What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?

First things first: who is an entrepreneur?

The most important characteristic of an entrepreneur is the fact that they take on something. Voluntarily. Mostly to take something from A to B, from state A to state B… because they say B is better.

So Edmund, the Count of Monte Christo was an entrepreneur, if I remember the story I read when I was around 10. He dug himself out of a prison on an island. He gets and find some hidden treasure, and avenges the wrongs done to him. Continue reading “What irks me most about entrepreneur wannabes today? Or, by the same token, guru wannabes?”

Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?

Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?

I looked at the current numbers of the epidemic in New York and in my city this morning.

I caught a glimpse that the websites now offer ‘mental health’ advice on how to cope. Continue reading “Too scared to get out of your rut? to even try?”

The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace

The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace

Some have it better than others. You knew that, right? But you didn’t know is why.

And no, it is not all in the genes. And no, it doesn’t all boil down to money or means. Or education, or opportunities.

No, the biggest unfair advantage is… whether you were allowed to play or not.

The difference between play and playful?

One of my students writes: Continue reading “The unfair advantage: your birthdate and birthplace”

Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility

Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility

This is from the book “The Life you were born to live” a book you can get for next to nothing…

As much as I struggle with reading so much English, perfect sentences, I recognize that I am probably the minority and people like reading stuff like that. I teach this law, I don’t call it law, and it is about five sentences when I teach it.

So maybe using other people’s words will make me a more effective teacher, and will be able to get through to you.

This law, the law of flexibility, is a combination of several distinctions:

  1. you only have power when you are present.
  2. you cannot be present if and when you resist anything
  3. you can embrace that which wants to enslave you, and when you actually embrace it, you have all the power to take it anywhere (you can see it in marshal arts, or any fighting… by the way)
  4. context is decisive. Create an empowering context and life will flow without any resistance.
  5. happiness is accepting what is.

So, here you had my five sentences, and here are the many sentences of Dan Millman in the book “The life you were born to live”. Now you see why I don’t publish books… most books waste people’s life.

The Law of Flexibility

Continue reading “Here is another spiritual law, the Law of Flexibility”

Everything you do says one of three things about you

Everything you do says one of three things about you

OK… I know the picture is misleading… this article is not about food… Honest!

I know, I know, the title of this article is terrifying. we are all afraid to be found out, or to find out that what we are doing, how we live is somehow wrong, wrong, wrong.

Or alternatively we arrogantly think that we can do no wrong, that we are always right, and the whole world should come and adore us…

Both are very low vibration… The reality is that nothing is wrong in reality… and yet. Continue reading “Everything you do says one of three things about you”

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What do your emotions and behavior hide?

Your behaviors, your feelings and emotions are the tip of the iceberg, hiding the below water part, your attitudes. Your attitude to anything…

Here is the exercise: Close your eyes and imagine a bowl of cherries in front of you. It’s all for you. No competition. Or a box of chocolates if that fits you better.

How do you eat your cherries?

You reach out and take a cherry, or whatever you have in front of you.

  • Did you take the largest, most ripe cherry? The best of all the chocolates?
  • Did you take the puny little cherry first? The kind of chocolate you don’t really like?
  • Did you just take any of the cherries, without looking if it is big, plump, or puny?

The underlying attitude shows clearly on your behavior.
Continue reading “What a one minute exercise reveals about you?”

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence
You either live in a context you create, or you live in a context that is given to you.

The more you live in a context created by you the more you have a Self.

It can even be said: Self is a context… or maybe it is the sum total of the contexts you live in, you live through.

The reason my own numbers are consistent is because I live my whole life, public, private, unconscious, even my dreams, out of a consistent sets of contexts: gratitude, appreciation, expanding, service, joy, curiosity, flying the spirit, etc. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence”

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

The quote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” points to a very important capacity: the capacity of TLB.

TLB is your twitchy little bastard score. Twitchy shows to what degree you are able (and willing) to bring your beingness, your actions, your reactions under your own control. Whether you’ll flinch, twitch, argue, attack, defend yourself, justify, explain, talk talk talk… or not.

It is, ultimately a function of intelligence. How?

Your reaction is literally the result of you not being able to hold two opposing ideas.

It means that you are stuck on the lowest rang of values, the systemic values, it is either this or that, it is either me or you, it is either I am a victim or I am the victor.

Ultimately it’s a maturing process… but growing in years doesn’t necessarily mean you have grown in wisdom. Continue reading “Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function”

Ad speak… what are you hiding? What is ad-speak?

Ad speak… what are you hiding? What is ad-speak?

Ad speak… what are you hiding?

If you want to get the context of this article fully, read my comment exchange with Kathryn.

Kathryn has been an on and off student for quite some time.

She alternates between loving me, and hating me. Normal, right? Then she puts it all on loud speaker for all to hear.

Not for a second is she aware that she is broadcasting her view, not the truth. Continue reading “Ad speak… what are you hiding? What is ad-speak?”