A good tool keeps on giving, and giving, and giving

A good tool keeps on giving, and giving, and giving

skills, they keep on givingWhen you find something good, then hold onto it, make it your permanent tool or partner.

How do you know if what you have found is a good thing?

This can be in any area of life, health, wealth, love, and fulfillment.

Here is how you know that something was a good purchase, a good bet?

  • A good thing keeps on giving.
  • A good thing doesn’t just give you one time, or for a little bit of time. It keeps on giving and giving, maybe even indefinitely.
In another word: what is good is useful. Long term. Keeps on giving to you.

Continue reading “A good tool keeps on giving, and giving, and giving”

The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?

The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?

What is the biggest difference between living on the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life?

Words are not the thing they symbolize. If you write “dog” that is not a dog, that is just ink on paper, or the idea of a dog.

A dog is physical. It had a beginning and an end, a birth and a death, and it even began before it was born.

It is the result of a physical process that takes time, takes ingredients, takes caring, takes doing.

You cannot go from the idea of a dog to dog, or the idea of death to death.

It is easy and fast, lightning fast, to have an idea. And it is easy to think that ideas are the thing they symbolize.

That happiness comes from words, or being comes from words, or health comes from words.

It is easy to be duped like that. Continue reading “The difference: on the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life?”

Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!

Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!

everything you store makes you fullI have been running an experiment on the title of this post. So far it is an utter fiasco… No one wants to read it… even though it’s, maybe, the key to the kindom for you.

My mail box had a bunch of coaching requests and the Monday Morning memo.

All the coaching requests were in sync: all the coaching stuff was about letting go… about making room for the new… the new you claim to want…
Continue reading “Want to learn something new? Interesting? Useful? Nah, you already know everything!”

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears

Countries, people, soul corrections, have different attitudes to doing things. 1

Hungary (country), Finish What you Start (soul correction), England (country, ethnicity), especially, have an attitude of “How hard can it be?”

And they fancy themselves all-knowing, all-expert at everything.

My brother calls this the “do it yourself” culture.

And utter disrespect for people with experience, education, expertise. Or for skills, expertise, experience, and learning.

I worked as an architect in Hungary, for 11 years. Every client knew everything better. They considered me their guy who puts the stamp to their plan so they can get a building permit.

My brother was in a different profession, and his experience was the same: no humility, no sense of what it takes to actually be good at something, to see things fully. Continue reading “How hard can it be? he said while grinding the gears”

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…

Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from ADD, frustration, depression, anger, and more

“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.”

Of all the 10 starting point measurements, the most telling is your TLB score.

It tells me, and it tells you, how much discomfort you are able to experience and not run away mentally, emotionally, or physically. And therefore it tells you whether you can have the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment… or not.

Its activating mechanism is below your conscious awareness, and is quite habitual.

In modern parlance they call it “Attention Deficit”… but it’s B.S.

As long as there is no structural difference between an ADD person’s brain and a person who can stay planted… attentive, it is more a habit than a disease. Continue reading “Wrestling back the steering wheel of your life from…”

The genius path to become a person with a Self

The genius path to become a person with a Self

human success: living life on the tree of lifeBeing successful as a human

When you look at people, you notice that there are two different ways to be successful:

1. worldly success… and
2. successful as in well rounded, fulfilled, joyful, and loving life.

The two don’t happen in the same person too often.

There are notable exceptions. Einstein was one of the exceptions. 1

Your vibration is a lot more correlated with the human success score than with worldly success score: fame, money, notoriety.

Obviously I train people in human success first, and worldly success second… and I have chosen, for myself, the same.

Why? Because no worldly success compensates for wretchedness.

Continue reading “The genius path to become a person with a Self”

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

you attract what you fear, you repel what you wantWhether there is such a thing “law of attraction” or not, there is a phenomenon that I have observed.

If you want something, it tends to get away from you.

Whether it is love, having a community, being well thought of, or money… the wanting it renders you tense, reactive, and closed off. Act in predictable ways, the ways we have revealed for some of you in the Upsets workshop. (Started as Feelings webinars)

Wanting is a mind thing. Maybe a desire trap, maybe not, but definitely not from the Tree of Life, where it is obvious that if you want something, then you go for it, and do the things that get it for you. Not what you always do…

No tension, no tightness, no tight throat… just doing the things that get it for you. Continue reading “Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?”

How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?

How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?

how to prevent a full blown coldIt’s the season of colds. Why? Because the weather is changing and unless you change with it, you are screwed.

In evolutionary terms the two capacities/behaviors that almost guarantees survival are awareness and changeability.

Yesterday I violated both.

I have had this cold lurk inside for for six weeks now, and when I woke up yesterday and had signs of sore throat, I opted to drink my tea, instead of spraying my throat with my throat remedy.

By early afternoon I was chilled. Then I opted to finish my Duolingo exercise, instead of going to bed and get well.
Continue reading “How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?”

The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self

The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self

I have been testing a theory that 5-15 minutes of doing something, every day, is more effective than taking one two-hour class a week.

So I’ve taken on learning Hebrew. On a website called Duolingo.com.

I had to learn typing in Hebrew, and I had to learn a bunch of grammar, a bunch of words. Without memorizing. Without really much effort. 1

The secret is to not miss a day. After a missed day it is hard to go back to an activity. The first week I did all my sessions at the end of the day, just before I went to bed. But even then I could put in my 5-10 minutes. It’s been 19 days.

  • First off: it’s satisfying. I have an experience of myself that is pleasant. A feeling that I am growing. That I am not living an empty life… hm… interesting.

Continue reading “The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self”

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

the dunning krueger effect of overconfidenceAn open and well-reasoned person might be very wrong, even if they’re rightfully confident. A falsely confident person could well be right, even if their confidence is false. Confidence is a feeling, a state of mind, and a way of presenting oneself. It isn’t in itself a good measure of correctness.

False Confidence, overconfidence, confident or overconfident… What is the measure of correctness?

The measure of correctness, (from value science, Axiology,) is clarity. You can be visible, clear and crystal clear. These are categories of how accurately you see reality.
Continue reading “Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?”