I want to explore the state of soaring more… if you don’t mind

There are authors of books and courses, gurus who seem to walk a foot off the ground. Then they turn around and ‘document’ what they are doing, what they did to accomplish what they did… NOT!My first experience of this whole idea of not teaching what you did to enter connecting, or soaring, or whatever … Continue reading “I want to explore the state of soaring more… if you don’t mind”

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

Are you in harmony with Life? If you aren’t, you likely cannot soar… And soaring is the key to living a life worth living. This article shows what’s in the way and suggests how to remove what prevents you from soaring.This article is a meandering journal entry: just walk with me… it will be worth … Continue reading “Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?”

You are the anchor of the world that keeps it fixed.

The world seems to be fixed… We call reality what everyone agrees about… but is it fixed? It turns out that when you soar reality changes with you. I am talking about real change… both you and reality…It’s Friday. Friday is my day off… which doesn’t mean I won’t write an article. A day off … Continue reading “You are the anchor of the world that keeps it fixed.”

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

In this article we’ll look how psychopathy will stop you from soaring by making you, the center of the world fixed, unchangeable. And unless you can change…Don’t be mistaken: Source’s definition of psychopathy doesn’t quite agree with the common view… I listen to Source, not the common view.Long time ago clients are suddenly interested in … Continue reading “Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…”

Case study: My racket

My racket, as most rackets, was created by some act of stupidity. The natural stupidity of a 3-year old.I did the 4-day Forum back in 1987… and I learned about racket. Or maybe it was later? In a later incarnation for the Forum? Does it matter? I learned about it when I learned about it… … Continue reading “Case study: My racket”

Want to go fast, go alone. Want to go far? go together

I rarely do one-on-one sessions. And unless it is about someone’s health, r business, I don’t do them.Why? I don’t think they are effective. Not effective for the client. and if I am interested in causing something: it is not effective for me.Most coaching programs are useless as far as making a difference.

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

The secret of big success in most any endeavor is to outwork the competition.But humanity, you, have a problem with that.I watched IP Man, four movies on Netflix, yesterday. Binge-watched. I considered it work.Work? Yeah. Character study, life study, I learn from books and movies… so I can work with you better. I love working.

Procrastination… Do his methods work?

This article is about a youtube guru type, who now teaches classes and consults to eliminate procrastination.I have a special email address I use to sign up to things I don’t really want to be bothered further on.

Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?

Complaining implies expressing dissatisfaction about a situation or behavior. Ranting is all about expressing anger by shouting in frustration. And gossiping is talking about a person who isn’t present. So this article, at least the first part is all three. But it is also a teaching opportunity.Every Tuesday I am on a group coaching call … Continue reading “Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?”

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

All humans are all born with a full DNA tree, like a ‘Christmas tree’ loaded with ornaments. Ornaments are the DNA capacities. Some of those capacities light up, they are active, most of those don’t light up. They are inactive or dormant.DNA capacities? what is a DNA capacity?Capacities are like abilities. In vocational testing, they … Continue reading “Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?”