?”

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners

I am on my eighth round of the 67 steps.

Obviously I am following what I learned when I was nine: you can spend a whole vacation reading a book, a lifetime listening and working with 67 audios and not get bored with it.

Or the way Bruce Lee says the same thing: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

I have grown more in these 19 months than in any similar period in my life.


Most people I watch are not present to what they are doing: it is habitual, which means mindless, stuck, plateaued. Continue reading “Is consistency THE winning capacity? The habit of winners”

Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said

Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said
How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keep You Trapped In A Dead End Loop Of Activity?

I’ve told you about me, finally, awakening that there is a mosquito invasion in every window of my duplex.

So I’ve researched for ways to get rid of the mosquitoes that doesn’t involve chemicals, doesn’t involve flame throwers, and expensive carbon monoxide machines.

One recipe called for brown sugar. I have never bought brown sugar, and I didn’t feel good buying a pound of brown sugar for the mosquitoes… but I remembered that I had some black-strap molasses in my kitchen cabinets. After all brown sugar is not perfectly cleaned sugar… mostly they just mix the white sugar with some molasses… I can do that.

The mosquitoes love the molasses. They buzz above them, and then they go too close and the sticky gooey molasses trap them. They move around but can’t get out.

This reminds me that we could talk about the morass: the mind’s way to keep you trapped in useless servitude so you can’t move forward.

Sound useful? Then let’s get to it.

Ways the morass traps you

Continue reading “Ways Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Said”

Awareness or joyless blame…

Awareness or joyless blame…

don't hang your happiness of what can be taken awayAwareness

I don’t miss much. It’s normal for me.

I think one of the big lessons I needed to learn, needed to get aware of, is that your world is different.

It’s been a lifetime challenge. No matter how resistant the world, people, have been to my ideas, until I could identify, with pinpoint precision, what was there that I didn’t have, or what was it that I had that they didn’t have, and therefore didn’t value, I remained ineffective, misunderstood, and not valued.

Everywhere, on every level of communication.
Continue reading “Awareness or joyless blame…”

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Building Bridges

Update 4/4/17: New insight: Building Bridges (BB) is quite slothful by nature… I am changing the picture to an actual bridge… because it is a more apt illustration: you want to get to the other side, and you need to do a ton of work to get there… and you have no skills… but to build skills you also have to build a bridge between the thought and the action that builds skills… So most Building Bridges never actually do anything. The only BB I have ever seen do something is a guy who has undertook reading… and following that method, he is now adding skills to his toolbox. He may amount to much.

So what is the trick?

I recommended that he starts reading not worrying if he understands, or if he enjoys it. He trusted me and started to read that way. After a while comprehension imperceptibly grew, and now he enjoys reading.

Once a BB experiences how learning a skill works, they grow wings.

It takes a lot of skills to build a bridge, but each bridge is the same: you have to start with no visible results plus faith. Faith that the investment will work out, even though they can’t see it.

Without this a BB will just live randomly, thrown about like a dry leaf, never amounting to anything.

Continue reading “Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated”

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

struggling to make ends meetMarch is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) spending habits…

For people, the reason they don’t have money to spend in January, February and March, I think, begins by overspending in December. Then they scramble through January, February and March to make up for the Christmas indulgence.

Most people live hand to mouth, YOLO (you only live once), Epicurian… Continue reading “Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?”