Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

We are in the midst of the Reframing Challenge… aka Creativity Challenge… So that is the context of this article…

Most killing diseases take many years if not decades to grow to the level where they can be detected with traditional methods.

So by the time they are detected, they are so established that healing them is not possible.

The expression ‘your cancer is in remission‘, 98% of the time means: you did not have cancer to begin with. But most cancer treatments are worse than what they are trying to ‘heal’.

So what are you supposed to do? Wait for death? Continue reading “Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick”

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

Today is December 18, 2016…

I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.

I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busybody, annoying, rushing people.

I was already waiting outside when he came to pick me up, and I was waiting for him outside the chiropractor’s off ice when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.

Ugh. That hurts…
Continue reading “What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?”

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

A student of mine gave me access to a course he bought that teaches psychiatrists to reframe the client’s story so it hurts less, or maybe doesn’t hurt at all.

Reframing sounds really simple: look at what is happening or what happened from a different angle, with different eyes.

The most important element of reframing is to step out of your persona, step out of your ego, step out of who you consider yourself to be. Continue reading “Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture”

How many different valid interpretations can you invent?

How many different valid interpretations can you invent?

Before you can get to anything new: more, better or different, you have to be clear of what is the old, what is already there.

So upon preparing for today’s Prisonbreak workshop (at noon EDT) I wrote an article, quite somber, quite hopeless, highlighting and analyzing why it is hopeless to do anything to get people out of their prison.

While I was writing it, one of my students offered to be a sounding board for me. Continue reading “How many different valid interpretations can you invent?”

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well? And how can you tell the difference?

Most ‘I cannot’ statements are lies. They actually say ‘I will not’. I won’t even try. I didn’t care to do it.

The speaker may be you, someone else, or the little voice. Continue reading “How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?”

If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere

If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere

If you want to go from zero to money, for example, fast, you’ll never do what it takes to make money.

But why? Why would you not do what it takes?

Almost any good why question takes you to an invisible dynamic, more often than not the invisible dynamic of the backroom dealings of an innocent looking deli.

In the front honest business is conducted, while in the back room anything goes.

You suspect it right: it is a Mafia type of business. And you are the mafioso. Continue reading “If you can’t appreciate slow… you will never get anywhere”

Self-control or Self-discipline? Which one is missing?

Self-control or Self-discipline? Which one is missing?

It’s hard to believe that such a little thing, an innocent sounding activator would hold a huge size building of misery afloat…

Most people, myself included, would not guess correctly their linchpin.

And they would work on whatever they find most at fault.

And they would add to the weight of that huge building they built.

I bought and used those ‘original’ activators on myself, 20 years ago.

I was young-ish and arrogant. Continue reading “Self-control or Self-discipline? Which one is missing?”

What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?

What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?

What’s missing that if it were there life would be different? Your life, not all of life…

In yesterday’s article I said everyone has a keystone. A keystone that if you remove it, the whole arch, the whole construct of your life falls. The construct of the life you lead that is not going anywhere.

So I offered to muscletest that keystone for people.

I admit that first some of the results were unexpected. But after the result of the muscletest it was like ‘of course! that is what’s been missing!’

Self-control missing has been the most unexpected result.

Continue reading “What’s is it that if it were there life would be different?”

Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Our current worldview is as if we are backseat drivers, at best driving next to the driver.

All we can do is

  • observe
  • react
  • hope
  • suggest
  • protest
  • resist

but ultimately we feel we have nothing to say in the matter of where this life is going. That is our current view of the world.

Continue reading “Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence”

What makes you so angry that you can’t control yourself?

What makes you so angry that you can’t control yourself?

angry-dogWhat pulls you out of your equilibrium? What makes you so angry that you can’t control yourself?

One of my students has fits of anger. Her life is going from anger to anger, with no chance for a break.

Now, I could be condescending, I could be unsympathetic, or helpful and compassionate. But I find it more beneficial for everyone involved, including you, if I share with you what I have done.

As a rule, I use my own life, my own experiences, as a laboratory, a test laboratory, to shed light to what happens to people when they are angry, resistant, unwilling, or any one of the frequent ways of being. Continue reading “What makes you so angry that you can’t control yourself?”