Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr._Mercola truth value, vibration, arroganceDr. Mercola:

  • his vibration 170
  • his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
  • the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
  • his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
  • does he have attachments? no
  • the level of his health 30%
  • the level of his cell hydration 7%

The most important thing you want to get from these numbers: he does not have the capacity and the humility to tell truth from falsehood. He is not connected to the Source of higher truth, because of his arrogance, so what you get is his personal opinion… or worse: his “considered” opinion…

Truth value of his judgments and interpretations: 7%

His website’s truth value: 4%. Very very low… What does it mean? it means that 96% of what the site says is not true.
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Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

Your self-esteem and your self-control: what is the connection?

duality-wordpicPeople, all people are puzzled and disturbed by their dual nature. You love and hate, drip with envy, at times taken over by desire… while you consider yourself sane, and nice, and compassionate and goal-driven.

It is natural to be dual in nature, and it is natural to be puzzled about it, be disturbed about it. If you pay attention, this is the main reason humans invented religion… to make sense of this duality.

The drive to suppress one side of this duality, to declare it bad, or a sin is part of human nature. Human nature is to strive for simple, obvious, and clear… to strive for certainty. A sense of control or a sense that you can control your world.

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One aspect of awareness is recognizing patterns, recognizing distinctions

One aspect of awareness is recognizing patterns, recognizing distinctions

bricksThe more things, patterns, behaviors, laws you recognize quickly, the more power you have in life… An success is largely dependent on your power to navigate the treacherous waters of life.

So this article is about distinctions… patterns, behaviors, laws… whatever you call them, they are essential if you want to live life on a higher level.

One demands two things of a poem. Firstly, it must be a well-made verbal object that does honor to the language in which it is written. Secondly, it must say something significant about a reality common to us all, but perceived from a unique perspective. What the poet says has never been said before, but, once he has said it, his readers recognize its validity for themselves.
~ W. H. Auden

I have been teaching what a distinction is for years now, and to my chagrin the teaching never landed… people don’t understand what I am talking about.

Here is a quote that says it better than I can say it.

Continue reading “One aspect of awareness is recognizing patterns, recognizing distinctions”

Energy healing, coaching, nutritional consulting

Energy healing, coaching, nutritional consulting

preacher1Yesterday I had an “energy healer” type of person on the Open Mic aka Talk to Me webinar.

Normally these webinars are really fun: we talk. Students ask questions, some great, some simple and to the point… they have fun, I have fun, and our relationship deepens.

Yesterday was a different kind of session: there was this “energy healer” guy… and he was into arguing, debating, talking about what he thinks, what he learned, blah blah blah.

He considered my webinar his forum to disseminate his wisdom. His learning. His take on the world.

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Pleasure seeking, avoiding pain behavior…

Pleasure seeking, avoiding pain behavior…

white-tigerThere are two kinds of pleasure.

  1. Pleasure that is immediate, impulsive, and requires no or little sustained effort and
  2. Pleasure that is the result of work… sustained effort.

No matter what pleasure you seek, what makes it pleasure is the contrast:

there needs to be pain for pleasure to exist. 1

Although I could write about pleasure that you earn through hard and sustained work, and I have written hundreds of articles about it, people with too small capacity for pain (TLB) rarely turn around and become people who want to earn their pleasure.

illo-brainSo in this article I’ll address the pleasure seeking behavior of people, you? whose pain threshold is very low.

Pain is a discomfort. Most pain is emotional or intellectual, only some are physical.
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Donald Trump: the other side of The Donald

Donald Trump:  the other side of The Donald

the-other-side-of-donald-trumpSoul correction… if it is accurate and really something recognizable, then you should be able to tell someone’s soul correction without knowing their birth date.

Of course you need to know the person well.

This is exactly what happened this morning.

I found an email in my inbox recommending an article on what Tony Schwartz, Donald Trump’s “The Art of The Deal” book’s ghostwriter has to say now that the Republicans make Donald Trump their presidential candidate. Donald Trump: personal vibration: 70. Number of spiritual capacities: 4, overall intelligence, including emotional and spiritual intelligence: 30. For contrast: Adolph Hitler: personal vibration: 100. spiritual capacities: 4. overall intelligence: 50.

I am only halfway in the article, and it is already clear: Donald Trump is the archetype of a bombastic liar, a delusional self-aggrandizing sociopath… The soul correction of “Finish What You Start”.

Obviously each soul correction is a scale… where the correction is done to one degree or another.

Continue reading “Donald Trump: the other side of The Donald”

Conscious awareness is the best predictor of worldly success… your worth a damn factor is close second

Conscious awareness is the best predictor of worldly success… your worth a damn factor is close second


To my surprise, people have no idea that their worth a damn factor has been neglected since they were little babies.

They get “encouragement” to not know that there is such a thing… and then they grow up to be seriously not worth a damn, and they suffer.

How does it work?

If you are consistently praised for being a good girl, a pretty girl, a smart girl… you’ll think that that is what there is to it. That is your ticket to the good life, to paradise.

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Leaky gut… there is a 40% chance that you have it…

Leaky gut… there is a 40% chance that you have it…
Leaky gut… 40% chance you have it… Now, how you feel, will start making sense to you

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

by Dr Axe

Article truth value: 10%. Why so low: because the author doesn’t know about the fact that all food is toxic to some level to people whose ancestors did not adjust to that food, and develop counter measures.

Also there is a lot of Tree of Knowledge in the suggestions. I’ll add my notes where I can.

Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions (about a billion according to my muscletesting) of people are struggling with and don’t know it.

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If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would

did-not-come-to-stop-hereIf you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would, you should ask the question: Why you won’t follow a system, why you lie, why you’ll never amount to anything worthwhile?

This article will attempt to point you to some answers…

Our tendency to socialize and spend time with people with our lesser (at least in our not so humble opinion) is so strong, and so “normal”, that I expect you not to recognize it in yourself.

Why? Because the desire to do that does not come from our conscious self, it comes from our “other than conscious” self, the selfish gene.

Continue reading “If you are one of my students who isn’t getting better… Or not as fast as you hoped you would”

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Most of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are patient.

But when you start doing something, you want instant result. You want it yesterday. Impatient.

This patient impatience renders you an unhappy loser, an underachiever, a never do well… Guaranteed.
Continue reading “Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…”