Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…

I found this article today… I wrote it 18 months ago.

Of course at the time I had no idea that there are spiritual capacities, that they are encoded in the DNA, that they can be turned on, that I can turn them on… none of that.

So the article is a little outdated, and yet… many of the principles apply, they are timeless. Good reading.

One of the typical mistakes I see comes from the “culture” of instant, quick, magic buttons, magic bullets.

The idea that if you can imagine it you can do it.

It’s not true, or it is not that simple.

We all understand that things take time to get up to speed, your car, an airplane, your computer, but we don’t think that the same rule applies to us. We actually really think, really hope, that someone can touch us, a holy man or woman, and we will be healed, and throw away our cane, walker, and run away dancing, laughing, victorious.

This is what the fake gurus (i.e. the associates of the Dark Side) want us to believe.

But why are they selling us a bill of goods if it is not true? The answer is simple: because what they sell matches your desire, that’s why you will buy it.
Continue reading “Updated: How to go from lazy, procrastinating never do well to someone who gets things done? This also applies to raising your vibration…”

Looking at the quote “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” through spiritual capacities

no-problem-can-be-solved-from-the-same-level-of-consciousnessThe quote, “No problem can be solved on the same level of consciousness which created it…” is thrown about, without a true understanding what the saying entails.

When Einstein was a professor of Physics, he gave a test to his graduate students. His assistant remarked: “Isn’t this the exact same exam you gave these students a year ago?”
“Yes, exactly. answered Einstein. The questions are the same… The answers have changed”

Today his answer is as true as it was 70 years ago
The questions are still the same… and the answers have changed… and yet, we are trying to do more of the same, less of the same, but never any different, because the level of consciousness is stuck at a low level.

Doing different can only come from seeing different, seeing differently, looking from a different consciousness level.
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Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside

Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside

cool-loserWhen I owned the magazine I published for 10 years, I was looking to hire an assistant.

One of the test assignments I gave to the applicant is to sort the stuff in a junk drawer. I gave them no pointers… it was a big drawer, a lot of things to sort.

Every single applicant failed to find something relevant to sort by. I finally hired a girl who was nice, but useless…

Sorting is a life skill. Deciding on a relevant criteria to sort by is a life skill.

I learned life-skills in Landmark Education.

Previously I was like a nerd, an idiot savant.

One of the life-skill I learned is to be able to keep to what is relevant, to what belongs to the conversation.

In meetings at Landmark Education, they choose a “conversation manager”.

The two jobs of the conversation manager is to

  1. keep people to say only what belongs to the conversation
  2. to make sure that everything said forwards the conversation towards resolution.

I am always dumbfounded by people’s inability to see what belongs to a conversation.

Continue reading “Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside”

The role of structures in happiness, in achievement, in a life worth living

perfect-geometric-patterns-in-nature-22__880I am about as religious as a teacup… and that is actually one of the freedoms that allow me to experiment, to allow myself to be guided through torturous paths, to use my life to discover law-like phenomena, to read everything and the opposite, to allow myself to go from despair to elation and back…

Life, the Universe is largely unknowable. You can, by the way, call it “god” if you wish… and please do that if that will allow you to follow this discussion.

This article will be a little bit hodge-podge, given that I have to gather a lot of disparate stuff to make sense in the end. So bear with me.

Your ability to bear with me will be consistent with the number of capacities you have active on your DNA… If you, like most of humanity, have seven capacities active: you’ll have to hang in there, and maybe read it a few times.

OK, let’s begin:
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More on the return of investment in light… and capacities

Ag_F1I got this email today. It’s seductive, it’s hypnotic, but the conclusion is totally wrong, misleading: the kind that makes you buy stuff and then never amount to anything.

I wonder why people, sellers, are afraid to tell the truth… That it takes work to get from A to B in anything, and to get from A to Z, where mastery is, you need a lot of work…

People buy my stuff… Even though I honestly tell the uncomfortable truth: without you doing your part, none of my stuff works… except maybe the Heaven on Earth… aka HOE.

But then again, they either don’t hear me or don’t believe me…

Anyway, read the story here, and notice that what they sell is impossible… Can you see it?

He was a rather shy and reserved man who loved flying. Since the age of 16, when his neighbor taught him how to fly a cropduster, Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger had developed a fascination with airplanes.

He would attend the Air Force Academy and graduate in 1973. While in the Air Force, he flew F-4 fighter planes.

US Airways hired him. He flew commercial airliners for the company for 30 years. On the side, Sully became an airline safety expert who consulted for NASA and other major players.

No one had any idea this training would save his life and the lives of 155 people.

US Airways Flight 1549 jettisoned into the sky at 3:26 p.m. EST on January 15, 2009. It was supposed to be a routine flight from New York’s La Guardia Airport to Charlotte, N.C.

Within minutes of taking off, the plane hit a large flock of birds. Both engines were disabled.
Continue reading “More on the return of investment in light… and capacities”

Could you learn to be an investor like Warren Buffet? If you had the time, the teachers, the money?

I shared a few bits here and there today with my chiropractor… He has 13 capacities used.

The conversation was an utter and total failure.

Capacities, abilities, is a whole new concept, and he wasn’t even getting a glimpse of what I was talking about. Very interesting.

It seems that the mistaken belief is that you can learn anything… including being an investor like Warren Buffet… that is a total illusion: you cannot learn anything that you don’t have the capacities for.

Most types of learning, like classes, coaching, etc. don’t take you to a place where the capacity missing would turn on, because you are ready for it and need it, It is not deep enough water, so the sink or swim would apply. Especially if you think you should be able to do it…

Big mistake.
Continue reading “Could you learn to be an investor like Warren Buffet? If you had the time, the teachers, the money?”

The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world

The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world

the illusion that love heals the worldThere are many approaches to fix a problem, but all fixes are more harmful than the original problem.


Because fix come from the same level of consciousness as the problem…

and ultimately that kind of solution: a fix, is the root of the next problem. Like marriage: a fix for loneliness, and the start of more and bigger problems… yet it doesn’t stop loneliness… (Marriage is two people combining efforts to solve problems that would not exist without the marriage…) Continue reading “The Dark Side suggestion that love heals the world”

An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?

1920What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comments by Major General Michael K. Nagata, the Special Operations commander for the United States in the Middle East, admitting that he had hardly begun figuring out the Islamic State’s appeal. “We have not defeated the idea,” he said. “We do not even understand the idea.” In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as “not Islamic” and as al-Qaeda’s “jayvee team,” statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.

What to Do About ISIS?

Continue reading “An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?”

One method to force your new capacities work for you

OB-PH996_JOBSQU_F_20110824193502It seems that one method of making the newly activated capacities real has been found.

As you know, having activated DNA capacities is nice, but unless you need it, they won’t do anything. They will be like lights that are on in streets that no one passes.

The methods I am looking for are methods that make you go into those streets, so you use the light and find ways to be different, do different, have different results, different reactions, different feelings.

The issue with comfortable and somewhat successful people (you) has been is that ego won’t allow you to take risks unless you trick it. I mean: trick the ego. Sweet-talk is great, but won’t help much in this case, I have tried.

So, the method I have zeroed in with the client who inherited his father’s company is this:
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When I ask you to use your activated capacities…

the-beasts-transformationWhat we go for is transformation.

Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.

Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.

Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.

I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Most of it through Landmark Education.

People who teach success, in any arena, money, relationships, career, health, etc. start from an unproven axiom that they can make anyone successful if the person is willing to do the work.

It’s hogwash.
Continue reading “When I ask you to use your activated capacities…”