You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?

Preamble: society, to confuse you, makes the words motivation, ambition, desire, greed mean different things… and that is how society controls your mind. By sawing confusion… get clear.It takes energy to get anything done. Even to lose weight. Even to sleep… to sleep well. Getting that everything needs energy and that energy can get weakened, … Continue reading “You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?”

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

You can’t talk to a caterpillar in butterfly language: It won’t land.I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope every Tuesday morning. I use it as guidance, I use it as a possible context for my week.Last week my horoscope was:

Because of great love one is courageous.

In the Original Design, that is aligned with Life, love is not what we consider love, and courage is not what we consider courage. be prepared to be surprised.

You want to love yourself, but it is hard: you know you are full of crap

Love yourself: easier said than done.Love yourself, self-love is your two selves loving each other. How does that come about? Simple: through integrity. Integrity is an inside job: between you and you. As your integrity grows, your self-love, self-appreciation grows, and your life starts blossoming.

What is the difference between forcing and certainty?

No Efforting **Efforting describes times that you are not in the flow of either your  business or your personal life. It’s when you are slugging through the day and dreading tasks that you don’t feel connected with. It’s when you are pushing yourself to do things that you aren’t ‘feeling’. It’s the Have To list … Continue reading “What is the difference between forcing and certainty?”

Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery

Some days start out like this… I don’t know if you can relate… I oversleeping and suffer from the  resulting depressionToday I overslept. Some fascinating dream was more important for me to continue watching than getting up.It’s now three hours later, and I am till groggy, unmotivated, and I have a fear that is playing … Continue reading “Depressed from oversleeping… and recovery”

Can you be soaring when you are anchored?

Soaring, the Magic, the magic that comes from Beyond cannot be forced… allowing is what works.Soaring and what happens when you are in soaring is a lot like listening.The listening that causes…The listening that alters

Second wind, second chance

Do you have the fighting spirit? Have you ever accessed your second wind?I am sure you were immediately thinking of fighting, and not spirit… and you are about to hang up… and go do something mundane and maybe even boring to calm down your spirit that wants to come alive… ‘go back to sleep. Nothing … Continue reading “Second wind, second chance”

I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

Alan Deutschman says you need 3 R’s… relate, repeat, reframe to effect lasting change.I hate when people try to do anagrams or 3r’s from their advice, but I’ll fight off my disgust, and translate for you…Relate, the first R, stands for hope. Trust. Faith. Faith that you can and will do it.He says that for … Continue reading “I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman”

The 54th invisible dynamic

We, humans try to build on ground that has many many layers of invisible dynamic layers underneath. No wonder life is not working for us.I had a ‘soaring’ dream last night, or more precisely between 5:15 and 7:15 am…The brain state is delta, and the dream was as vivid as life, and it felt that … Continue reading “The 54th invisible dynamic”