Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

This article is from 2012… but it connects to self-image, so it is evergreen and timely.

I know, I know, I haven’t been writing as many articles as before.

Have I dried up? I don’t think so.

So why have I been so quiet?

You deserve to know.

In the beginning of May (2012) I asked for and was given the tool to give people a tool to energize their water.

When you drink water that energizes your body, when you drink water that returns, each time you drink it, some of your cells to their normal state, your life becomes more consistent with life than with death. Continue reading “Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…”

How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

the renaming technique to raise your vibrationHow, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.

There is a Landmark Education 1 distinction called “Your probable, almost certain future.”

They teach it in the Advanced Course, because beginners are almost certainly not willing to look at where their lives are heading in such a certain fashion. Even advanced students lie, pretend, avoid, so they also avoid having a breakthrough.

Imagine your life being a train on laid down tracks. It’s heading towards its designated future at 100 miles an hour. You can look out the windows, you can pull down the shades, you can read, watch TV… whatever.

None of these activities will matter, you life will end up where it’s heading… unless.
Continue reading “How, in 20 minutes, I altered my future, and how you can do it (easy) yourself. Oh, and I also raised my vibration, noticeably.”

Do beliefs hold you back? Is self-image a belief?

Do beliefs hold you back? Is self-image a belief?
what-others-say won't effect your self-imageLife is a between you and you deal

The only thing that effects your quality of life is your own experience of yourself. Not your opinion of yourself. Instead your EXPERIENCE of yourself. Your actions come from that self-experience, aka self-image.

Others’ reaction to you or your actions merely brings that area into focus… your experience of yourself was already there.

Admonishment and your experience of yourself. Praise and your experience of yourself

Continue reading “Do beliefs hold you back? Is self-image a belief?”

Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?


Can context be cause?
Note: I wrote this article three years ago, but it is as timely as ever… It moved me then, and it moves me today… Enjoy!

This question doesn’t sound like it could make much sense, does it? But when you find out what it means, you’ll be thrilled to know that it is the panacea, the cure for most of what ails us.

By the way, Nature’s fundamental law is: Like causes cause like effects. If something you consider “cause” doesn’t work reliably, it is not a cause, it’s an effect. Like prayer, like certain remedies, like the “Law” of attraction, like thinking positively, like placebo…

The Second Phase Activators Course just finished on Sunday, and I am working on the next course. Making decisions, creating some new stuff. And a big change: I will not allow everyone to sign up, just because they want to be in it.

There are some current students who, because of their attitude, lag behind. This creates tension in the group: I spend more time trying to unstuck the unwilling or lazy ones than actually teaching stuff. (The main unwilling attitudes ‘it’s good enough for me the way it is,’ ‘why rock the boat,’ or belligerence or even hostility/resistance are the attitudes I have been experiencing and won’t tolerate in my next courses.

These people also don’t have a big enough desire to change or even to experiment, and change and experimenting are mandatory if you want to create a shift in your life to the better.)

I also needed to create changes in MY attitude to be able to believe that I can pick and choose who I want to teach. That is a long shot from where I started: accepting anyone who was willing.
Continue reading “Updated: Are you at cause or are you at effect?”

Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff

Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff

Hidden stuff, suppressed stuff, when it has a chance to spill out, has a tendency to reek (smell bad) and wreak havoc.

I am reading a book that heals by digging out such stuff… it doesn’t stop there, you’ll see.

Anyway, I am reading it, and obviously the mind has a tendency to dig along with the clients, dig along with what you read… no, my mind has the tendency to dig along, after all, I know the value of digging. Continue reading “Bits and Pieces: Love and more, Personal stuff”