What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?

geomag-reversal.jpgSome truth that is not that known, not that accepted, and yet it muscletest as truth and it explains some of what has happened to humanity, the life span, the water, and other thus far unexplained phenomena

According to Dr. Reams, originator of the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, RBTI as the followers lovingly call it, the Earth has changed its polarity. Or maybe with the polarity shift the planet also changed in what direction it’s spinning..
Continue reading “What Will Happen When Earth’s Magnetic Poles Reverse?”

Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is

Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is

Sometimes I get really lucky. And if I am ready, prepared, open, and eager for the gift, I can get it, harvest it, and life becomes brighter, by a lot. Clearer… by a lot.

This is what happened to me this morning. Continue reading “Quantum Physics seems to say: reality is what you say it is”

Depression is often not recognized…

Depression is often not recognized…

depression-is-not-stopping-herI am prone to depression. Not sadness, but a loss of aliveness, a loss of inner motivation.

I have barely came out of a bout with one… and have been intensely curious of what caused it.

Depression, as I experience it, has no emotional reason.

When I look, I have no reason for depression, so the cause is not outside of a person… it is an inside job.

My experience has been that the factors are nutrition and sleep.
Continue reading “Depression is often not recognized…”

Mindvalley Academy, WildFit, Eric Edmeades Review

Mindvalley Academy, WildFit, Eric Edmeades Review

wildfit-logo-eric-edmeadesThis is a long article… about WildFit… Eric Edmeades program that is opening on September 15 on MindValley… and it answers the question: should you do it? Is it any good? What is the truth value? What is the lie value? Worth reading… I think.

One size doesn’t fit all…

I know you are searching for a way to get well, to get thin, to have more energy, to feel better. But… unfortunately, especially in a country where everyone is an immigrant, you have literally nothing in common with most of the people you know.

In addition to that, you may have been exposed to gluten, to fructose, and now you are sensitive, or intolerant to one or both.

In addition to that: you live on a different budget, you like and eat different foods, and the foods you eat therefore lack this or that or most minerals you need for health.

You may have any of four different energy body types, three different Ayurvedic body types, Any of four different blood types… not even mentioning your ethnicity, your food sensitivities and intolerances… your nutritional deficiencies that you are unaware of.

Your mutt factor.

Your water intake and the quality of water you drink. Your activity level. Your ancestry.

So if you want to do this Wildfit program, you owe it to yourself to have your profile, including all of the above… so you know how to tweak their generic diet… so you can get the result they promise, the results you pay for.

At least find out your Starting Point Measurements… $15 and can save you many thousands, maybe even your life.

Find out where you are on the evolutionary scale, on getting a Self… by ordering the combo measurements.

Your vibration is reliably inversely correlated to your resistance.
So does your intelligence, and your health number.

The soul correction shows what you are most intent on hiding from yourself.
The number of spiritual capacities are the ones that you are willing and able to use on this level of vibration.

  1. your vibration (1-1000)
  2. your overall intelligence
  3. the number of spiritual capacities you have
  4. your soul correction (your machine) I need your date of birth for this
  5. do you have attachments?
  6. the level of your health (1-100)
  7. the level of your hydration (1-100)
  8. your ability to take guidance
  9. to what degree you can tolerate pain… so you can grow

If you bought these separately, you’d pay $30… but buying them all at once, I knock off $15.

Click on the paypal button to send me a donation to get your starting point measurements. I’ll let you know in my email response, if you could ask for a comprehensive health evaluation, OK?

Click to get your Starting Point Measurements Report
To get this information, I have to connect to you energetically… And I find out more about you than just the numbers… I connect to your soul… and I connect to your personal hell… That’s how I make my decision, on that basis. My experience of being you.

I am still on Mindvalley’s mailing list under a fake name… and from time to time I even open their email… like yesterday.

It seems that they are doing a new class with Eric Edmeades and his Wildfit program.

So I watched some of the videos, signed up to a pre-recorded webinar, and diligently muscletested… because the claims are so seductive and so believable, that I needed to keep myself from being sucked in.
Continue reading “Mindvalley Academy, WildFit, Eric Edmeades Review”

How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?

How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?
skiff ... are you in sync or out of sync with your self-image?The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image.

Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.

You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.

Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d have less surprises, less upsets, less fragmentation in your life…

Your actions depend on your self-image combined with your world-image. Altering either, will alter your actions. Bringing both closer to reality will make you a winner.
Want to stop procrastination? This is the work you need to do…

But why and how are the two pictures different, and what can you do about bringing them closer so you can start living the good life?
Continue reading “How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?”

Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?

Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?

3c9854ee298db856d690210de730d282This laziness thing came up again today.

During shopping. Is a fruit bowl worth the extra $3? It was 9.95, and it’s now 12.95… she says, and I have no idea how to answer. She has no idea what the weight of the fruit is, what the fruit would cost if you bought it and chopped it up yourself.

Just the question, out of context… is it worth it?

So what the heck is really this phenomenon: lazy, that is not lazy at all… but what is it really, if it is not actually lazy?

Continue reading “Is laziness or lazy-ness learned helplessness?”

Republished: The Juice Exercise: what gives you “juice” in life?

Republished: The Juice Exercise: what gives you “juice” in life?

what-makes-life-juicyI have been coaching people for many years now. The goal was always to take people on a journey to become their best Self.

Now, the task is easier when someone knows who they are. When someone has a Self.

Most people don’t. They have a persona for each group they interact with, the family persona, the student persona, the friend, the gossiper, the entertainer, the this and the that.

Those personas (roles you play) are not you. They were created by a perceived demand in the circumstances, a perceived demand in the environment.

They leave you empty, they leave you being jerked by the shoulds, and have to’s and the wants… like a puppet on a string.

You sense that you have no control, you sense that you are not you… a vague sense.

Continue reading “Republished: The Juice Exercise: what gives you “juice” in life?”

Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge

Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge

the-only-thing-worse-than-being-blind-is-havingPeople want to become the person they are in their dreams…

They are not that way… obviously.

Becoming that person is like being a Michelangelo at the stone quarry looking at a block of marble and seeing if the sculpture they see with their mind’s eye fits it.

If it doesn’t fit, you need a bigger block of marble.

But no matter how big a block you choose, it will take two kinds of work to get to the David of your imagination: the work of awareness and the work of chiseling.

Chiseling is the easy part… honestly. I bet you thought that was the hard part. Continue reading “Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge”

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

open-micThis is a conversation between a person who sent me a donation to find out his vibration.

The conversation worth quoting: I say a lot of important things there… so please read and heed.

Please measure my vibration. Here is my $15 donation….

Continue reading “Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational”

What else you can do with it other than energize water…

What else you can do with it other than energize water…

fridge-water-bottlesThe Energizer audio, when used on vegetables and fruits that have been treated with toxic pesticide, can reduce the toxicity of the pesticide to the level that is a tolerable level.

But: the cell water of all living things is coherent… i.e. 650 on the vibrational scale. The Energizer does nothing for that.

A student of mine asked if it would be useful, and then did some experiments. She sent me her muscletesting results.

According to her muscletesting the vibration of vegetables slowly grew, as a result to being exposed to the Energizer, grew to 650…

My results don’t show that. You can’t raise the vibration of something that is already on that level… but…

So why would it be worth putting an audio source into your refrigerator… what would it do to your food?

Continue reading “What else you can do with it other than energize water…”