Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus

Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus

AI have been talking about the memes… and it seems that I haven’t spoken clearly the point.

So let me take a stab at it, and I’ll try until it’s so clear that most people will get it.

A meme is a though form. Words. Some rule, some principle, some saying that says something about how the world works, how you should be, and what is good and bad.

The Tree of Knowledge houses the memes. They live their incestuous life there and they come from there to infect you. Continue reading “Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus”

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…

One of my students gave me a kindle book for my birthday.

It’s a book about practicing, for teachers. 1

The gift book came right on the heels of an insight I haven’t shared with you.

I finished my third reading Ayn Rand’s 1500 page philosophical novel. I still don’t have my own words to say what she says.

I have one sentence, that is now mine, that I own, and the sentence is “A is A. If you wish it to be something else, then you are delusional.” This is the cornerstone of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, objectivism.

I am able to own one distinction. From the 1500 pages of dense philosophy.

I am OK with that. It’s a process.

Continue reading “If it is easy to get, then it is worthless…”