Time Travel and Kabbalah. Is time travel physical?

Originally posted 2008-12-01 11:30:07.

When we talk about time travel, what we mean is totally and fully in the 1% reality. I call this reality the horizontal plane.

Just watch the movie: Back to the Future, and you see the character played by Michael J. Fox physically did stuff and that changed the future that he traveled back to. It changed the people, their income level, their behavior, their social status.

But what if our limited thinking is not the only way to look at this phenomenon?

Let me tell you something that I had first hand experience with.

Some 20 years ago, in a Landmark Education Seminar, the Leadership Seminar, (for those of you that care,) we needed to do a group project to practice leadership. Continue reading “Time Travel and Kabbalah. Is time travel physical?”

Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye

Originally posted 2008-08-02 11:30:07.

kabbalah string red stringThis blog (on Kabbalah) is new, and I decided to look for a logo image for it. A picture of a left wrist with the famous red string around it felt like an excellent idea.

So I went on Google and searched for ‘Kabbalah String.’ What a mistake. First off, there were 420 thousand pages listed. Intimidating. Second: most of those sites are hellbent at throwing dirt, venom, spit, at Kabbalah, and everything that has anything to do with Kabbalah. They call it a religion: it is not. They call it a cult: it is not.

all signs of the evil eye

I resisted being sucked into …
Continue reading “Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye”

Kabbalahchick hello post: welcome to my blog

Originally posted 2008-07-28 10:53:01.

overcoming scarcity mentality scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset scarcity mentality relationships what is scarcity mindset abundance vs scarcity 7 habits scarcity mentality definition scarcity mindset definition scarcity psychology definitionWelcome to my Kabbalahchick blog.

When I say, hello world, I mean the 1%. Malchut. Where you and I locate ourselves, what you and I consider the whole world. the visible, the tangible, the perceivable, the measurable, the world of scarcity and therefore the world of scarcity thinking, scarcity mindset.

Kabbalah says that this world, the world of matter, the world of thoughts and words, is only 1% of all reality. The rest, the 99% reality is the world of unlimited possibilities, the world of unending fulfillment, light, and pleasure. Much like the Christian bible describes heaven.

In the 1%, the world of scarcity, human beings live in scarcity thinking. Some people seem to be different: they treat the world as their oyster, and lo and behold, the world complies.

In this blog we are (you and I) will explore what it takes to receive more of what is coming to us, more light, more fulfillment, more pleasure, lasting and deeply satisfying… not like the pleasure of a candy bar or a glee of winning an argument.

I would like to cause a conversation, a dialog, where you, the reader is a participant.

How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?

How true is your truth? Do you or your teachers have theory induced blindness? the world is still flat as far as human behavior is concerned…

This article is about the inner workings of a human… that if you get it wrong, the price you pay for the error is your life.

Is a human like a faucet assembly? When it drips you have to replace the whole thing?

Continue reading “How true is your truth? Have theory induced blindness?”

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

How Do You, how can you Recognize Your Soul Mate?

On Saturday, January 3rd, at exactly 5:42 pm my nose started to bleed. By the time I grabbed something to hold to my nose I was soaked in blood. Red, thick, beautiful blood. Scary. My inner eyes projected a scenario: me, on the floor, dead, in a pool of blood. Continue reading “How Do You, how can you Recognize Your Soul Mate?”

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you. Continue reading “Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…”

The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life

I am following the teaching of a guy who teaches marketing…

Marketing is finding a need or a problem you can help resolve, finding the people who have it. Create  or find the solution to sell, finding buyers for it, and selling it mostly through audio, video, or the written word.

The company that is the best at it is Agora Financial. So this marketing teacher went to Agora to find out how they teach tens, maybe hundreds of people to write in a way that Agora’s marketing is so extraordinary. Continue reading “The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life”

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.

Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.

The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not. Continue reading “Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around”

Learn to change the context to raise your TLB

chocolate now or later

I read articles. And I found this one in my inbox today… I could have said: I already know this… and I would have missed a conclusion that is very important to YOU…

Don’t know what TLB is?… It is your Twitchy Little Bastard score… when it is low, you are weak at doing the deed… You run for the hill, you quit, you have no patience, no vision… You are likely a disappointed little victim of life. But you can read this article and get some surprising tools. I’ll summarize it at the end. Continue reading “Learn to change the context to raise your TLB”