We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

Commerce is king… and you are a peon, or maybe a rook.

Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis handing out a sentence to an old bank robber
’30 years’
‘Your honor, I’m 75 years old, I don’t have 30 years to serve’
‘Then do the best you can’

This joke pretty accurately summarizes our lives.

The odds are not on our sides to live out our lives fully.

I could say ‘by design’, but that would not be accurate.

What the heck am I talking about? About the conflict between you and commerce… Continue reading “Commerce is king… and you are a peon, or maybe a rook.”

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people. Continue reading “The fastest way to get better in every area of life…”

How to keep your vibration high at Christmas?

It seems that around this time theĀ  world is disappearing into two main fantasy lands, two main unrealities: Christmas, and making cash infusion into their lives.

All of that is horizontal plane, all of that is low vibration, all hurry, all puppets on a string.

All based on the unreality of lack. Scarcity.

Continue reading “How to keep your vibration high at Christmas?”

Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology

Since it got really cold in Syracuse, NY, I have been having a difficult time maintaining a high level of cell hydration. Why? I keep my apartment cold, 50-52 degrees Fahrenheit, 10-11 degrees Celsius and I get sore throat from drinking cold water.

By last night I was running on empty. I had a hard time concentrating, I had a hard time having a good time. I had cravings… not food… mental craving. I had cravings for stories.

Last night I had wild and slightly violent dreams, and felt no desire to do any work this morning. I got up at 3 am.

So for the past three and a half hours I have been watching youtube videos… Continue reading “Bored, listless, desirous… check your biology”

How old is your child self that is running your life

What is an adult, what is a child… and does your ego-state (Child, Parent, Adult) influence how much money you have, how much love you have, how healthy you are?

One of the distinctions is field. A field is a lot like context: it’s decisive. It limits what can be inside it… Field as a distinction is smaller than distinction, it is a subset of contexts… Its defining criteria is the relationships between participants. Continue reading “How old is your child self that is running your life”

Can you tell when you are stupid? dull? incoherent? Or do you wait until someone points it out to you?

One of the remarkable things in the book, Flowers for Algernon, is the new awareness Charlie (Charly) has about his mental state.

When he was just a retarded person, he could see the shadow of the mental feebleness, but once he got smarter, when his mental abilities decline, he can see it directly… not only the shadow.

Once you raised your cell hydration, which translates for most people to a brain surgery similar to Charlie’s, you have a higher factual IQ. You should move to the same position as Charlie: when your cell hydration drops, you should notice it.

Of course, if you never realized that cell coherence increases your IQ… (mostly because you don’t habitually acknowledge the source of any result, you take things for granted, no capacity for appreciation, etc.) you won’t check your water… Continue reading “Can you tell when you are stupid? dull? incoherent? Or do you wait until someone points it out to you?”

I want to be like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld…

soup nazi no soup for you

soup nazi no soup for youWhy am I such a Nazi when it comes to who I am willing to work with?

Remember the soup Nazi? Who ran his soup takeout shop like a prison camp? And people lined up and waited patiently to be given soup… that was so good, and so hard to come by, they were willing to earn it… I want to be like the soup Nazi.

Like everyone, my energy is finite. I can’t whip out extra energy at the drop of a hat… I am human. Continue reading “I want to be like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld…”

The Christmas season water story… standing on one foot…

I live in Syracuse, NY. The city is one hour south of Canada. The energy came from the North Pole… or the Arctic Circle? Swept through Canada… and came as far as Syracuse, for sure.

Over the 12 days leading up to Christmas and up till this morning the water energizing method didn’t work. Or more precisely said: the water lost its coherence faster than the energizer could energize… and therefore the people who were drinking the water lost their cell hydration. Me included.

My cell hydration dropped from 70% to 7%.

I hadn’t experienced that, first hand, for a few years now. I saw and felt it from others. But not on myself.

When your cell hydration is low, it is like you are living your life standing and hobbling along on one foot. The slightest force topple you over… or threatens to topple you over. Continue reading “The Christmas season water story… standing on one foot…”

I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them

I am an introvert.

I don’t know what that means… but I know that I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them.

So when I find out that they don’t know about it: I am surprised.

It is nearly impossible to have an authentic conversation with someone after I already had the same conversation WITH THEM in my head.

So many things never get said. Continue reading “I talk to people a lot… in my head. I have long conversations with them”