Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?

Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?
3-ways-to-change-your-stateWhat is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being?

We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging.

We use it in the Soaring Method.

I use it in almost every coaching conversation I have with people who are stuck in some unproductive state of being, like sadness, despair, maybe even resistance.

State of being, mode of being, beingness… all are outside of what you call self-awareness…

Self-awareness on the level of human is all physical and emotional.

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How Humanity Fell Out Of Harmony With The Universe

How Humanity Fell Out Of Harmony With The Universe
the tree of knowledge is the rulebook of right and wrong in the eyes of others. it is the precise breaking point between god and humanityThe Harmony of the Universe… and the human race that blocks the flow

The Universe, as we call it, (all existence, all-of-it, are other possible names for it) is an incredible harmonious flow, from the tiniest part to the largest part, all flowing, all moving, ever changing.

Originally this included the species we call humans. Until something went wrong, and instead of consciousness, humans started demonstrating self-consciousness.

My story is, my interpretation of the biblical story of the Original Sin, sounds slightly different from the current Christian, or even Jewish interpretation.

The question that no one has debated until now, I think, is:

What did the serpent say to Eve?

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Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…

self-confidenceI watch, I observe people’s behavior and the emotions that go with it.

Unless I can see what you did, your emotions and much of your behavior don’t make sense.

And occasionally I get the opportunity to see both the actions and the emotions…

  1. The most frequent behavior is you acting without looking.

Promising without looking. Saying/answering a question without looking.

What’s the emotion? Anxiety… afraid of the future… Rightfully

Much like a drunk jumps into an empty pool… expecting it to be full.

You buy something. You are on the payment page. You assume you know what’s there… you are not looking. You don’t even suspect that you are signing up to a monthly program as well… and that you need to “un-tick” the box if you don’t want it.
Continue reading “Why you are not confident… Why you don’t trust yourself… Why you aren’t happy…”

You are a liar! That’s why you are not moving forward…

I know it is a shocking and offending title. Neither shocking you nor offending you is my purpose. I want to teach you something… so bear with me… I need to take you through the steps, so you can get what I mean… see how you lie, and how it prevents you from growing and being happy.

What is language?

Language is a mode of communication, Humans communicate, animals communicate, plants communicate.

  • Plants communicate with posture, with chemicals, with smell.
  • Animals communicate with posture, with touch, with chemicals, and with sound.
  • Humans also communicate all those ways, except humans, even though they could be aware, are unaware, unconscious of all those ways of communicating, and consider language the only communication.Not all humans, mind you, but the majority.

Continue reading “You are a liar! That’s why you are not moving forward…”

The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

Many people tell me that I should not give it all away in articles, after all who is going to buy my stuff if I give away all the ‘knowledge’.

But the truth is, all the MIND knowledge we can ever have will NEVER help us to live a better life, to be healthier, etc. Doctors are an unhealthy bunch, psychologists / psychiatrist are a wimpy bunch, energy healers come to me for healing…

Why? because the mind considers knowing, i.e. information sufficient… and …

…As long as we identify yourself with the mind, you consider information/insight sufficient as well… But in life it isn’t sufficient… not by far.

Just look at weight: we all know what we should be doing, and we have known it for ever. We read, we learn… and yet the number of obese people is growing by the minute. Or worse than that, people losing and regaining the weight, hating themselves, and are totally POWERLESS… and they don’t know what they can do to become POWERFUL.

There is a difference between knowing and KNOWING. Continue reading “The Pebble In Your Shoe… Have Your Cake And Eat It Too”

A great little exercise to cause self-love…

A great little exercise to cause self-love…

Last night, in bed, I accidentally hugged myself.

Then, unexpectedly, I said to myself: I love you, little one. And then the “fun” began… The emotional dings, the doubt, the questioning, the grief.

Hoho… I said, what’s going on?

The little voice said: why would you love me?

Because I do… I said.

Do you love me, even though the house looks like a mess?

I don’t love your house, I love you. house, no house, mess, no mess… I love you.

oh. But do you love me even though I am getting old?
Continue reading “A great little exercise to cause self-love…”

What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated

transformation is like picking a lock. here are our tools to raise your vibrationTransformation is like picking a lock. You need tools, you need patience, you need immense awareness, and the results need to be valuable, or you’ll quit before you are done. Partial transformation gives you bragging rights, but no results.

This is going to be an article that, I predict, will grow as we discover or invent (with Source) new tools to bring about the 1,000 Years of Peace, the restoration of the Original Design.

I will not give details of the tools in this article. The details you can find in other articles, or in the glossary. I will link the tools to where you can read more about them as time allows.

Patience, my friend, patience is a virtue. I’ll get to it when I can. Start at the beginning… do you know how to connect, yet? I don’t mean know about it. I don’t mean “I think so” I mean, have I said that you are connected? If not, then please come to a connection call or stop feeding your mind. All this information is worthless there.

I will list the tools in the order I received them, not in the order of importance. This is where the good guys finish first, even if they started last…

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Why do I feel lethargic?

Lethargic is a way of being where there is no energy to live, to move forward, and there is not even hope.

It feels like deflated, the life force that was there before disappeared.

Tiredness that doesn’t ease up with rest, a good night’s sleep, isn’t tiredness. It is probably lethargy, depression, or purposelessness.

Why meaning disappears… when the future to live for disappears. Continue reading “Why do I feel lethargic?”

How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?


How to pick an activator, aka a spiritual practice for the fastest raising of your vibration?

This is an important question, that I have not answered publicly yet, so here you are…

What raises your vibration is the spiritual practice that you are being nudged to do by the activator, and not the activator itself.

Each activator works on a certain level of your consciousness.

I will use, again, the analogy of a highrise building to demonstrate how this works:

Most people, when they come to me, live, fully, in the basement of their being. Nowadays I have received requests from people that are, at least partially, on the ground floor.
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Weeping looking back at the path — republished

I wrote this article in 2015. I am republishing it… because it is important to read now… given the next article I just wrote… It will make it easier to get.

Here I am this cool Saturday morning, weeping.

I observe. What is there? Pain, definitely. Sense of loss, yes. Sadness, no. Regret, no. Resentment, no.

I have had a hard life. The hardest part is the last 30 years. Maybe 33… Since I left Hungary.

In Hungary I had friends. I had people who would want me around, who would walk with me, who would vouch for me.
Continue reading “Weeping looking back at the path — republished”