How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

The secret is SEEING.

Seeing is a metaskill, says the visual artist.

He probably meant a skill that takes you to the next century. Because it is undeniable that as the world changes, the skillset that makes people make a living even now is not enough to make a living in the future…

Meta, the word, means a go-between. Like a bridge. Going between one and another piece… Like the gap between two things.

And maybe I am twisting words, but unless you have that bridge between how it is, and how you envision it, there is no path.

When I look at the people I have trained, I have consulted, I have had conversations with, the most obvious missing skill was this bridge: seeing it, building it, walking it. Continue reading “How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?”

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

squirrel-stuck-in-a-treeIf you know you are stuck… stuck in a rut, stuck in a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or maybe you are stuck on a plateau… What you may want to consider that you need energy to move away from that place.

In this article I’ll show you two methods to create the energy to move. Continue reading “Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!”

How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How You Lost Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

If You Have Lost Them, How To Get Them Back

What is this article about?

It is about how the mind is an aberration, how it is like a cancer, how it enrolls you, makes you lose your harmony, flow and grace

This article will need me to distinguish a few things, for you.

Please bear with me: it will be worth it. Continue reading “How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace”

Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…

Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…
boys girls genderBoys… I used to want to be a boy.

They seem unperturbed. They laugh a lot.

Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off…

I really love this picture. It tells me that boys have more fun.

I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. And I knew it was only a matter of time. I KNEW that I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. Although I didn’t know what was cut off, I knew that whatever it was I needed it.

I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.

I knew I wasn’t welcome, I knew that boys had more of everything. They were loved more. And knew it was permanent. Continue reading “Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…”

Want to raise your vibration? Worry about the numbers?

Want to raise your vibration? Worry about the numbers?

In most activities, the goal, the context of the activity is at least two-fold.

Let’s see how it is through a few examples:

You want to Lose weight:

Losing weight can come from wanting to lose weight to look better, feel better, fight off diabetes, etc. And losing weight can come from wanting to take back control of your life: live according to your will instead of your whim.

You want to win a football game:

  1. to look good, be celebrated, make lots of money
  2. to be the best you can be at something you love
  3. or to be part of the winning team

Continue reading “Want to raise your vibration? Worry about the numbers?”

You can flip the context of anything… and change your life

You can flip the context of anything… and change your life

One of the transformational moves I use with my students is ‘flipping the context.’

Context is decisive, and the context inside which you live your life is what makes your life great or horrible… not what happens to you. Continue reading “You can flip the context of anything… and change your life”

What prevents you from becoming all you can become?

What prevents you from becoming all you can become?

what prevents you from learning?If you were a cabbage… would you allow yourself to be trained to become a cauliflower? Roman Cauliflower… like the picture to the left? What prevents you from that?

You want to be more, know more, but you prevent yourself from it… But how?

But how do you prevent yourself from learning, being trained, getting better, growing as a person? Continue reading “What prevents you from becoming all you can become?”

Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

I have been observing people for about 33 years. Before that I had my head entirely up my ass… I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was too eager trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look.

Growth is not a gradual and straight path, no matter what anybody says. It’s not like a school…

Continue reading “Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind”

The most important thing I have ever learned

The most important thing I have ever learned

It has been responsible for 70% of my growth, 70% of what I have accomplished, 70% of what I have been able to distinguish.

Every single Freecell game has a solution, except 8.

I have been playing Freecell since I was a child. And I didn’t know, didn’t suspect that it can be played better than I played it… or my mother. My mother cheated. I didn’t. Different soul correction… Continue reading “The most important thing I have ever learned”

Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?

Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?
The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated.

If you act without looking, or if you act from what you stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the consequences of your actions won’t make any difference.

There is a prerequisite to seeing: and that is looking. Continue reading “Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?”