The gap between who you are and who you say you are

The gap between who you are and who you say you are

fake-smileThe gap between who you are and who you say (pretend) you are causes stress. Most of us have lofty ideals and mediocre (at best) actions…

This is why noted gurus, healers, coaches, teachers have a low vibration.

You, the person seeking enlightenment, peace, healing, or success, expect the person who teaches you to know it all, be all, and never have any negative feelings, to not be like you. Continue reading “The gap between who you are and who you say you are”

What if you could be certain that you cannot fail?

What if you could be certain that you cannot fail?


Certainty is perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt.

Objectively defined, certainty is total continuity and validity of all foundational inquiry, to the highest degree of precision. Something is certain only if no skepticism can occur.

Certainty is virtually unknown in today’s culture. We have “faith” but it is, in a way, a concept from religion, and therefore it says, secretly, in the unsaid, that you are small, and insignificant, powerless and frail… and the “thing” that is bigger than you can play with you like a cat plays with the mouse it caught.

Faith comes from weakness… at least for most people. But most importantly, faith comes from the mind. There are a few people that call it faith but it’s beyond, but not many.

Certainty comes from strength. Certainty comes from a part of you that wasn’t born when you were born and won’t die when you die. It comes from the Self, the immortal Self.

The question of needing something, faith, certainty, comes up when the future is uncertain, or when it looks really bad. When you don’t know where your rent money is going to come from, when you don’t know how you are going to beat the cancer that has taken residence in your body, when you don’t know how to talk to your child that stopped listening to you.
Continue reading “What if you could be certain that you cannot fail?”

Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe?

Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe?

Is there an alternate reality? Are there paradigms where a version of you has a different life?

These and such questions have been coming up in conversations, movies, and books lately.

My answer is: I don’t know. I only know what I experience, everything else is Tree of Knowledge stuff… and I don’t teach Tree of Knowledge stuff, hearsay at best.

The next question is: what happens when you practice paradigm-jumping in order to get guidance?

Paradigm jumping is not my invention, I bought a program and learned it there. I do one thing differently: I connect to Source and jump. Why is that different? Because when you are connected to Source you are out of your thinking mode. You can’t connect to Source from the mind… and you can’t get any useful information from jumping if you stay in the head.

Two days ago I attempted to use paradigm jumping as a transformational tool for others, for the first time.
Continue reading “Is there an alternate reality? A parallel universe?”

You are either growing or you are shrinking

You are either growing or you are shrinking

BalanceOne of the major challenges for humans have is this constant need, this imperative to evolve…

In life you are either evolving or you are shrinking.

What’s the challenge really?

If you pay attention, every real or perceived threat to our survival, quality of life, or to our self-perception creates a strong emotional response. We call it fear, or anxiety, or anguish, or resistance… But no matter what you call it, it wants to activate the hide reflex.

You see, they say that the reflex is fight or flight, but it would be more apt to call the flight extreme hide, shrink, trying to fix.

Fighting is bad, because it’s ineffective, but so is the avoidance of any meaningful work.
Continue reading “You are either growing or you are shrinking”

OK, You Are Connected. Now What? Are You Enlightened Now?

a state just past your connection... kind of liquid dripping, new, exciting OK, you are connected. You’ve been connecting every day… now what? Are you done? Is this all you need to do to become an Enlightened Being?

What did this connection do to you, what did this connection do for you?

Was it a magic bullet, like a modified Law of Attraction? Maybe a magic wand? The secret “Open Sesame” command?
Continue reading “OK, You Are Connected. Now What? Are You Enlightened Now?”

Are you connected? What happens when you connect?

Are you connected? What happens when you connect?

kotel-3913Are you connected? Can you connect? What happens when you connect?

I don’t know if I have ever shared on this blog the sequence of events that lead to me connecting to what I call “Source?”

It began in 1983.

I was in Israel. I moved there from Hungary in 1982. I hoped that my life would change for the better, but alas, it did not.

I spent most of my life depressed, on medication, in therapy, miserable. Intermittently it interfered even with my professional life. I had to take weeks off when I was especially depressed. Continue reading “Are you connected? What happens when you connect?”

Affirmations don’t work. Context works…

Affirmations don’t work. Context works…

Affirmations don’t work. Context works whether you want it or not. What’s the difference between an invented context and an affirmation?

“I’ve always been famous, it’s just no one knew it yet.” Lady Gaga

What’s the difference between you saying that sentence and Lady Gaga saying that sentence?

The difference is fundamental, and goes to the heart of the “human condition” and the quality of your life.

Human Being, as a species, is capable of self-direction, at least by design. Capable of self-evolvement, capable of using their WORD to create.

Whether Lady Gaga has this capacity, or this is just a bon mot… i.e. a clever saying, is immaterial.

Some people’s word matters (creates), and others’ word doesn’t.
Continue reading “Affirmations don’t work. Context works…”

More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way

More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way

Awesome, matchless taste! When you drink it, the water slides down the throat easily and leaves a sweetish after-taste in the mouth. And you want more and more of it… My husband tasted it too and said: It’s pure water!

Also, I feel light, tiny tingling along my spine and in the fingertips each time I drink it. I used it for everything: tea, coffee, soup, washing the vegetables, even for rinsing my hair – it gets nice shine.

Did an experiment with a cabbage: I cut slightly its root, put it in a zip-lock bag, poured some of the energized water on it, put it in the fridge and after a while it became more crispy and less stringy…

Great work, teacher!

Thank you,
Matsa Continue reading “More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way”

Water Energizer results… testimonial

… and here is someone who followed instructions (gasp!) and sent me the result already:

energize water filtered with brita filterMy first experience with the water energizer

It is remarkable! I have never, ever in my life tasted water that has this mouthfeel. It is the silkiest, smoothest texture I have ever encountered…it feels the way mercury looks when in liquid form.

I also did a side by side comparison with tap water. The tap water feels hard and crunchy in comparison.

Wonderful! I can’t wait to see what happens in the next two weeks.

Thank you,


By the way, this is what I expected. This is the kind of words everyone who has tested the energized water has always used. This is what I say every day…

If you are a beta tester, I need your testing result. Please…