Can you become all you can be from DNA activation?

What’s the truth about you? Can you become all you can be from some energies? DNA activation?

What’s the truth about you? Can you become all you can be from some energies? DNA activation?

As I was looking what others say about DNA activation, I found that they all say something mystical, scientific sounding b.s.

I did something this morning I haven’t done in years: I listened to one of my old webinars, step 6 of the Second Phase Activators.

I didn’t remember, but the subtitle of that course is: ‘Let’s change what’s true about you’

So Step 6 is about courage-desire-surrender…

The context of the whole course is causing the qualities, the capacities, the abilities in you that allow you to become all you can be. Continue reading “Can you become all you can be from DNA activation?”

Some people have started to take steps to activate The Sight

Some people have started to take steps to activate The Sight

So for their and maybe your sake, let me go deeper into how seeing happens.

Back some almost 20 years ago I did a live Photoreading course in Delaware. Photoreading is easy to teach, and maybe it is easy to acquire, but it takes incredible discipline to do it on your own.

I didn’t use it a lot for what it was for, but the principle underneath has been one of the most useful knowledge and practice I have ever learned. Continue reading “Some people have started to take steps to activate The Sight”

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?

This article closely relates to the soul correction articles AND the attachments, cords articles.

Oftentimes it is a difficult case is what leads researchers to new insights. This is exactly what happened today. I had a client who, periodically, has serious heart symptoms, even though physically there is nothing wrong with his heart.

For a while, whenever I muscletested people for attachments, even after the removal of the attachments, the muscletest answer was yes/no. The fingers opened but only a little bit. Yes and no. Maddening, lol.

I clarified it with Source, that it means: there are some things like attachments on the person, but not exactly attachments. Something else, but close.
Continue reading “Still having troubles even after I pulled your attachments?”

How does self-fulfilling prophecy really work?

How does self-fulfilling prophecy really work?

We are still hanging out with The Sight capacity…

Everybody teaches that what you think about comes about.

What they base this inane untruth on is the bad things that you somehow seem to make happen by concentrating on them through fear.

And although the fear-based manifestation is true a lot of the time, the ‘positive’ manifestation happens only as accident, if ever. Continue reading “How does self-fulfilling prophecy really work?”

Five steps to activate The Sight capacity…

Five steps to activate The Sight capacity…

I have a client who is more interested in the sight capacity than even I am.

So we are now having a biweekly coaching call.

One of her most interesting questions yesterday was: how do you see more? How do you see what you don’t see?

And she is not the first person to ask that question… Continue reading “Five steps to activate The Sight capacity…”

7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can

7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can

Quora is addictive. So why do I open the email from Quora every morning?

Every time I open Quora’s email, I find something I am glad I found.

Something useful. Something that takes me out of my ‘groove’…

Groove is a shallower ditch that a real ditch, but a ditch nevertheless. The more you don’t go outside of it, the deeper it becomes.

Eventually it will become the place where you are stuck. Continue reading “7 reasons people don’t succeed in life… but you can”

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

The answer is actually quite simple. Medicine works with definitions and not with distinctions.

So similar things seen as same… And some similar things seen as different.

Example: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr syndrome. Continue reading “Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…”

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

rabbit_hole_webDistinctions could be your access to the mysteries of the universe. If you were curious. But most aren’t.

Distinctions are like a hole YOU punch into a yet solid wall.

When you look through the hole, you see stuff that you could not see before. You may have seen it from the side. You may have seen it from above. From below, but that certain angle looking through that hole gives you a view that goes deep into the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading “Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe”

Filters… or where are you listening from?

Filters… or where are you listening from?

Where does the truth I say come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes. Quick, let me get to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked. Continue reading “Filters… or where are you listening from?”

Worry. Worry. Worry. Just worry and you won’t win

Worry. Worry. Worry. Just worry and you won’t win

worry takes today's strength awayI have to admit, I would have never thought to write this article, without reading Andy Shaw’s book, Creating a Bug Free Mind. He writes extensively about worry.

I never thought of myself as a worrier, but, of course, I still worry from time to time. Nowhere near as much as others.

They call it fear of failure, anxiety, but it is all worry. Continue reading “Worry. Worry. Worry. Just worry and you won’t win”