From My Correspondence: What’s Next? Am I a Genius Yet?

From My Correspondence: What’s Next? Am I a Genius Yet?

What’s next? Am I a Genius yet? 1


How to make the best of the Activation Of The Original Design

From My Correspondence:

I have been looking at your site. I am not to sure how it works. Do you help people to lift their vibrations, or have you done it already when you activated the countries and it is now up to each individual to take it further?

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Connect To Source or Die

connect to source or die Connect To Source or Die

What is the Quickening movie about?

That movie is a 2012 prediction.

What is the foundation of even having any predictions? There are two: the Hopi myth that seems to be coming true (I didn’t do any research! do your homework!) and the Mayan calendar.

The Mayan calendar which is conveniently (?) illustrated by one of the temples, it is shown that humanity is approaching its current state’s fifth night.

Each period, including this one, is divided to 5 days and 5 nights. According to the Mayan Calendar the time of the fifth night is approaching. The traditional interpretation puts the end of the fifth night to December of 2012, a Swedish researcher says, that it will be as soon as October of this year, 2011.

What are the types of calamities we can expect?

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The Quickening By Keith Wyatt, Awakening As One

the quickening keith wyatt video awakening as one The Quickening by Keith Wyatt awakening as one

I got an email from one of the Pioneers of The Planetary Ascension project. He sent me a link to this movie, below, The Quickening. He said that in this movie I will see why I am doing what I am doing.

My knee jerk reaction was to summarily dismiss this, but at 900 you know better, chuckle, so I watched the movie. It is long, repetitive, an hour and 15 minutes long, in fact, but well done, and profound.

The vibration of the movie is 695/1000. Which is very very very high.

Of course the movie was made before the Planetary Activation began. But even with that, it is simply terrifying and yet feels right.

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Phase One Case Study: Keith the Photographer

This is a Phase One Case Study. Phase One of the Planetary Ascension. Phase One was worldwide and every person on the Planet got it. The highest vibration Phase One can take you is 299.

Some people who previously got to a high vibration by using Dark Side energies also got the activation and as a result their vibration dropped to a lower number. Tr. is like that, his vibration is now 395 compared to the 600 it used to be. On the other hand, when I got the activation, my vibration jumped by 30, from 665 to 695. And Master Gopal’s vibration went from 605 to 615.

Phase One started on July 24 with 4 people.

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Comparison Of The Different Healing Modalities, Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation

activation on five levels instead of oneComparison Of The Different Healing Modalities, Hypnosis, Visualization, Affirmations, Brain Entrainment, Energy, And Activation

What is the difference between modalities that try to implant new thoughts, new beliefs or change existing ones?

Let me look what are these modalities:

1. Hypnosis
2. Visualization
3. Affirmations, overt or covert (subliminal included)
4. Subliminal of any medium, including visuals
5. Brain entrainment of any kind
6. Energy alignment, reconnecting, Healing Codes, sound entrainment, network chiropractic, tapping, etc.
7. Activation
Did I miss any category?

The first six modalities are narrow-band modalities. They try to effect the areas they know are responsible for certain kinds of behavior, that store the beliefs.

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Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side

Church And Dark Side, Religion and Dark Side

In my conversations, people always refer back to religion, church, or ceremonies.

Our lives and our belief system has been shaped by religion more than anything else. In my case, I would dare say that the religion of matter over mind, the belief of it’s all random and accidental, ran my life for decades. 1

It is easier to see it on my brothers: one has a real hard time to see the back or their head, and belief is such: it is like seeing the back of your head, because it is ok, if you think it’s a belief, but what we think is not that, we think and know that it is the truth.

“Superstition is only a superstition when it’s not, and it isn’t when it is”

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