From a life of resignation to a life worth living

From a life of resignation to a life worth living
a life of desperationLet’s first analyze the title… instead of jumping right in… OK?

What is a life of resignation? What do you resign to?

I say, you resign to being an effect. To not being cause. And that hurts. Continue reading “From a life of resignation to a life worth living”

What can YOU reasonably expect from any program?

What can YOU reasonably expect from any program?

The most popular page on this site,, is my Mind Movies review page.

So I decided to add a few words to it… I added this today:

what results you can expect from a program?Bad news: no matter what program you buy, if you remain the same inside, small, arrogant, and fearful, no program will do anything for you… For most people there is a chasm, a big divide between what they want and what they do… And that big divide needs to be bridged by small purposeful actions. But the problem I see with any results based goal setting program: most people are incapable of designing the small actions, let alone doing them. So the success rate of a program like Mind Movies is way less than 1%…
Continue reading “What can YOU reasonably expect from any program?”

The secret of a meaningful life?

7-paths-to-a-meaningul-lifeIn this article, I am going to use the Monday Morning Memo by Roy Williams to teach you something about a meaningful life, that I am certain you don’t yet know… consciously.

It’s about what give you the quality of your life… Really. What…

This may be one of the most missing distinctions of our century… so please read it. And please know, I am at odds with this Roy Williams article… So don’t fall in love with it, until you read my entire post.
Continue reading “The secret of a meaningful life?”

On Love, your work in life, on being guided, and trust.

On Love, your work in life, on being guided, and trust.

Being guided by YOUR spirit is the most unsettling way of being guided.

You don’t know why you are guided where you are guided, what you are supposed to learn, so you learn what you can, and trust.

Trust is my soul correction, so it is more challenging to me than most anything. Not knowing is hard for me. I need to know. The context, the “to what end” missing is hard for me. Continue reading “On Love, your work in life, on being guided, and trust.”