Updated: The 3-headed hydra attachment and the “thing” hanging over my head

the 3-headed hydra attachmentI had a remarkable learning experience today

It being Tuesday, I went to my chiropractor, like I have for the past 30 years.

I was out of whack… limping, wheezing, hurting.

There was hardly any misalignment physically, but energetically I was a mess.

It was all the aftermath of my encounter yesterday with the “3-headed hydra…” my name for what happened.
Continue reading “Updated: The 3-headed hydra attachment and the “thing” hanging over my head”

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?

What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?
All you do to raise your vibration is plain wrong and actually lowers your vibration.

I got this email this morning:

Hello Sophie,
I have read some of Your reviews. I thought raising vibrations meant inner transformation, less ego and more kindness. Sorry, but to me Your Message does not seem truthful. I do not think it is Your intention, but I have to quit.
Regards from K

A lot of visitors have the same opinion: higher vibration means more kindness… Continue reading “What is high vibration, really? Is everyone wrong about it?”

You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!

Inside-my-MindI am not hundred percent clear on the topic, but I am going to start it anyway.

We, humans, think that our minds dictate and direct our actions, and we are desperately trying to change our minds, if we don’t like the actions, or strengthen the mind if we do.

But what if the mind has nothing to do with our actions.

I am reading a book about this, this is probably why I paid attention today, when this happened:

It’s very hot today. As my habit, I leaned into the bath tub and opened the cold shower to cool off.
Continue reading “You want to change your actions? Don’t bother with the mind!”

Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission

spreading_misery_equallyUnless you learn how to identify with the Witness aka Observer, you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Guaranteed.

It’s Sunday. Ever since I woke up the Negative Emotion Transmission has been very strong today. Stronger than on a weekday.

It is by design. The owners of the transmission want to spread misery on your day off. Why? I don’t know.

What is your recourse? You can’t protect yourself from the misery transmission.

You can do three things, maybe four. Continue reading “Negative Emotions Worldwide Transmission”

How do you know if a program or method works or not?

will-it-work-for-meA better question: How do you know if a program or method will work for you or not?

That is a crucial question.

A program may work, but

  1. you won’t like it
  2. you will be afraid to do what you need to do to make it work
  3. you don’t have the foundation to make it work
  4. you have time and energy to do it
  5. It takes you away from where you should be, or takes your time and attention from doing what you should be doing.

Continue reading “How do you know if a program or method works or not?”

Tools to remove Dark Side attachments yourself

sorcerer-overloadThis article gives you some tools that you can use to remove the Dark Side attachments you unwittingly gathered through curiosity, greed, or desire to heal. If I refused to remove your attachments, this is what I can offer to you, for now. If you can’t afford my services to remove you attachments, this is also your path.

From time to time I am approached by people that I know are dangerous. Some are unconscious of the danger they pose… they are like zombies… operated by a power greater than themselves: an evil and dark power.

How did that happen? They find themselves attracted to weird stuff… energies, spells, curses, rituals, magical, magik.

The attraction comes from weakness. And the weakness gets exploited.

Thousands of weak sorcerer wannabees walk around the planet, all enslaved by killer energies. Many come to me to curse me or ask for help.
Continue reading “Tools to remove Dark Side attachments yourself”

Winners don’t fight what is: they use it.

Your chances are like this tiny sea turtle hatchling... not bigThe ones who fight are broken.

You fight? you’re broken

To all the people that had their anchor-to-doom attachment pulled, I recommended that they start using the Unconditional Love Activator. Why?

Because the capacity of allowing need to be first practiced between you and you. Between you and your actions. Between you and your feelings, thoughts, and urges.

Without first allowing what is, you will ALWAYS be ineffective, bruised, and beaten.

I have learned this the hard way. I am a very forceful person by nature, and that is a horrible thing for a coach. Forcefulness create resistance in the other person, and instead of smooth transition to desirable actions, I trigger fighting, belligerence, and ultimately failure.
Continue reading “Winners don’t fight what is: they use it.”

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?
lying to yourself is not allowing yourself to be who you areDo you get hooked? People pushing your buttons?

Ultimately, every time you encounter something you don’t want, don’t like, don’t agree with, your first reaction is resistance, i.e. not allowing what you don’t like to be. Continue reading “What to do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake


Sonia Choquette

Personal vibration: all mind, no Self, no connection. Personal vibration: 130. She is empathic. Not a psychic. Clairvoyance: accuracy: 20%. Reminds me of the gypsy fortune teller that robbed me in Budapest: lured me in, and robbed me.

She is one of those “healers” that put an attachment on you and then leaves it in. The attachment works even on a recording, so beware. Please don’t complain if you don’t heed my warning.

One of the things I notice: you want to believe pretty people. They must be good. They must be able to help you, after all they are pretty.

Pretty outside is bait. In this industry (self-help, spirituality, self-development) and everywhere else.
Continue reading “Sonia Choquette vibrational review… get an attachment from Sonia Choquette, fake”