Intention is the beginning of all transformation

Intention is the beginning of all transformation
The power of intention

Most people don’t know the power of intention, it because they have never experienced it, because they don’t know how to get access to intention.

They never intend. They live inside wanting to, needing to, having to, and should… the horizontal plane, the Valley of the Shadow of Death… Fear of death, fear of annihilation. Continue reading “Intention is the beginning of all transformation”

Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…

Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…

…meaning the most effective way to get from loser to winner in life

Nowadays all I am talking about is controlling your attention. I talk about self-discipline. Causing your plane land on the airstrip no matter how the wind blows.

You expect that from a pilot… but you don’t expect it of yourself. Continue reading “Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

Increase this number and all other numbers will rise with it

Increase this number and all other numbers will rise with it

Your attention span is a reliable indicator of how well you’ll do in life

If you are not where you want to be, one possible way you can improve your lot is by increasing your attention span.

Most people have a lot of aspects to their behavior and thinking that are at odds with being happy, successful, joyful people.

A whole lot. I measure most in my Starting Point Measurements.

So the natural inclination is to declare it hopeless. And the second natural inclination is to want to handle it all at once.

This is when people spend a lot of money in one sitting… and then don’t know what to do with them.

And some people, the rare specimen, who asks: how should I start? What shall I do first? Continue reading “Increase this number and all other numbers will rise with it”

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Where attention goes, energy flows… but can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

I’ve read somewhere that we live in the age of attention. Everyone fights for your attention, and you have little or no control… unless you can control your attention.

How much control do you have over your attention?

Why is that important?

Two reasons:

  • 1. where attention goes, energy flows. But… as you’ll find out, not all attention is equal…
  • 2. While you are ‘paying’ attention to one thing, you are ignoring everything else.
Attention is a single pointed arrow… it is not very wide cone either.
  • Your cone of vision is already narrow… why? Because fear, wrong, desire all narrow it… automatically.
  • Fear, wrong, and desire also urges you to fix what seems to be threatening you… by avoiding it, or by doing something drastic to it.

What happens when you see something that seems to be threatening you? Essentially what happens is that you take that ‘thing’ completely out of context… because in your puny cone of vision you cannot see the larger picture, you cannot see the context.

Context is decisive. It decides what you see when you look… You can only see what agrees with the context.

Continue reading “Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?”

I want I want I want… holiday weeks malady

  • stress is wantingI want this to be different than it is
  • I want to feel different than I am feeling
  • I want to be treated differently than I am being treated
  • I want to have more money
  • I want to do more interesting things
  • I want to have some skills
  • I want I want I want
What is underneath that wanting?

For one, a sky high desire number. Maybe even a desire trap. Coupled with a low, weak, tepid ambition number.

Holiday times are especially trapping… I can even feel it myself.

Desire, by its unrealistic nature, robs you of the energy to bring what you desire about.

Why? How? Continue reading “I want I want I want… holiday weeks malady”

Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain

Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain

Keep your wits about you… or what it takes to become a human being instead of a monkey with a big brain

One of the amazing things I learned from The Jungle Book is that humans are really just monkeys, if we look at their behavior. Lots of chatter, no aim, short attention span, have no ability or even need to think independently…

Very interesting findings. Once you put your attention on a behavior, capacity, characteristic, you start to see what it does for you… or conversely, what the lack of it does for you.

The capacity I am now observing is attention. 1There is a fundamental difference between learning ABOUT attention and TRAINING your attention. I saw that there are courses on Khan Academy about attention, just like we have done the coursera course, learning to learn. Both are about… not the doing of it. Continue reading “Keep your wits about you. Don’t be a monkey with a big brain”

Do you have, do you create drama in your life?

Do you have, do you create drama in your life?

Do you have, do you create drama in your life? Excitement?… or how to become a producer instead

This article may bring some pointers how you can have a life of producing results instead of drama.

Why isn’t everyone breaking a path to my door to participate in the Playground, my groundbreaking program?

When I look at my new buyer list, and the products they buy, I get a clearer sense of who I am reaching. I make no effort to reach anyone specific, anyone particular… by the way. I don’t know how to reach the person who would be able and willing to even consider taking the long road to where they want to get to. People want instant of near-instant results. Titillating results.

Just like art house movies are deemed boring, because the cuts are longer than a few seconds long… paths are deemed boring, tedious, and undesirable, if they take longer than 2-3 days, or alternatively a short exciting class with magical stuff in it. Continue reading “Do you have, do you create drama in your life?”

You may know the price of everything and the value of nothing

I had a very interesting conversation, in email, with one of my long time students.

It belies one of the fundamental needs of a human: being paid attention to.

You could say: every child is paid attention to, you work for them, you clean them, to feed them, you put them to bed, but being paid attention to is different. It is a need to be personally noticed, considered, and in some way validated… or something breaks inside.

It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from the lack of fulfillment of this need. Continue reading “You may know the price of everything and the value of nothing”

Floundering? Don’t know why nothing seems to work?

Floundering? Don’t know why nothing seems to work?

Floundering? Can’t seem to get from A to B? Don’t know why nothing seems to work?

Maybe you feel clueless? Maybe you feel left behind?

Here is MY clueless story…

I have been asking questions more than normal.

In the past seven years, my site’s readership WAS steadily growing… until a month or two ago when it dropped to approximately half of what it was at that point.

It didn’t, or better English, hasn’t effected my income, but it looked troubling enough to start asking questions.

The pull to ask why questions is tremendous… Why me, why now, why people don’t like me?

Meh… But what other questions can I ask?

Now, that is a really useful question: what other questions can I ask? Continue reading “Floundering? Don’t know why nothing seems to work?”