Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition

Updated: Discovery, invention, innovation and ambition

tower-of-babel-pieter-bruegelSummary: some six thousand years ago a mind virus was introduced. It lead to the rise of a strong ruling class and a sheep-like plebs. In this article I introduce the first ever remedy to the mind virus: the Unification Energy.

You see, humans have a strong inner connection to wisdom through connecting to All-Knowledge, but the mind virus severed, blocked the connection between the part of each human that connects and the part that they consider themselves to be… the part that has the mind, the subconscious, the body, and the Ego. The part that will look for nourishment, guidance, leadership, meaning, outside: on the horizontal plane.

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What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding fake food you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

What happens to food-tasting, food sounding stuff you ingest that the body doesn’t recognize as food?

A few weeks ago, every time I ate eggs I would get symptoms of stomach ache, and skin issues.

I decided that it was my childhood egg white allergy… but the symptoms continued when I just ate the yolks.

Then I watched that youtube video… and today, I finally forced myself to check if the “eggs” I have been eating were fake or not. 1

Every single egg in the boxes I bought at my favorite local supermarket were fake eggs, fake one way or another.
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Muscletesting: you are asking the wrong question?

Muscletesting: you are asking the wrong question?

muscletesting hand positionOne of the signs of human arrogance is that we think our questions are relevant.

That our questions will get answers that are usable, useful, and truthful.

Nothing is further from the truth.

When you ask your question you are already too deep in “knowing”… much like a detective who has already narrowed his search and investigation to one suspect: if the detective is off, the questions are off. And even if they get a yes answer every step of the way, that won’t make the suspect guilty… They asked the wrong question… and there are not enough yes answers to make it the right question.
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Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water

Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water

Vibrational Review: Life Force Generating Machines, Bill Wernet, Bovis Scale, Energizing Water, Wilhelm Reich,Orgone energy

I see people searching for “bovis energy scale” “bovis scale water” on the site, and I get intensely curious.

I used to buy my water-energizing products from Sante in Florida, until the store defaulted with a large order and the money held back.

I looked for the “real” owner, Bill Wernet (vibration: 210), who was 90 years old a few years ago when I contacted him by phone.

He “owned” Sante Water’s method of turning purified water into energized water. At the time I didn’t find anything that would explain how to do that, though, based on today’s experience, I think I was asking the wrong questions… oh well, don’t you recognize yourself? Asking by the Tree of Knowledge.
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