Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?

Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?
Most of us live because we didn’t die the night before.

Even I have mornings like that… about 10 percent.

We live a life of quiet desperation… meaning: we live in the daily hubbub of pedestrian life, never getting anywhere, pushed around, hopeless and in despair that it is ever going to get better.

Most people come to my site, or seek out any self-improvement, spiritual, or manifestation program for this simple reason: they can see that in the pedestrian hubbub they will not find what they seek: peace of mind, a sense of purpose, a rhyme and reason to their life.

And without rhyme and reason you cannot be happy.

Continue reading “Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?”

The more we think the more disconnected we become

The more we think the more disconnected we become

Disconnected from what? Disconnected from reality. From ourselves. And of course from others… and maybe, likely, even from what we want.

I signed up to a mini course on how to create trust in animals so they will be OK, so they will be able to do what they normally can’t. They, the humans, somehow, reduce their own thinking, and the animals mirror it and feel safe. The fear response disappears. Continue reading “The more we think the more disconnected we become”

What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?

What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?

What does your success prove, if you have many many many clients?

The question is triggered by a comment on my vibrational review about Caroline Cory on my site

Here is the comment. I don’t put it here because it makes me look good… I put it here because it doesn’t. The commenter used a fake name and a fake email address… but what she says is worth looking at. Continue reading “What do popular coaches, courses, programs have in common?”

From Pain Island to Pleasure Island… how to get unstuck

From Pain Island to Pleasure Island… how to get unstuck

Get comfortable with not knowing the answer

Because you won’t… and maybe for a long time.

But if you insist on knowing, then you won’t actually look, you won’t actually expand. You will keep on pondering, using only what you already ‘know’. And instead of questions that make you grow, you’ll be looking for answers, that confirm what you already ‘know’.

What you already ‘know’ is what keeps you where you are… Continue reading “From Pain Island to Pleasure Island… how to get unstuck”

What is the Tree of Knowledge? How does it work?

What is the Tree of Knowledge? How does it work?

Everything that you BELIEVE is Tree of Knowledge.

What does it mean believe? It means that you don’t actually know, because you don’t have any proof. You didn’t see it, didn’t experience it, so you have to believe it.

When I measure the truth value of something, I am measuring, in essence, the proportion of Tree of Life in what that something says…

Or I could say: I measure the ‘not Tree of Knowledge’ part. Continue reading “What is the Tree of Knowledge? How does it work?”

How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest

How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest


Before I go into the meat of the article, I want to share something that you probably don’t expect.

I do small-group, tiny group experimental courses to test out topic and methodology. One of these small groups is two people Last week I had to stop the session, because both participants were dull, stupid, and nothing I said registered for them. So we rescheduled the session for yesterday. Continue reading “How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest”

Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.

Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.

Canadian wildfires are painting the sky yellow. This is a good time to think about needs… are they real or are they made up?

Is clean air a need or a nice to have?

A need is real… It’s not just a feeling. Not just a thought. Without the need fulfilled, life itself is dimmed… or extinguished. Continue reading “Need is not a feeling. Feeling is also not a thought.”

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

The book with the same title was about relationships, whether to stay or to go… But if you really look, the conundrum is applicable to work, applicable to lifestyle, opinion, attitude, diet, course, program, profession. Applicable to nearly everything where you need to make a choice… but instead or choosing you are on the fence.

This choice also includes choosing your worldview. Choosing to remain with the one you have, or look at the world differently. Continue reading “Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?”

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews every worldview belongs to… Part 2: Comparing the two worldviews

If you haven’t read part 1, it’s here…

Like you, I want certainty. Like you, I want to be sure. And like you, I want to understand how the world works.

Why? Because we are coming from a personal worldview that Life is dangerous. Or something to that effect. Continue reading “Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two”

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2

The brilliance in the movie, It’s a wonderful life is that the angel creates a thought experiment: what the world would be like if our hero hadn’t been born.

Thought experiments are uniquely human: animals can’t do thought experiments. Continue reading “Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2”