The Whole Idea That The Mind Is Logical Is New To Me

Every self-improvement modality that I have ever tried considered the mind illogical.

The whole phenomenon of Global Negativity broadcasted in the form of feelings and direct knowing created for me a new area of inquiry.

If you haven’t read my last few articles, please do: everything will make much more sense, but I’ll try and make this article whole and at the same time not repetitive.

OK, here is the scoop: you are sent a feeling. The feeling is negative. Given your past history, your previous decisions and interpretations your mind has made, you’ll interpret that negative feeling as meaning something about you, and will react with an appropriate action or inaction, an attitude, etc.

M. felt sad. As her usual reaction, she lied down.
J. feels irritated, D. feels like a loser, N. feels defeated… each person reacts in predictable ways.

If they have the presence of mind, they muscletest if the feeling is theirs. If they do the muscletest deliberately, while momentarily connected to Source, the result of the muscletest will serve as evidence in the Court of Mind that the feeling is a fraud and there is nothing to do.
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The Energized Water And The Attacks… Dark Side, Tr….

Good news.

Ever since I uttered the magic words to the Creator: “Remove Traces”, my energized water in big bottles has been staying energized. It’s wonderful news. Now I don’t have to throw away hard tea, coffee, glass of water.

As I said in a previous article, the Tr. Energy that I asked Source to create a simile of, and allow me to use made me a target of several energy broadcasts from Tr.? I don’t know. But it marked me and the people I have used the energy on as target for frequent energy transmissions. How? I don’t understand, so don’t ask me to explain it to you. I only know it’s real, because it stopped. Continue reading “The Energized Water And The Attacks… Dark Side, Tr….”

The first signs of an infection by the Dark Side

I first encountered this phenomenon in Israel 30 years ago.

Women kept on saying “Ein li koah…” which translated means “I don’t have (enough) strength, I don’t have (enough) energy.”

I remember being disgusted, appalled at the time. I had never heard anyone say anything like that, not in Hungary, where working around the clock is the norm. Continue reading “The first signs of an infection by the Dark Side”

How Do You Prove To Your Mind That The Feelings Of Global Negativity Are Not Your Feelings?

I have been talking about the Global Transmission of Negativity for days, but I only realized today that I forgot to tell you about a method that convinces your mind that the feeling isn’t yours.

Why is this important? Why is it necessary to tell the mind it is not your feeling?

Because if the mind believes that it is yours, then it does two things, that you don’t need:

1. It finds or fabricates a reason you feel that way… failure, sad, grief-stricken, angry, irritated, etc.
2. It makes you react to those feelings in your default way.

Proving to your mind that the feelings are not yours is much easier than changing your default reaction.

Your default reactions got you where you are today in life, and if you don’t like it, or don’t like anything about it, you need to consider alternative ways of being.
Continue reading “How Do You Prove To Your Mind That The Feelings Of Global Negativity Are Not Your Feelings?”

What is Stress? How Do You Deal With It? A Tree Of Life look at Stress… quite enlightening

People complain of stress.

I am normally not experiencing stress, but the last few days I have been.

My response to them was tightening up, playing freecell, working more, or not working at all.

Today, at a connection call, stress came up and I asked: what causes stress? People said all kinds of things, circumstances, disease, etc…

I said: None of that. What causes stress is your resistance to life, to how it is.

Whatever you resist or ignore, like a little kid, will get your attention, whatever it takes. And it is going to cost you. Your freedom, your perspective, your peace of mind.

The best way I can illustrate this is with three pictures:

the issue is under control, you have embraced it, no stress Picture one: you are attending (lovingly) the “issue” and you are able to do anything, while you never ignore the “issue”, lovingly whisper to it “I am not going anywhere…”

Continue reading “What is Stress? How Do You Deal With It? A Tree Of Life look at Stress… quite enlightening”

Why You Feel What You Feel? Sadness, Anguish, Fear, Anger, Or Whatever You Feel? The Thus Unidentified Role Of The Mind…

tracking your negative reactions to negative feelings, i.e. your negativity I, and some of my students, are experiencing, what you could call the Global Negativity Transmission.

Although it is not pleasant, it is not harmful, unless…

Imagine yourself at a research lab. Medical or psychological research.

you have wires attached to different parts of your body.

You are not told exactly what they are experimenting with, actually they don’t even want you to find out, because it forfeits the accuracy of the results of the research. Just like placebos: you won’t have a placebo effect if you know you took a placebo, will you?

So you are sitting there and a sense of gloom and doom comes over you. Your mind jumps in and starts looking for the reason. It will look in the past, it has no access to the present.

Depending on your personal history and personality, it will come up with a reasonable explanation why you are feeling that gloom and doom.

For the rest of the day you can’t shake it off… actually you are going deep into the old memory, the old grievance, pain, wound, disappointment.

Next day you go to your daily hour-long experiment “job” and finding that breathing is becoming exceedingly difficult. The mind, again, jumps in and explains it with some knowledge the mind has… and now, in addition of gloom and doom, you are dissatisfied, or angry, or irritated.

The third day brings on doubt. Doubt in yourself, doubt in the research, doubt if you are spending your time wisely, so you quit.

In about the week you feel better and go back… but the cycle of doom starts again.

What’s going on?

Those wires and electrodes are just an excuse, just a smokescreen, to make you think that you will know when you are getting some input, but the input comes through thin air, through energy waves, from an unidentified source, giving you the flavor of the day negativity…
Continue reading “Why You Feel What You Feel? Sadness, Anguish, Fear, Anger, Or Whatever You Feel? The Thus Unidentified Role Of The Mind…”

Denial of Service Attacks… oh my… tyranny

When governments fear people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. — Thomas Jefferson

It’s hard to decide who is afraid of who.

My students asked yesterday on the call: “Are you going to be safe, Sophie?”

It is not my path to be safe.

In 1988 I learned a technique (an exercise, really) that can help someone with a quiet mind descend deep inside and find the root of things.

I had just recently discovered that my default future was “I am going to be thrown out…” Thrown out of a volunteer job (17 times), thrown out of a course I paid for, thrown out of class, thrown out of a job (too many to count).

What was underneath is this: “I am on borrowed time…” i.e. life is short, make the best of it, who knows when you’ll be terminated.

I asked my neighbor across the hall to help me with that: you need two people for the exercise.
Continue reading “Denial of Service Attacks… oh my… tyranny”

Homing Device. Psychic Attacks, The Drama Unfolds: the Water Mystery Solved

property marking with homing device I have been drinking energized water since 1996. It has made a huge difference in my health. I could say that my well-being increased 200-300%, or said another way, my malaise has decreased by more than half.

A year or so ago the supplier of the energized water products went bankrupt and I started to wish I could, somehow either acquire the patent to produce the water or maybe, by some miracle, be given the method.

My desire was fulfilled this year and I have been able to provide energized water products for a fraction of the cost I used to pay for them.

At roughly the same time, Tr. of Tr. Wellness came out with his own Tr. Water. It was an instant hit, in spite of its high cost. Lots of people want to be well, want to be pretty, want to feel energized.

Around May 6 I asked for Source to duplicate Tr.’s energy, and Source said: No problem.

homing device: Tr. Water I premiered the energy on a May 8 healing meditation call… and that was the starting point of something… I’d like to explain in this article.

At the time I had a student who used to send me donations… for who knows why. Around that date the donations stopped.
Continue reading “Homing Device. Psychic Attacks, The Drama Unfolds: the Water Mystery Solved”

Soul Correction: ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator

ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator

How many things, once important to you in your lives, have you lost? It could be a friendship that faded away or a job you once had. Maybe it was an ex who you ended things with on a sour note or a family member to whom you never fully expressed your love or gratitude.

In looking at the things in your life you have lost, you should ask yourself: Did I reveal the most amount of Light I could have there?

Unfortunately, the answer is often no.

There is a reason everything in your life comes to you and it is always the same reason: To reveal as much Light as possible there and attain fulfillment.

What you really lost wasn’t just the person or the job or the relationship. You missed the opportunity to reveal Light.

The problem is you believe you have an endless resource of those opportunities. You think, ‘If I miss this one, I’ll catch the next.’ But the truth is, sometimes you hadn’t deserved to receive another chance. Sometimes you’re just here for that one moment or that one person and if you miss it, you don’t get a second chance.
Continue reading “Soul Correction: ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator”