Are you disconnected from All-of-it and beg for knowledge from others?

inner-lightOne of the horrible costs of living in your mind, trusting your mind, going for Tree of Knowledge, is that you cut yourself off from your inner knower… and hand your life and destiny over to people who are not your friends, who are not on your side, who have their own agenda in saying anything.

I am observing the few high capacity producers in my circle, and this is one of the big difference between you and them: they may take hints… but then they do their own thinking, their own process.

The missing capacity, self-trust, or as Dan Millman calls it Faith, of course needs to be based on other capacities: cannot stand alone. And you also need to build some reality to it, some solid foundation. That is why you don’t have it: you life has been, and likely will be a life of turning to other people for all your thinking.

This is Dan Millman’s “article” from the book “The Life You Were Born To Live”. He knows a lot, sees, a lot, and doesn’t know and doesn’t see a lot more. But the article may awaken the desire in you to be your own person…

The Law of Faith

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Vibrational Reviews of some high profile people

Vibrational Reviews of some high profile people

Number after the person’s name signifies personal vibration at the time of this review, September 2013. It is 2023 now, and the numbers have changed, likely halved.. If it’s an organization, then the number signifies truth value… on the logarithmic scale of vibration… 200 vibration is around 2% truth value… meaning 98% horse dung.

The numbers are vibrational numbers, on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale.
Total truth is 1000…
Look at the map to see what each level feels like According to David Hawkins… vibration: 200. truth value: 7%

Harrison Klein 170
Bruce Lipton 170
Gregg Braden 210
Eric Pearl 150
Joan Borysenko 210
Howard Martin 210
Guy Finley 170
Sue Morter 150
Bruce Goldberg 130
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