Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?

Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?

Two questions are answered in this article

  1. What can you do to get out of your mind and back to the flow, so you and your life are part of the flow and start feeling like your life is worth living?
  2. Why is Osho’s vibration 300 and mine 990? (this is an interesting question, because I’ve learned from Osho, factually, more than from any other teacher.)

Continue reading “Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?”

More on paradigms and paradigm shifts plus my example on my paradigm regarding money

paradigm-shifter The word paradigm is really nondescript, non-definitive.

It is much like saying that someone is wearing glasses. Some glasses come in different colors, sunglasses, prescription glasses, and then there are glasses that are solid with holes in them, to train the eye to fill in the gaps in information.

If your glasses are colored blue, you won’t be able to see blue after a while. Just like water doesn’t exist for the fish, blue won’t exist for you.

The glasses act as filters. Filters allow certain things to pass through, other things won’t be able to make it through. There, the mind, will fill in the gaps in information,just like with the training glasses.

Now, where is this useful knowledge?

First off, it is useful, in my humble opinion, to understand that you read and hear a lot of useful information, that simply doesn’t reach you.

I have a list of affirmations in front of me. the list is from the weekend, the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

the millionaire mind intensive There were 2,500 people at my Millionaire Mind weekend. The weekend was fun. I hitched a ride with a friend. She didn’t have that much fun.

When we got back, I promptly started on my 90-day workbook: it had simple exercises for each day.

There was another event on an investment club that I returned to New York (I live 275 miles from NY City). I got there an hour early. I decided to hang out and talk to people as they arrived.

I asked every person I had a chance to talk to if they did the exercises. No one I spoke with did.

>In those 30 days I increased my net worth 13,000 dollars. Others had no results.

Why did I act on the information and why didn’t others?

The answer is simple if you look through the lens of paradigms.
Continue reading “More on paradigms and paradigm shifts plus my example on my paradigm regarding money”

Why isn’t your life changing, in spite of all you do

Why isn’t your life changing, in spite of all you do

happening vs occurrence: the importance of witnessing I have written articles about witnessing, but this is a new (to me) aspect of it, and I consider it my duty to share it.

Why? Because of all the people that I know, only a tiny fragment of them has the habit of witnessing.

What is the principle?

Without witnessing nothing happens.

And I might add, nothing intended happens. Nothing new… Now, is this a rule? Is this really a happening phenomenon?

Happening means that even a Martian with no knowledge of human society, could observe it.

No, it is more in the domain of occurring.

Given that your life’s experience (and your actions) are consistent with the occurring world, even if something happened, it would not make much of a difference for you.

What is the occurring world?

Occurring world is an expression that includes that we have no direct relationship with reality since the introduction and subsequent dominance of the mind.

When you look at a flower, you don’t experience the flower, there is a buffer between you and the flower made by words, made by recognition.

Anything that you don’t recognize doesn’t exist in reality for you.

the water... ripples but no Santa Maria occurring The famous example from the movie ‘What the bleep do we know?’ when the first Spanish ships arrived to the coast of what we now call America, the natives could not see them. They saw the ripples in the water, but they could not see ships. They hadn’t seen sails, or anything on the water the size of a Santa Maria.

By the time they realized that people were embarking into row-boats, it was too late to put up a really big defense.

I have arguments with really knowledgeable people about water. The more they ‘know’ the less they can see what’s in front of them as real. People experience the taste change of the Energy Water, but their mind can’t wrap their minds around it, so they need to deny it.

So, Occurring World is what happens plus what your mind says about it. If the mind says nothing, then, as far as you are concerned, nothing happened.

Why would the mind say nothing? Because the mind is a stupid computer. Unless you tell it otherwise, it just recycles old useless information.


My chiropractor friend whose car accident and subsequent treatment impaired his ability to perform his job without pain to his hands. He is a chiropractor, and you would think that he would know better.

His hand and wrist hurts, and I offered to give him distant healing.

I told him to do it at a set time, so he can witness it.

What happens in a healing session like this?

I sit down and connect. I feel his body, his emotions, and I just sit and experience being him.

Then I download the Heaven on Earth, the Energizer, and a few of the stronger Intelligent Energies I like to use in healing.

I closely observe what each download reveals. Each release a layer of resistance, a layer of tension, and in about five minutes I always manage to get to a picture of what is fundamentally off, dislocated, sprained, overstretched, etc.

The cause of the pain is almost never the same place where it hurts: the pain is the effect. Some of the real causes of pain are in his neck, shoulder, elbow, or carpal tunnel.

He hurt his wrist in the car accident, those ‘sources’ are the result of his body trying to protect the injured wrist.

I checked the wrist: there is nothing to protect there. There is a little nick in the bone on the hand… and his wrist protector creates an unnatural environment in which his whole body, his whole being is coming from memory.

No one is there to witness how it is, in the Occurring World what’s happening is meeting the stupid computer’s 6 month old ‘diagnosis.’ The mind’s.

Now, why is this important?

In my work I do what it takes to cause permanent change in people’s lives. I download activators that activate capacities, feelings, inner relationships.

I teach people to connect to Source, to operate as an orchestra directed by the Self instead of being a biological machine at the mercy of the Dark Side and its representative.

I have created energy products that can assist anyone to control their health and emotional well-being with the inevitable fallout: being successful in life, relationships and business.

the santa maria wasn't occurring But there is a caveat: Unless you have the capacity (or the humility) to witness what is happening, it is not happening for you.

Even people who have the capacity have a difficult time to witness.

Why? Because we are undisciplined. Our attention goes where our mind goes, and as I have said, the mind is a stupid reaction machine.

You need to do what you can to take back your control over your attention.

Take it back from other people, take it back from advertising, email, text messages, TV, noise, the weather, news, media, gossip, and the list goes on. It will take some time, but it is possible.

Claim ownership and wield your attention, instead of what’s happening for most people: the tail is wagging the dog.

In my drill calls, at this point 3 times a week, you can start learning the ropes.

The skills you learn on those calls are the foundation for the new type of human: the human that takes control and lives as a magnificent creator: this is what humans were meant to become.

You can participate in the drill calls for free. No obligation to stay in, nothing to buy.

It is my gift to you. My self-serving interest is to create people who when they get an activator, it sticks. When they use my energy products, they start to blossom. When they buy my Effortless Abundance products they become abundant effortlessly.

Our purpose is aligned, that is what you want… right? You spend the money, the time, you want to result.

The missing piece is witnessing. Reliably and powerfully.

Abundance: where do you look to decide if you have it? A revolutionary thought.

Most people look in their mind.

The mind is an organ that is unsuited to answer a question like this.

One of the major moves of the mind is comparison. After all it’s a computer. Is A bigger than B? The mind is perfectly capable of comparing those. What it never does, and therefore YOU mind-person never do, is ask the question: is that a relevant measure? Will the comparison of A and B show me a relevant picture?

If the mind or you asked that question, EVER!, you’d find that most of the questions that the mind asks are irrelevant AND are suggested by the DARK SIDE.

What am I calling Dark Side here? People? Entities? Government?

I am calling Dark Side the phenomenon that was started by a few people. The purpose of the phenomenon is to take you out of the present where you can be in touch with your origin, your magnificence, your creator nature, the Earth, nature, your Self.

Take you out for what? For their own monetary and political aspirations.

I am reading a book and I am fascinated and appalled at the same time.

how the mind is used to hook you and enslave you
It talks about advertising, scientific advertising, as habit-forming and habit-exploiting moves on the masses.

It can create addictions, exploit addictions.

I am in a bind. I have a product, the Heaven on Earth, and I want people to buy more of it. Why? Because it is good for them.

So when I read that book, the part where it talks about how they sold Febreze, an air freshener, I had an insight.

Just like them, I have been doing it all wrong.

Febreze, originally, had no smell. It was a clear odorless liquid that you could spray on anything and it would absorb all kinds of odors into itself, kitchen, grease, smoke, skunk (lol), cat urine, wet dog… you name it.

The product didn’t sell. People didn’t want to fix those smells. Why? Beats me, I guess they were used to it. Considered it a part of life to stink… lol.

When the marketing research people visited the people that got sample bottles of Febreze, it was always in the back of some closet.

The marketeers went back to work. They were desperately looking for cue and reward, what is the basic of hooking someone on something.

Example: Some 40 years ago I was depressed. Nothing special, but I was more depressed than usual. The doctor of the office I worked at prescribed shots for me. I got my first, and the next one was scheduled for 10 am the next morning.
Continue reading “Abundance: where do you look to decide if you have it? A revolutionary thought.”

The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On You

The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On You

new world order You know I am a movie lover: every movie teaches me something it never intended to teach… it was an unconscious motivator of the movie makers… and this is what I want to talk to you about today.

First, before you start thinking about Hollywood movies and other cliches, I am going to talk about foreign movies. That is where you are going to see, clear as the sun, how this insidious and unstoppable (?) “trend” goes towards The New World Order: the uniform slavery of all peoples of the planet under the thumbs of a handful (5) few.

There have been a quite a few movies, Israeli, a German Jewish Movie, a Turkish, and a Hungarian movie.

nowhere in africa... Let’s start with the Israeli movies. Israeli Jewish movies.

Jews have been the scapegoats of society for about 3400 years.

Suddenly, out of the “blue” everyone knew that the Jews are responsible for all the troubles of all peoples. Draught: it must have been the Jews. Epidemic? it’s the Jews fault. Poverty, obviously the Jews had something to do with it.

Anastasia from the Ringing Cedars series says that it was a man-made phenomenon: the priests of Egypt picked the Jews for the “job”.

So, here we are 3400 years later, and the Jews are better at hating themselves than even Hitler hated them.
Continue reading “The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On You”

When Creativity Is Not Flowing or How Did I Unstuck myself?

When Creativity Is Not Flowing or How Did I Unstuck myself?

I haven’t written much, haven’t produced much of anything of creative nature on this site for a few weeks now.

What’s my insight?

I mean, it is becoming obvious that I am in a rut. Continue reading “When Creativity Is Not Flowing or How Did I Unstuck myself?”

Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?

Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?

the dark side who is pulling the strings? I am not sure who the original dark forces are… they have been around for about three thousand years.

They mean business. I mean business for themselves. These are individuals in a close knit clan, dispersed all over the world, spreading mayhem and fishing in troubled waters. Continue reading “Dark Forces: What They Are, How Do They Pull Your Strings?”

The Martyr Syndrome: do you have it?

squeaky wheel or martyr syndrome There is a new insight I have gained from my recent experience on the connection calls.

Some people (maybe all, at one time or another) have a breathtaking, breath blocking, experience, a feeling, or better said a bundle of feelings, that the Heaven on Earth (HOE) can’t eliminate.

I have been wondering what it is. Why is it so recognizable, almost like a signature: I can recognize from the “feeling” the person who has it. Same location in the body, same type of pressure, or sharp pain, or a gnawing sensation. Continue reading “The Martyr Syndrome: do you have it?”

The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?

The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?

the Unbreakable Energy The Unbreakable

Let me start with a little story

In one of the most memorable exercises of all time, the leader asks a person to volunteer. The person needs to be a “certifiable” klutz, aka clumsy person.

Inadvertently the person always turns out to be a woman with a Ph.D.

In the first part of the exercise or demonstration, the leader throws a tennis ball to the volunteer which she either catches by trying too hard, or trying too hard and yet dropping the ball.

Everyone can see that she is a klutz.

After a while the leader says that they are going to play a different game. This time the volunteer doesn’t have to catch the ball. Instead they need to observe the ball and tell the leader which way the ball was spinning. To make the spin more visible, the leader takes out a think marker and blackens the seams of the tennis ball.

The volunteer agrees. The first ball falls on the podium while she is showing with her fingers which way the ball was spinning. The second ball falls on the podium and rolls into the corner. The volunteer walks there, picks it up, and throws it back to the leader.

The third ball is thrown, but the volunteer reaches for it with one hand, throws it back to the leader and with her hands now free, shows the leader which way the ball was spinning.

The fourth ball comes more forcefully. The volunteer reaches out with one hand, catches it, throws it back to the leader, and demonstrates which way the ball was spinning.

The fifth ball comes fast and far, but the volunteer steps in its direction, catches is with one hand and throws it back.

The audience that was holding their breath in this second part of the exercise starts to clap. The volunteer looks and doesn’t understand what is the cause for clapping.

She never realized she caught the ball, there was no sign of clumsiness at all.

What happened? The leader explains that the world shifted from being incompetent in the arena of catching balls into the arena of competence being able to see the spin of the ball.

In the arena of competence everything is approached with competence.

I experienced this exact phenomenon this morning.

For the past 6 weeks me, my websites, and my place have been under siege. I will not go into detail: I’ll just talk about the attack on the Energy Water.

The Energy Water is normal tap water driven through a 2-stage filter. When it comes out of the filter, its vibration varies between 80 and 100 on a scale of 1 to 1000.
Continue reading “The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?”

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?

raise your vibration. it is like a score on the scoreboard Raise your vibration, 19 ways, 22 ways, eat this, do that, breathe this way, visualize that…

The misinformation of what raises your vibration proliferates. It’s a popular topic. People want to feel better. People want to be part of the new humanity. People want to survive 2012.

So what is vibration, for god’s sake? Continue reading “Raise your vibration or are you looking at the scoreboard?”