Arrogance. Ignorance just hides behind it…

Arrogance. Ignorance just hides behind it…

arrogance is looking down... comparisonI have been dealing with arrogance in my students.

Arrogance is unearned boastful superiority.

Most people don’t know and don’t care because they themselves are not achievers… but you can have confidence that is justified by your accomplishments, your superior knowledge. Continue reading “Arrogance. Ignorance just hides behind it…”

What is the vibration of being right?

religion-school-school-proselytizing-politics-1360499426.gifOne of the most desired possibilities, one of the most desired life anyone can have is a life where you are free to be yourself, warts and all.

It is human nature to be self-critical, it is because of our ambivalent nature of feeling everything and the opposite.

There is no one on the planet who is all good. It is not possible. It is a physical impossibility. It’s unnatural.

You have to be good and you have to be bad, and you have to have high thoughts and you have to have low thoughts. Actions: you have a choice about. But feelings, thoughts… no choice.

Continue reading “What is the vibration of being right?”

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts…

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts…

eb3bf6d2bcf2ecaf1ee944306d115dd2It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

Some days I have nothing to say. It doesn’t feel like there is anything to say that needs to be said.

Some people never have anything to say and they talk all the time. Others think that they have to first formulate it in their heads to say it, and it never comes together. Continue reading “It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts…”

Bread of shame and the capacity that makes it OK to receive… by earning it retrospectively.

FREEBread of shame 1 is a term Kabbalah uses for a situation when someone receives and receives, with no means, no desire, or no opportunity to reciprocate or earn it.

Welfare recipients eat bread of shame.
Adult children who don’t pull their weight live on bread of shame

And I have had some opportunities for bread of shame…

Receiving bread of shame is often the perpetration in the perpetration-withhold dynamic.

You receive unearned benefits… and to compensate, you get angry and hate the giver. Nasty dynamic. Sinister.
Continue reading “Bread of shame and the capacity that makes it OK to receive… by earning it retrospectively.”

What do people want when they come to my site? What do YOU want?

find what you needFor a while I have been cut off from what YOU want… you, who just came to my site. I don’t know what you want, I don’t know if I can serve you at all. I have been busy with my students… creating success after success, helping them raise their consciousness, activate new spiritual capacities… amazing…

Looking at my log files, this is what I see…

40%, maybe even 50% of my site’s visitors want to manifest more money
Continue reading “What do people want when they come to my site? What do YOU want?”

How to become worth a damn?

how to become worth a damnCan someone who listens to an audio, watches a video, reads a book, or even comes to one of my workshops, change?

Long sentence, eh? The answer to this question is this: it depends.

NO input can cause change by itself. The change comes from trying to apply what you read to yourself. Even if the application is just answering one question that requires you to look.

I am finding, that the program I so love, the 67 steps, is completely and absolutely wasted on you, unless you do the looking it takes to answer the one or two or three questions that come with each session.

Why? Because looking, attempting to answer the question, causes a state change. 1 The state inside which you listen is: I agree, I like it, I knew that, interesting, etc. Narrow cone of vision. Sitting in what you already know… undisturbed, untested. Sitting in who you already know yourself to be… undisturbed, untested.

Attempting to look to answer the question from your own life is where the magic happens. When you have to widen your cone of vision to include what you never look at.

It is happening to me in spades. I am at segment 19… Continue reading “How to become worth a damn?”