Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?

The book with the same title was about relationships, whether to stay or to go… But if you really look, the conundrum is applicable to work, applicable to lifestyle, opinion, attitude, diet, course, program, profession. Applicable to nearly everything where you need to make a choice… but instead or choosing you are on the fence.

This choice also includes choosing your worldview. Choosing to remain with the one you have, or look at the world differently. Continue reading “Too good to leave, too bad to stay… Leave what exactly?”

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two

Worlds Apart: the two basic worldviews every worldview belongs to… Part 2: Comparing the two worldviews

If you haven’t read part 1, it’s here…

Like you, I want certainty. Like you, I want to be sure. And like you, I want to understand how the world works.

Why? Because we are coming from a personal worldview that Life is dangerous. Or something to that effect. Continue reading “Worlds Apart: worldviews… Part 2: Comparing the two”

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2

The brilliance in the movie, It’s a wonderful life is that the angel creates a thought experiment: what the world would be like if our hero hadn’t been born.

Thought experiments are uniquely human: animals can’t do thought experiments. Continue reading “Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2”

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

seeing rainbowsIf you are discouraged, read how I got myself out of the rut and see the rainbow again

I just read Roy H. Williams’ Monday Morning Memo.

It was just the thing for me to read… it was a mixture of feeling shamed and encouraged at the same time… Whaat? Yeah.

I woke up depressed. Not new, I have been depressed to some degree all my life. Continue reading “Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t”

How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…

How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…

how-dead-are-youWhat’s special about the roller coaster is the height it takes you and the depth it takes you… The experience is aliveness.

When your life has no highs and maybe no deep lows, what you are, instead of being alive, is a walking dead. Resigned, and settled for the scraps at life’s table.

You see others at the table, seemingly happy, seemingly alive, and you feel regret, shame, and envy. Continue reading “How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…”

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

It is also in attaining the good life: health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

But not understanding the principle, having a narrow cone of vision will rob you of a chance for a life you love and live powerfully. If that is what you want… listen up. This may be the most disturbing and the most beneficial article you have ever read. Continue reading “The principle of compounding is not only about money”

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

The English language used to be quite precise in its tenses, but the language has been destroyed by the powers that be.

I learned English from teachers in another country, teachers who still remembered that your words express, or at least attempt at approximating accurately reality or our intention. Continue reading “Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity”

Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind

Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind

Yesterday I attempted to teach the second session of The Fields… and both students (it’s an experimental course, so it is very small) were stupid.

What do I call stupid? When you are closed. Or you are incurious. When you can’t even look, because something robs you of your aliveness…

  • One of the people slept very little…
  • The other’s cell hydration is low because a fast growing cancer siphoned the water away.

Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is available outside of your mind”

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?

One of the problems that humanity is dealing with is this: they are too quick to judge, and judge disfavorably.

No patience. No compassion. And definitely no kind eyes.

So what is this kind eyes thing?

It is letting go of judgment. Letting go of standards and ideals. And letting go of demanding perfection. Continue reading “Let’s learn to have kind eyes… Is it learnable?”

Laughing at idiots… make sure you are not one yourself

Laughing at idiots… make sure you are not one yourself

My husband and I went through the McDonald’s driveway window and I gave the cashier a $5 bill. Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her 25c. She said, ‘you gave me too much money.’ I said, ‘Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar back.’ She sighed and went to get the manager who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the 25c, and said ‘We’re sorry but we don’t do that kind of thing.’ The cashier then proceeded to give me back 75 cents in change. Do not confuse the people at MacD’s. Continue reading “Laughing at idiots… make sure you are not one yourself”