Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…

Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…
blind-justice prejudiceJudge, Pre-judge people? Pre-judging is a cognitive bias… how to avoid making stupid value judgments…

Our prejudices often rob us from seeing what is in front of us.

Prejudice is a simple two-part word: pre-judge. Meaning: judge from some simple criteria, like the color of someone’s skin, the strength of their grammar, their clothing, or whether they curse or not.

And then we stop looking, because the judgment is already there: this or that.

Pre-judging is a cognitive bias, it is the mind’s attempt to save you time. It is accurate for our purposes of survival, about 60% of the time. 40% of the time it is inaccurate, and leads to stupid, self-defeating decisions.

Most people get married based on a the 40%, hire people, buy stuff, or not buy, reject perfectly good matches. Continue reading “Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…”

How do you know if you are imagining growing?

How do you know if you are imagining growing?

Unsightly-weedsMy homework for the course I am in is to read 200 testimonials to a book in my niche.

My niche is self growth, becoming a human being, being all you can become…

A little vague, I am afraid. But being able to pinpoint what attracts people that say they want to grow is what I want to do… so I have been reading those darned testimonials.

I’ve chosen to only track testimonials to book I have read myself:

Frequency by Penney Peirce (personal vibration: 130)… Truth value 3% and E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout (personal vibration: 170) truth value between 5 and 8 percent, depending where the reader’s vibration is. 1
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Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Judge-Judy-Sheindlin- Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's rainingI borrowed that expression from Judge Judy, because I like it. But it is also perfect, because Judge Judy calls for responsibility… to no avail… Why? Because responsibility is a capacity encoded and dormant in human DNA… only a few, the successful few have it turned on.

Responsibility is access to power, access to personal power. And most people are powerless, feel powerless, act powerless. Force is not power. And that is what passes for personal power nowadays: forcing, manipulating, controlling, coercing, etc.

This article is not about that. This article is about how to turn on and live with and through personal power.

As I have shared before, back in November I signed up to a money making scam program.

It hasn’t delivered, but I am OK. I haven’t abandoned ship. Now, that is very interesting, because most people that stay are in hope.

Hope is living in a future denying what is… because you don’t like it.

So the people are in hope, hope of some money they didn’t work for, because they don’t like how the world is: you have to have skills, you have to have knowledge, you have to work… f… that! So they gamble. And hope. 1
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More on being locked out… I am handing you the key

thumbSome 10 years ago I did a year long course, called Partnership Explorations. It was intense, incomprehensible, and difficult.

Yet, it had an aspect that caused me to have an insight that was directly responsible for the breakthrough that you live with me, now.

The course was some talk, and a lot of collages.

A collage is an artwork… normally. But in the Partnership Explorations course it was a tool to get a new insight about life, about ourselves.

In one collage I wanted to show that I was locked out. I was locked out of the kind of life I saw people enjoy: parties, kissing, love.
Continue reading “More on being locked out… I am handing you the key”

More money Part 4: your relationship to money

Relationship-with-MoneyWhat is your relationship to money?

For the most part, your relationship to money, your attitude about money, is the same or similar, as your attitude about life. It is either powerful or it isn’t… and of course everything in between.

Raising the quality of your relationship to money is the exact same thing as raising your vibration. The moves are exactly the same. The higher vibration relationship will effect your money, your personal relationships, your success in any area of life, your health, and your experience of life: your level of fulfillment, purpose, joy, and happiness.

Of course, your understanding of what I just said is on the level of your current vibration… you want more stuff… right? You’ll see what it really means as you raise (increase) your vibration by climbing the Tree of Life, from branch to branch to branch, to as high as you can manage in this lifetime.

Continue reading “More money Part 4: your relationship to money”

Questions and Answers: Talk back to me…

Dear Sophie,

After last night’s call, I have some questions for you.

-I wanted to ask you what you actually mean, instead of what I interpreted when you gave me soul correction + flaw. In terms of actually doing my soul work, what does it mean that I have Silent Partner and flaw of Pretense? (I thought I knew until I read one of the posts by aaron online). I suspect this will hurt like a band aid coming off to hear, but I’d rather find out exactly what you mean instead of thinking I know. Then I can go about catching it


Each character flaw is a pretense.

You are made of the same stuff as Source, and that is powerless beyond measure. You live in the world of scarcity, but that doesn’t mean that your powers disappeared, they are limited by the physicality, that’s all.

But humans behave if they had no access to power inside themselves, they look for power outside of themselves. That is a pretense.

The Silent Partner addresses this character flaw directly, the other soul corrections through a specific application of this denial of power.

The issue with the Silent Partner is accessing your power. Magical thinking will work a little bit, but not much. The adage, fake it till you make it, is perfect here, you need to take steps you would not take without knowing that you have the power, but of course at this point you don’t. I do, but I am a little ahead of you on this journey.

Behaving like you can’t is your flaw to correct.


You mentioned on the call last night that being a “helper” is the worst. My job is actually being an assistant! Is that under the same umbrella of what you were referring to? I must say however, that your articles have since motivated me to see my work as training to do the job on my own and eventually be my own boss.


Being an assistant is a wonderful job. You don’t need to be the boss of all, you just need to be the boss of yourself.

Wallace D Wattles says it best in his The Science of Getting Rich: start where you are. use the will correctly. put all power into every action. become too big for the job you have. don’t just become the best at it: that will keep you stuck. become too big for it!

You’ll know when you are ready… but do you know what you are training for?

I do a lot of work for people that I consider training, even now. But I am very clear what it is I am training for, so I don’t become a helper.

Until you are clear about that, just do the “job” better than required, in a somewhat beyond what’s required way. As if it were your own business.


-It sounded from your articles that the 1st phase activation could take people to 299, but not everyone did. Obviously, neither did I since I am at 200. Is there a reason I didn’t/couldn’t get to 299 and what can I do about it? I would very much like to not be in the “miserable wretch” category as you call it.


I am a little hesitant to admit, but the first phase activation without removing at least some of what was there, was a little too early. Luckily I caught the dark side, by accident and eliminated it, but it is starting to grow back. It was around 50% before that activation, and now only 2%, but on the individual level, the activation didn’t do much.

You are doing the right thing by being in the 2nd Phase Activation Course, that is your ticket out of “wretched”.


Regarding being an empath and your article on Heaven on Earth for weight loss: Recently I realized that not only have I been living other people’s stuff, but I’ve also been carrying their weight. I was always baffled because the math of calorie/exercise did not add up with how I look. Since then when I see myself (and despair) I say something along the lines of “it’s not my weight, return it to Source.” So far (I’ve only started 2 weeks ago), results are not there. I also take H.O.E. unrelentingly. Do you have any other advice?


I muscletested your statement about carrying other people’s weight for them, and it is not true. I struggle with my weight too, and in my case, I am clear that my metabolism is so slowed down from carrying other people’s feelings, that I can actually maintain my weight at 500 Calories a day. Ridiculous.

What is the explanation? I think it is holding the breath. The food needs oxygen to burn, and without oxygen it is poison and it must be stored.

A few years ago I did a breathing regimen, I forgot what it was called, by Greer Childers. It’s a 20-minute breathing regimen with about 10 positions stretching. I lost 30 pounds in 40 days, without changing anything else. Buy the book on ebay for a buck, “Be a loser” and start doing it. Even if you don’t do it the way it is supposed to be done, you’ll be surprised that you’ll shed the weight. Guaranteed


Another empath question. One of your articles you say “I have gone through the mad stage, I have gone through the useless hermit stage. After 60 years, I have got myself to the stage where this ability is useful.” I felt a painful jolt of recognition. I also feel I went through mad stage and am stuck in “useless hermit.” It is also very much like you said on last night’s call – the people who never have fun. Is this something that the empath group will help with or do you have anything else I can do?


If the current empath group is any indication, it is nothing short of a miracle when an empath becomes conscious. I need more applicants to actually do another group.


On the healing calls, I don’t see the text boxes so I don’t know if people request healing on their various aches and pains or if you are tuning in and picking up on what is collectively in need of healing for the group. I was concerned about the bladder and tumor situation as I was having bladder pain the other day. But I wasn’t sure if that was specific to someone else on the call. If you are taking requests, I would ask for help with allergies. I’m sure I’m not alone in dealing with hay fever right now.


Both. people make requests, and I am tuning in.

I don’t have any allergies, so I am a little clueless as to what to do about those, sorry

Sorry, lots of questions. I have been thinking about them for some time.

Thank you,


Activation of The Original Design, Phase One For Planet Earth is Complete

I have been forced to take Saturdays and Sundays off, and I have been sleeping at least nine hours a night.

This is hard work. The hard part is the empathic part: physically experience all the emotions of all these people… it is very draining.

In addition I am hard at work finalizing the first elective activator. Even the name of the activator isn’t finalized, We, myself and the testers, are divided. These are still in the running… Personal Power, Living Powerfully, Eliminate powerlessness, Access to Power

Seven people are testing the activator, it is phenomenal. I will talk more about it in another article, but I want to talk about an unexpected side-effect I am still shaking my head about:

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