The 1,000 years of peace start tomorrow

the tangerine method of connecting to source It’s tomorrow

I spent yesterday researching on the internet.

This is what I found: humanity disconnected from its PowerSource 6,000 years ago.
A total of 7,000 people connected to Source, regardless. In 6,000 years.
None of them ever attempted to teach others to do the same.
Why? They didn’t know how they did it…
The 1,000 years of peace and prosperity start with this “reconnection.”

Continue reading “The 1,000 years of peace start tomorrow”

Enough Equals Whatever It Takes. Done The Right Way.

Enough Equals Whatever It Takes. Done The Right Way.

if you can catch a fly with chopsticks you can do anything Enough Equals Whatever It Takes. Of The Right Thing. Done The Right Way.

Whatever you would like to attain in life, happiness, satisfaction, contentment, connection, riches, good health, great relationship: they all depend on “enough.” Continue reading “Enough Equals Whatever It Takes. Done The Right Way.”

From My Correspondence: Amy, Christie Marie Sheldon, The Healing Codes, Flashing Lights

Hello Sophie- I’ve been reading your post about raising your vibration- but how do you activate original self? You got me curious now!

Continue reading “From My Correspondence: Amy, Christie Marie Sheldon, The Healing Codes, Flashing Lights”

Are You Jinxing Your Success? Part 2

jump in and swim In Part 1 I introduced the issue: You want something, you have a little bit of success, you share it with people, and all the success disappears.

I have done a seminar, called “Money, from concern to freedom” three times, maybe more. Every session there is a homework, and at the beginning of each session people stand up to share. They share all the unexpected money that came to their life in the previous week.

But when you tally up where people started, and where they are at session 10, the numbers don’t lie: people don’t make more money, and that is what happened. All that sharing, no lasting results.

Continue reading “Are You Jinxing Your Success? Part 2”

What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?

life script What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?

This is a tricky question, so don’t just shoot from the hip and leave (like you always do)… let me show you something that you probably didn’t know.

I have been perturbed, I mean really bothered by the fact, that although everyone got the same activator download, the results are so different.

Some people thrive, soar, produce unpredictable and unprecedented results.

Some people didn’t see any changes.

Continue reading “What Is More Important: Who You Are Or Your Reaction To Who You Say You Are?”

How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?

tree of life, tree of knowledge

How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge?

Great question, isn’t it?

This question came up, pushed itself on my mind, while I was watching the Quickening movie.

After all the movie is inspired, its truth factor is almost 70%. What is my problem. Oh you again, making trouble?

OK, it’s me again, and I am making trouble again.

Let us look at the Hopis first: Is the hopi myth Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge?

Continue reading “How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?”

Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two

powerless like a dry leave in the wind In this article I am going to teach you what it is going to take to take you through Phase Two of the Planetary Ascension. I am going to show you what will be the pivotal points to take you from where you are, to where you desire to be. It’s going to be new, so fasten your seat belts, please.

The first thing we’ll need to talk about, how come that the Original Design activation doesn’t include everything that you need to have all your desires fulfilled. It would be fair, wouldn’t it?

Unfortunately the Original Design is not dealing with your individuality.

What do I mean by that?

As you were born (and even before that) you gathered a lot of experiences that you dealt with, however you dealt with it.

The bad news is, for the most part, and most of you, dealt with the experiences that life offered you in a poor way.

Continue reading “Powerful, Powerless, Linchpin, Cornerstone, Your Reactive Mind, Phase Two”

Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life

Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life

One of the new capacities this first phase activation will give you is the capacity to bilocate.

Does bilocation mean that your body and full consciousness will be at two places? No.

Here is what it means:

In your visualizations (necessary for any kind of manifestation, in psycho-cybernetics’ theater of your mind exercises, in every communication with Source) you will be able to push your energy to a different place than where you are, animate it, and be able to view it through your regular eyes and consciousness. Continue reading “Second Phase: How Bilocation Saved My Life”

Case Study: Vik Day 8-16

Case Study: Vik Day 8-16

[8/1/2011 11:48:42 AM] Vik: hi
[8/1/2011 11:50:16 AM] Sophie Maven: no report today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:27 AM] Vik: will send it in sometime
[8/1/2011 11:50:30 AM] Vik: how am i progressing
[8/1/2011 11:50:39 AM] Sophie Maven: how was work today?
[8/1/2011 11:50:48 AM] Vik: work was good
[8/1/2011 11:50:55 AM] Sophie Maven: I expected that
[8/1/2011 11:51:03 AM] Vik: but towards the evening i felt lethargic
[8/1/2011 11:51:07 AM] Vik: and energies scattered
[8/1/2011 11:51:50 AM] Sophie Maven: you are just under 270. It is not a straight line. I am having a very difficult day today… and I am at 795…

Continue reading “Case Study: Vik Day 8-16”