Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting love Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Finding true love with the person you have, or with a new person

Vibration: Gay: 200, Kathlyn 200
Results: percentage that get the promised changes: <1%
Truth value of teachings: 3%
Truth value if it were after my style activation (phase 2+3) 10%, so even then if wouldn’t be very true
Results if it were after activation: 4%
Price: $299
Price with activation: 299+47=$346. (Activation through my site, they don’t know about it… lol

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500… won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Gandhi Quotes That Work Well With Activation

gandhi quotes that work well with 3rd phase activators Inspired Gandhi quotes

  1. Responsibility : “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
  2. Responsibility: “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
  3. Responsibility: “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
  4. Forgiveness: “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
  5. Continue reading “Gandhi Quotes That Work Well With Activation”

Steve Jobs was one of the 1,000 connected people… now gone.

Then why did he get cancer if he was so connected? He was often connected. But he was impatient, he wanted control, he bulldozed over others…

With the activators from this site you can be both brilliant and avoid illness… no guarantees, but your chances are definitely higher than just going your merry, old way.

The lessons he teaches are priceless. Both in the video, and his shortcomings. Learn well. Connect to Source. Tame your ego. It’s time.

Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

stephen pierce momentum maker Vibrational Review: Stephen Pierce

Stephen Pierce is a Born Again Christian. His vibration is 270.

He is a multi-millionaire marketer. A Black guy with a great story: long ago he was at the wrong place and got shot… he picked himself up.

He is unusually intelligent, you might say he is a genius. Also married right: his wife’s family are the nicest people I have ever met and the family works together as a unit. Have never seen anything like that. I spent a weekend with them a few years ago, when they still lived in Michigan.

Update: he is now divorced. I wish him luck.

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Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian

sasha xarrian mastery mindfuse Vibrational Review: Mastery MindFuse, Sasha Xarrian

Personal vibration: 195
Mindfuse: content: 240
Truth value: 250

I met Sasha Xarrian 7-8 years ago at a marketing conference. That was her first look into marketing. She had big hopes to becoming a big guru. I also met her workshop leader son.

They both had big dreams on becoming gurus that teach people about manifesting, and riches, and the like.

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Third Phase Activator: Patience

patience activator... a little humorPatience

I have been trying to tame the impatience in me… and succeeded to a certain degree, but I found out, as I was designing the Patience Activator that Source’s interpretation of patience is quite different from mine…

What did I find out?

I found out that impatience comes from human being’s arrogance that the world and other people would conform to their own image of perfection.

Continue reading “Third Phase Activator: Patience”

The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

your daily connection, your daily activation The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained

I have written about the timeline of the Planetary Ascension before, but I will explain it in this article again.

  1. First Phase was mandatory. It started on July 24 and ended on August 15.

    Every single person on the planet got the activator. It activated “human” capacities. It also eliminated the bulk of automatic negative thoughts. My experience was, in my own environment, as if the mute button had been pushed: people’s mind wasn’t frantically busy with negative thoughts.

    Continue reading “The Daily Connection, Activators, Timeline of the Planetary Ascension Explained”

Vibrational Review: Gurjieff et. al.

Gurjieff Vibrational Review: Gurjieff (G. I. Gurjieff 1866-1949)

I haven’t read full original writings of Gurjieff, though I have read a book about him, with lots of quotes by Colin Wilson. I also knew one person, for a while, who was a disciple of Gurjieff and he was quite messed up…

But it would be a mistake to judge a teacher by their students… really.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Gurjieff et. al.”

Vibrational Review: The Avatar Course of Harry Palmer

harry palmer the avatar course Vibrational Review The Avatar Course of Harry Palmer and Star’s Edge International

An outgrowth of the Church of Scientology.

Harry Palmer’s vibration today is 295, before the Planetary Activation, First Phase, his vibration was 250.

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: The Avatar Course of Harry Palmer”

The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy

Are You Trustworthy? Trustworthy

Tonight, on the Daily Connection, I downloaded a 3rd Phase activator, called Trust.

Some of the commands in the activator talk about being trustworthy, and trusting yourself.

As expected, the ego spoke up, loud and forceful, declaring that we are full of hot air.

Continue reading “The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy”