What Do Negative Feelings Have To Do With Abundance? Prepare To Be Surprised! UPDATED

What Do Negative Feelings Have To Do With Abundance? Prepare To Be Surprised! UPDATED

What do negative feelings have to do with abundance? Prepare to be surprised!

This past week my sales dropped to near zero. I got intensely curious and started to investigate. I detected when it started, and how it transpired.

Then I started to pay attention to my feelings with regards to my business. I found greed, (a persistent pressure reaching for my throat) and a kind of fear that starts in my stomach and makes a big flashing V, reaching as far as my shoulders.

Then it all became clear. I dropped the cause of the feelings and we are almost back to normal.

Continue reading “What Do Negative Feelings Have To Do With Abundance? Prepare To Be Surprised! UPDATED”

Do the Avatar State audios work on your family too?

Do the Avatar State audios work on your family too?


Thank you Sophie. I have bought the Self discipline Activator and it’s working perfectly when I downloaded it to my mobile, is it ok for me to listen to it now.

I am just wondering Sophie I have been playing the activators nearly 24 hours and I see good change with my children and my husband we are living harmoniously especially my youngest daughter she used to answer back a lot but now she hardly do it. Does the Avatar Activator has an effect on them?

Ma… from London, UK

My answer:
Continue reading “Do the Avatar State audios work on your family too?”

Who is Speaking? or how to find your own voice

Who is Speaking? or how to find your own voice

We all want to find out who we are, so we can be true to ourselves… but who we are is not who we are at all… it’s all the people that taught us, teachers, parents, Facebook, etc… But you can start distinguishing the “not you” and what you will be left with is the you that you have been looking for.

Most of us are like a Frankenstein monster, built from the ideas of people around us. Continue reading “Who is Speaking? or how to find your own voice”

Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?


Hello Sophie

Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.

Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?


For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:

How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.

It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.

The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.
Continue reading “Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?”

How Can You Improve Your Life? Really Improve

How Can You Improve Your Life? Really Improve

A student of mine just emailed this morning: “I just heard the most marvelous bit of wisdom from Joan Rivers, of all people. Talking about life she said,

“I wish I could tell you that life gets better… but it doesn’t get better. YOU get better.”

Life is life, people are people.

An empath student of mine wrote to me today:

Sophie I felt an energy shift yesterday,experienced way less anxiety and after the call last night felt good my mood was happy. I have not felt that in months

Now I woke up this am with tons of anxiety, my stomach in a knot

this is the roller coaster. I desire balance and not these huge sways

This is what I answered: you will never have 100% smooth ride because you are an empath. I bet the emotions weren’t yours.

This whole “getting better” expression is imprecise though. I have written in other articles, and I’ll write it until people get it: my programs raise your vibration. And a higher vibration is like…
Continue reading “How Can You Improve Your Life? Really Improve”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Revisited: What does the vibration number mean? Why are methodologies that actually help people rate low on the vibrational scale? I’ll compare and review the Dr. Bradley Nelson method, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios.

I just finished watching a few episodes of the Dr. Bradley Nelson show. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a showman, a great salesperson. I think it’s great: I wish I could be more like him doing the work I do. More people would flock to me.

Now, why is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s vibration as low as 190, occasionally as low as 170? Is he an unhappy person? Is this a case of the shoemaker who doesn’t have shoes?

The answer is no. I see two problems with his methodology that would result in such low vibration.

The problem isn’t as much his well-being, peace of mind, etc. as he isn’t in the business of empowering people. His methodology is to work through practitioners, and this model duplicates the system of the medical establishment, the church, the government.

In his system people are treated for an issue with a method that may work, by a practitioner who was “specially trained” to treat people with that method.

So people need to be sick for those practitioners to exist, which means his system perpetuates disease.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code”

How Is Procrastination Helpful to You? Really Helpful! I am not Kidding! UPDATED

procrastination as a tool for transformation

Procrastination is not an issue, it’s a symptom

As you may know, I am leading a twice a week course, called Daily Connection. There is no set curriculum: the goal is to peel away the not-you. The not-self. The false self. Just like Michelangelo chipped away what’s not David…

There are two approaches to coaching people to be their best:

  1. to call them infinite being, beautiful, loving, blah blah blah. It’s holding your face to the light. I am not attracted to that.
  2. The methodology of Kabbalah and Landmark Education and maybe even Dianetics: find the not self, identify it, and transform it. Not change it, but transform it.

A cancer cell changed is still a cancer cell. A cancer cell transformed is a normal cell with a specific function in the body.

Continue reading “How Is Procrastination Helpful to You? Really Helpful! I am not Kidding! UPDATED”

How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the worldview that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

  • I do not share that worldview.
  • I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.
  • If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.
Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.
Continue reading “How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?”

What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?

What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?
What is your REASON and PURPOSE to raise your vibration?

Get a big enough reason WHY, so you can be in action and achieve results?

Most people that sit on the fence, or sit on the sidelines wishing they could be somewhere else, enjoying the fruits of their labor, have a few characteristics to share, in addition to sharing the attitude: “this isn’t it”. Whatever that “this” is, it isn’t it. Neither is how they feel about themselves, nor is the weather. The whole gamut.

The question I set out for myself to answer: what is it that makes these people not successful, not acting, not accomplishing much of anything, not attaining the fruits of their labor even when they do act?

  1. If they don’t act, they beat themselves up for not acting, for being indecisive, fearful, overly cautious. They call what stops them fear of failure, but they are wrong: that is not what stops them. We’ll see later what it is.
  2. They don’t have a vision, neither short term, nor long term. When I ask them what they want, they don’t know. They know what they want, what they want to get done. They may have a vague direction, but there is nothing more to it.

Continue reading “What is your WHY? Why do you want to become successful?”

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease
Why Do You Need Self-Discipline And Will-Power To Achieve Higher States Of Consciousness? The Path To Grace and Ease

A ‘normal’ human is weak, weak willed, and behaves in a pleasure seeking way.

A ‘normal’ human, when asked why they do what they do, they always have a because. Their whole being is effect: they are never the cause of their own action, their own feelings, their own thoughts.

The world of humans is an interplay of cause and effect. Rare humans are the cause of their actions. They are in higher states of consciousness. They don’t need an outside cause: they act as their own authority.

To go from ‘normal’ human, meaning weak willed and pleasure seeking, ordinary consciousness, you will need to develop capacities that are not taught in school, and they are not even encouraged.

When I first learned this whole distinction, responsibility, or said in another way, being a cause, the occasion was being late. I was late, and I had good reasons: I started late, the weather, the train schedule, the cab driver, the elevator… a slew of reasons.

The trainer suggested that I become cause of my being late. I tried, ‘I am late because I am forgetful…’ but as he explained, I mean the trainer, that would still be something other than me being the cause. If it is an internal and inherent weakness that causes something, I am still a victim, I am still an effect.

It took a long time, but the speaking that expresses being totally the cause of the result was, ‘I am late because I am late.’ or in my case ‘I am late because I started out late… all the rest are just excuses.’

This was a huge revelation to me. In the three years following this discovery I accomplished nine years worth of work, and went from a low-paid architect to a magazine owner, a magazine publisher with staff. It was amazing.

Then, of course, I got sloppy and victimized again, and my life has been an alternation of being cause, and being a victim.

You need self-discipline and will power to stay cause. Just because you know what you are supposed to do, what you are supposed to notice, what you must be aware of, you won’t, unless you have a well-developed self-discipline and will-power.

Both practically help you forego the desire to bail out, to escape, to go the easy route.

You don’t go from an undisciplined prince or princess to a disciplined person. The world does not prepare you for that: a disciplined person is a threat to society: it rocks the boat of mediocrity and complacency.

I have a few clients who are either in the military or retired from the military. Even the military doesn’t care about you being self-disciplined: they just want you to do what you are told to do, like a machine.

Those military types are the least disciplined of all my clients… a total disaster.

So, how are you going to go from ‘normal’ to highly disciplined? You know that the meaning of a discipline is teaching, and a disciple is someone who can be taught.

As long as you are undisciplined, no matter what I do, and no matter what you do, the results will not be forthcoming.

And because a normal human is blind to its own behavior, its own ego, you need outside help to be able to see yourself.

The tools that I offer are energetic and cognitive.

Energetically, my harmonize your vibration audio is your best choice, if you are normal.

Cognitively, I recommend that you find out what is your soul’s correction, so you can actually direct your awareness at something that will change you in the right direction.

UPDATE: now there is a specific Avatar State audio to address self-discipline.

Go and try the Self-Discipline Activator