We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional
We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You are offended. Most everything offends you.

Things don’t go the way they should: they take too long, they are hard, they don’t pan out.

People do things they are not supposed to. And even you do things that you consider wrong, and that offends you. You don’t know how to do it… arrrgh. Continue reading “You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off”

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you. Continue reading “Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…”

Can you pinpoint your attitude with 100% certainty?

Can you pinpoint your attitude with 100% certainty?
what is your attitude?How do you know, how can you tell what is your attitude?

I have always wondered where good acting comes from… acting that almost no American actor does well… almost, I said.

But where do the attitudes that give the foundation of a scene originate.

But this morning I got really lucky. I saw a few interviews with Larry Thomas who played the Soup Nazi in Seinfeld. Continue reading “Can you pinpoint your attitude with 100% certainty?”

You don’t actually create your own reality

You don’t actually create your own reality

Yesterday I had one of the rare one-on-one calls, and the client said: “You create your own reality”

You’ve heard me say: truth repeated is a lie… and most of the time I don’t know how to explain why it is… but this is one of the times when I can.

You see, reality is the same no matter who is looking at it. What you create is not reality. What you create is your vantage point. Your attitude. The context inside which you look at reality.

But not reality.

So what really changing is is the occurrence.

Occurrence is a technical term for reality plus what you say about it. Continue reading “You don’t actually create your own reality”

Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results

Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results

A teacher/coach can have two kinds of attitudes about a student’s success or failure.

  • One is: I take credit for your success, and blame you, the student, for your failure
  • The other one is the opposite: I acknowledge you for your success, and take the blame for your failure. And then proceed or not, to provide what may have been missing… which can be many things

Both attitudes are made up… Continue reading “Coaching, teaching, results – what is the secret of getting more results”

The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger

The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger

I have been ‘playing’ this self-improvement, self-development game for 35 years. It germinated and grew into a full ‘tree’ in me, while in others it remained stunted, or maybe even died.

What was the difference between those others and myself?

The main difference was, I thought, is that I saw going up incredibly inspiring, while others focused on protecting their egos. We call it precious I in my work.

I had a precious I too, but I could see that what it had given me is grief, so I was willing to think and do things that offended or scared my precious I, because what I saw was available was inspiring enough for me to do so. Continue reading “The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger”

Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

The only effective method to make something work is to remove, little by little, all the things that make it not work, or not work as well as it could.

This is true in every area of life.

So what can be removed?

Continue reading “Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%”

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane land where you want it to land… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip? Continue reading “What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth”

Three methods of growing yourself over time

Three methods of growing yourself over time

I read some new self-growth suggestions, some new methods to grow yourself from the series of books I am reading.

I’ll mention three of those in this article.

  • One: as soon as you wake up, look who you are going to help today. And put the question on your reticular activator, the part of you that once it trusts you, will do almost all the work of finding stuff for you… The rule of this spiritual practice is: you need a new person every day.
  • Two: grow 1% every day in health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

Continue reading “Three methods of growing yourself over time”