How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior

How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior

Self-improvement, self-development is a lot like the illegal drug trade. It’s not regulated. A few ‘cartels’ dominate the market. What they sell is mostly addictive, pleasure promising, but on the long term destroys the user’s life.

Then there are the drug pushers, the evangelists that seems to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and how a teacher should or should not be.

The programs and the tools are ineffective… you’ll find out why later in this article.
Continue reading “How I achieved 50% result in changing people’s behavior”

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

entrainment to greedNature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least in appearance… Continue reading “The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment”

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

activate dna capacitiesAll humans are all born with a full DNA tree, like a ‘Christmas tree’ loaded with ornaments. Ornaments are the DNA capacities. Some of those capacities light up, they are active, most of those don’t light up. They are inactive or dormant.

DNA capacities? what is a DNA capacity?

Capacities are like abilities. In vocational testing, they test you for abilities that you can work with… Active abilities. They are not looking for more… even though there are abilities dormant in your DNA that could be activated, but aren’t.

Very few if any jobs are interested in training you to that degree. And even higher learning institutions concentrate on the material, not on your abilities… Those are totally up to you.

The more and more diverse and challenging activities you do in your life, successfully, the more abilities are activated.

The DNA capacities that those dark, unlit ornaments show as dormant are, for example, patience, compassion, perseverance, process, caring, generosity, stepping out of the picture, letting go of your obsession with what you want, seeing the big picture, intelligence, focus, connecting the dots, astuteness, empathy, process and lots more… a total of 160  capacities… Those are the prized qualities of real winners. Continue reading “Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?”

Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?

Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?

habitually depressedDepression can be like pessimism, it can be habitual. Habitually depressed. I know it sounds weird, but there is more of that habitual stuff than you would notice.

You KNOW how it is, you KNOW how you are, and any change in that is only possible if you actually LOOK and see how it is, and how you are.

You may have the thousand mile stare. But you never actually LOOK.

You seem to settle into a life KNOWING, as if living in a created little universe, your own, where everything is known. You know how to live depressed… You may complain, but you don’t even entertain the option of looking from outside to see if you are still depressed.

When you live like this, and I think everyone lives like this! then mostly an outside of you energy is needed to kick you in the hind quarters, so you open your eyes, and gasp. WTF?

Like the just born baby who needs a slap on the behind to even consider breathing. Still sure that they don’t have to…

I think that we need to be slapped on the behind, a lot.
Continue reading “Are you habitually depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sick?”

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash

The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash
you are on the leashHave to, need to, want to, and should: you are on the leash 24/7.

I woke up this morning and noticed that I haven’t been very busy. not much to do. I mean I am writing my articles, doing the services I promised, but not busy. I didn’t feel on the leash… delicious.

I wonder what I should do, now that I am not busy.

I came up with the idea to write a book: The empath’s job in a world where people are going numb.

Then I came to my computer and read a client’s email… and I had a flash of insight why humanity is going numb…

This is what this article is about. So you, at your place, in your person, arrest or maybe even reverse this seemingly unstoppable process that has resulted in your misery, carefully hidden, across the world, maybe even China. Who knows?
Continue reading “The reason you are miserable… You are on the leash”

When your failures always return… The anchor to doom

When your failures always return… The anchor to doom
anchor to doom aka your dominant beliefThe anchor to your doom attachment

What gives it away is the implied inevitability. The language. That it’s always, or never.

Like I am never going to be successful. Stings. Hurts. My eyes are watering. I scramble to avoid it, fight mightily, only to give up after a while and resign… burn, and get up from the ashes like a phoenix bird… This has been the story of my life. Horrid.

Now, imagine free falling towards the Earth, accelerating. Your language, I guess: I am going to die. I am going to be pulped by the impact.

Imagined it? Now imagine that I order you to pay attention to the weather, to the shape of the clouds in the sky.

Continue reading “When your failures always return… The anchor to doom”

Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment

Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment

fir tree, like an energetic attachment, is growing inside man's lungDominant belief is like the fir tree that was growing in this Russian man’s lung. True story… and a great illustration of what an attachment is and how it debilitates you.

15 years ago I met a guy who was into energies. It all sounded a tall tale to me, somewhat irritating, to tell you the truth. After all I knew everything about everything… and this wasn’t one of the things I had even heard of… energies?

Anyway, I was proven wrong soon, and became a convert.

Energies became very real for me, as physical as dirt and milk and bread… Soon I was training to become an energy practitioner, and I worked on him, on myself, and even traded energy work for massage therapy… Continue reading “Dominant belief is found to act like an energetic attachment”

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepI am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁

I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.

Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.

Result: No abundance.

Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!

Even how you laugh: hahaha… but I hear you holding back. Scarcity shows in every movement, everything you do. Continue reading “What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?”

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.

  1. sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
  2. the climber

Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.

Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.
Continue reading “Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality”

Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?

Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?

what is your worldview?If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a worldview, a worldview that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.

But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, or maybe a worldview has you…

Worldview is a particular interpretation of life, of creation, of power, of choice, of freedom. Of other people, of nature. Of what is important and what isn’t. Of what is agreed upon and what isn’t.

Depending on the worldview, only certain actions and certain things can be present. It’s like a stage in a play: you can’t put there stuff that doesn’t belong. That doesn’t have a role… On the stage, if there is a gun there, you can be sure it will be used during the story. I read that somewhere about Chekhov’s plays… Continue reading “Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?”