Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

Originally posted 2011-10-29 19:35:15.

from the limited perspective of the human mind Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

In this article I’d like to share about one benefit that you see when you connect, and you connect regularly.

In the 6,000 years that we’ve been voluntarily disconnected from our Source, we have been limited to the vantage point being ground-bound, physical existence-bound, mind-bound, past-bound.

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Soul Correction: Sharing The Flame, The Light

Soul Correction: Sharing The Flame, The Light
soul correction: sharing the lightSoul Correction: Sharing the light. (23)

A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit.

When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are doing no one a service, including yourself.

Your job is to share your light, and trust that your single light will light up the life of all you touch.

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