The ground of your being comes from where you live

The ground of your being comes from where you live

life on the 14th floor: words and more wordsWhen you live on the 14th-15th floors of your being, the ground of your being comes from there too.

Let’s first look what is the ground of your being, the floor on which everything is built that is compatible with that floor.

On the 13th floor the ruler is Life. Nature. The Universe. No interpretation. Life, nature, the universe gives you your actions, your attitudes, your interpretation of events.

Virtues live on the 13th floor, because virtues are a Yes to life. Anything gets evaluated by that question: is it a Yes to life or a no to life.

Is it part of the flow, or is it a blockage to the flow. Blockages need to go. Attitudes, needs, wants, habits, activities that are a no to life, that don’t fit the flow of life, Nature, the Universe, must go, because it is evil. Against life. Continue reading “The ground of your being comes from where you live”

The non-physical pain of being devalued…

The non-physical pain of being devalued…

There is a very interesting phenomenon and I just experienced it full blast.

This is how it goes: I write something. I think I know what i am saying. but hours later it hits me… wow.

So I wrote in my previous article, this morning, that all pain and suffering you experience is experiencing your own resistance… resistance coming from the 14th floor words: “This should not be…”

And most non-physical pain you experience comes from the devaluation of the I… or the perceived devaluation… and the feedback that is causing it is resisted.

So, consequently all non-physical pain comes from your resistance to feedback.

OK… I said more or less this… but how true and how general it is just hit me.

Here I am sitting by my computer, wondering when the mailman will arrive today. I have something outgoing…
Continue reading “The non-physical pain of being devalued…”

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

  • If you pee often
  • If your pee is light
  • If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
  • that means: your cell hydration is low.
  • it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.
My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic’s cells can end the diabetic misery… But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens of thousands of dollars to the person, and makes 250 billion dollars to the medical establishment… lucrative. More lucrative than recommending a $60 audio… for sure.

If you get tired in the middle of the day, or are just plain tired… that means that most likely your hydration is low.
Continue reading “New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc”

Is what you are reading talking on the right level?

Is what you are reading talking on the right level?

For the first time in who knows how long, how many years, I have nothing to write.

One could say “writer’s block”… but I would not know. I have never had that…


So I am looking. When I have nothing to say… and that is unusual, what happened that is also unusual?

Did you see how I formulated the question?

Your ticket to get out of anything, to innovate yourself out of a problem is the question. Or questions…

So that question did direct my attention to something I’ve been doing that is also unusual.
Continue reading “Is what you are reading talking on the right level?”

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence… what do psychologists say?

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence… what do psychologists say?

This article shows the state of official science for emotional intelligence.

Psychologists are not interested in the groundbreaking work developed in the books Feelings and Words…

Although when you can already recognize your feelings,  their inner dynamics, what they want you to do, what trap you my have stepped, unwittingly, the advice below is quite good.

Until then I don’t think it’s useful… Or may not be useful.

Even though emotional intelligence is really important to live a good life, to have good relationships, to get things done, to be well… for all of life. Continue reading “How to Develop Emotional Intelligence… what do psychologists say?”

Discouraged often? Having doubts doesn’t mean that

Discouraged often? Having doubts doesn’t mean that

My father was never discouraged. Not that he didn’t show it… he wasn’t discouraged. I remember him having doubts, whether something could work, but not discouraged. Discouraged means having lost confidence or enthusiasm; disheartened.

So what did he have that most of you don’t have?

Let’s see first what discourage is on the level of feelings, and feelings dynamics? Because unless we know how a feeling is born, at the end of what process, we have no idea how to counter it. Continue reading “Discouraged often? Having doubts doesn’t mean that”

What does gluten have to do with fat? Going deeper…

What does gluten have to do with fat? Going deeper…
Why Am I Getting Fat on My Gluten Free Diet? or a better question: Is my diet really gluten free? And an even better question: what does gluten do to my metabolism?

Ever since puberty, meaning the past 60 years of my life, I have had problems with my weight.

Until puberty I was thin as a rail, a picky eater.

Once puberty hit, I became a whole new person. I ate everything in sight, rounded out, really.

Given that we, humanity, have no idea how this weight thing works, I tried everything THEY suggested, and, of course, it didn’t work, or didn’t last.

A few years ago I read about making your body a fat burning furnace, and I liked the idea.

I did everything by the book: and I put on 30 lbs, 13-14 kg, in two weeks.

Obviously my body didn’t confirm the theory of the book. My body became a fat storing machine.
Continue reading “What does gluten have to do with fat? Going deeper…”

Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

If you have a smart phone… What is it doing to your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

Warning: this article is half teaching half ranting… Consider yourself warned!
As you know the most reliable indicator whether you’ll have a good life or not is your TLB score.

We could say that your worth a damn factor is very close to your TLB score… And whether you are worth a damn, is clearly indicative of the quality of life you’ll live, the kind of friends you’ll have, the kind of money your can make, consistently, and the kind of intimate relationships you can form and maintain.

Tai Lopez says… one of the high achievers said it… that it is awareness.

But this was said before the age of the smart phones.

Today the amount of time you are willing to spend without your phone is a better indicator than your education, your IQ, all you could do if you had time… almost anything.


Continue reading “Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?”

Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery

Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery
Your personal reality and reality… misaligned, misconstrued, faulty, no wonder you are miserable

We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.

Your personal reality is your map of reality.

You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.

The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.

It’s sad but true in every area of your life. Emotional, spiritual, physical. Health, wealth, love and happiness.

But what is even worse, your heroes, your teachers, your scientists, your politicians have only a slightly higher vibration, and a slightly more accurate map of reality.
Continue reading “Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery”

You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you

You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you
This is a very important article. If you just read one article, this is it. Without getting this, what I am showing here, you can’t and won’t be able to fulfill your destiny as a human.
This morning I looked up the expression ‘eager beaver’ in Hungarian. And cried again. This time without tears. This time, not for myself. This time for humanity.
This article is what you can get when you cry with your eyes open…

To belong to the cool guys, you needed to, at least, pretend, that work, school work, reading, learning, achieving are not important to you.

It is pretending that you don’t care.

The cool guys are losers. In life. But they look good. Continue reading “You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you”