Removing cords/attachments so far.. and some reviews

emotional-cord-releaseAfter sending out that email yesterday

if you are not on my list, here is the email I sent yesterday. From that email I got many requests for checking, and most people had attachments and cords, so now I have a lot more experience to tell you what attachment removal does, etc. So here is the email:

All the healers I have ever written about have one thing in common: they do not connect to Source, and they do not know how to connect to you.

Of course, if you are lying on their table, their hands can do the job of connecting.

But if they “DO” what they do remotely, like Carol Tuttle, Mr. T, Christie Marie Sheldon, and a horde of lesser names, then they have only one way to do it: shoot an arrow in your direction and do what they do through a cord attached to that arrow.

When they are done “healing” or whatever they do, they leave the cord there… there is no way they know how to remove it, other than connecting to you: and that they cannot. They are not able to.

So you end up with a number of cords dangling from your energy body, sucking you dry, leaving you to leak energy, create blockages, and poison you slowly to death.

This week I started to offer attachment/cord removal, because I don’t know anyone to refer you to.

It’s hard work, and against my principles, I work on you, and sell my time for money.

But the work needs to get done: you have no energy, and you have no power in your life.

So, I am tired… and a handful of people have a chance at life again.

One of the people I worked on, remotely, while she was doing other things, asked if I could train her to do the work. “I have largely failed to teach you to connect to Source, do you think I can teach you to connect to a person through their email address?” I answered.

If you are tired, listless, depressed, you may have an attachment on you.

I can check it for you, and then you have a choice, of having me remove it, or just ignore it.

But at least you’ll know.

I had quite a few people contact me and ask me to check if they had attachments, and all that found out they had, asked me to remove them. So I have had my hands full.

  • Most people had at least three attachments.
  • After the removal of the cords, their vibration rose
  • I can only tell the flavor, not the source of the attachment
  • My experience of the aftermath: freedom. fear disappeared
  • I consider this process a real success.
More observations:

Some religions put an attachment on you. Depending on where the attachment is, I can guess what religion.
cults put an attachment on you
distant healers put an attachment on you

I prefer to say “attachment” but it’s the same as cord.

One person wrote me an email

Hello sophie,
How do I know that you mean well and it is not you that keeps a cord for energy?

I answered: you don’t… and unsubscribed her from my mailing list…

Then I went and checked if she had attachments. Yes, 4. While I was doing the checking, two attachments, both on the top of the head, jumped over to me. I quickly removed them from myself.

So far I have only experienced something like this once, attachments being contagious: with Mr. T’s attachments. But these ones felt like Satanic or religious attachments, pure hate.

Unless someone can maintain a connection, an energetic channel open long enough to do something substantial through it, they have to create something that is permanent: a cord or an energetic attachment, a flag, a transmitter.

It’s nasty: you become their prey. You have no say in the matter what and when they send you or pump away from you.

Why I don’t need that: I am an empath: being an empath means I don’t need a channel. I actually merge with you for the time of the connection. I feel what you feel. I work on my own body to cause healing. If you watched me, you would see me giving myself energy. But while I am connected to you, you receive all that energy. I don’t even feel myself, I only feel you.

A friend of my coined it “healing by proxy”, and I like it. It is an accurate description of what I do.

If you could find your attachments, you could remove them yourself, by the way.

But my experience of you is that you are asleep and dead…

But, if you are one of those rare people who is aware: you can feel attachments and you can pull them, and pull them and pull them, until they are removed. The “tail” of the attachments can be as long as 100 yards long. You should feel as it uncoils, as it is pulled from different organs, etc.

My blessings to you if you can do it.

There is one healer among my students who has two attachments, and in my regular once a month call with her, I will help her find it and remove it: I’ll just observe, so she can experience her own power.

She has been doing some magical work on others, hands on, by the way. I have learned from her as well.

Still on the fence? Find out more about this new ‘service’ I provide, removing cords and attachments

PS: As I was searching for pictures for this article on the web, I found references to what other people teach, cutting attachments, and dissolving attachments.

Unfortunately, just like with weeds, superficial cutting will not cause the weed to die: it will continue sucking your life force.

Another thing I saw: considering that someone, another mere mortal can own you, get you attached to them. That is not the case, although if you live your life in a somnambulent, sleepwalking state, of course it is possible.

I think it takes magik, sorcery, to attach a cord to another, and not everyone is capable to that evil, or even wants to.

Here are two practitioners and their vibrational review:
sarah petruno shamanaSarah Petruno: shamana
personal vibration: 170. truth value of what she says: 2%
is what she does effective? no
Michelle-CanneyMichelle at Guided Hands Reiki in Barrie, Ontario
personal vibration: 90
truth value of what she teaches: 3%
is what she does effective? somewhat

Removing energetic attachments, also called cords

I had the insight, after I published this article, and after I removed some 20 attachments, today, that the people (distance healers?) that put the attachment on you may not have malicious intent.

They need to connect to you, and because they are not empaths, they have to do it with a cord-like energy attachment. At the end of the session they don’t remove it… And now they have your energy available to them, or potentially their energy available to you.
Continue reading “Removing energetic attachments, also called cords”

Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff

yoda-feel-the-forceAs you may know, I work with consciousness… Let me rephrase that: I send consciousness to do research for me before I choose a path.

Of course, consciousness is not some entity independent of me, so it cannot go far… in essence, consciousness is on a leash: unless I go, it cannot go. So, I am talking about working together: I go, consciousness looks.

So it is like a seeing eye dog.

It comes back with lot of options… and it is up to me what paths I can take, and what paths I cannot take.

Can, cannot… can’t I take any path?

After all the saying says: you can be anything you put your mind into… but it is a stupid suggestion for two reasons I can see:
Continue reading “Make consciousness guide you and other important stuff”

Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming

not a path to becoming a millionaireWarning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to remain hopeful

I had a few insights today, one of them suddenly answers a question I didn’t ask before.

The question I didn’t ask was: how come the people with nothing of real value to say occupy the top 1% of the internet?

This is what happened? I saw an email that offered a list of 241 top influencers on the internet. I looked at the list, and there was not one person who had anything to say that could make the world a better place for humanity.

Instead, the top 241 influencers are marketers.

Marketing is like being a politician. You peddle yourself and you peddle it through taking power over people.

To be a politician, you only have to be good at playing the politician game.
Continue reading “Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming”

Narrow cone of vision and your health

narrow-cone-vision-health-adviceImagine having to find your way through a maze without seeing past the tiny circle a flashlight can illuminate?

“Luckily” you only have to look at your life. Your health, your money, your love life.

You ARE living your life, a veritable maze, by the light of a flashlight.

You read an article here… yay, I see may way. A sound bite there… yay, I see now… But it is still the tiny flashlight method: you don’t see the big picture, you don’t see your way to the good life.

Seeing the full picture, the big picture capacity, looking with consciousness that can see everything, is like turning the ceiling light on: you’d be seeing a lot more, wouldn’t you? Making less “narrow picture” mistakes…
Continue reading “Narrow cone of vision and your health”

The deathbed exercise… death nearing focuses the mind

There is a step in the 67 step program that wants you to look at what would be your obituary if you died today.

But there is a much better test, the test:

imagining yourself being on your deathbed: a thought exercise.

Until today I’d thought that what it drives up is all the things you haven’t done, all the things that are important and maybe you can do now… tell people you love them, and other trite things like that.

But today of all days I had an insight.

The insight came because I was trying to figure out what is in common in people who do the 67-step program well, and people who rush through it, skim the surface.

I was trying to categorize them, but I could not see any consistency.

While I was looking, I asked consciousness to look for me too. Continue reading “The deathbed exercise… death nearing focuses the mind”

You decide: mind candy or good teaching?

Life is a game. This is your strategy guide


Cover-shallow-1024x626Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.


You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resources.

Most importantly, successful players put their time into the right things. Later in the game money comes into play, but your top priority should always be mastering where your time goes. Continue reading “You decide: mind candy or good teaching?”

Lovely Mind Candy: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

If-life-was-fair-2Article is by Oliver Emberton

Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.

he truth is, life is just playing by different rules.

The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Let’s try.

Rule #1: Life is a competition

Continue reading “Lovely Mind Candy: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness”

Your life is a mess. can you clean it up with consciousness?

challengedI was talking about the wrong turns one makes in life; you make them several times a day…

To the mind, choosing between two options, and getting yourself into a horrible dead end is no big deal. Easy as pie…

Getting your out of it: for the mind it is impossible.

Let me say that again: for the mind, getting itself out of the mess it got you into, is impossible. Not hard… impossible.

So I have been testing Consciousness in the same arena.
Continue reading “Your life is a mess. can you clean it up with consciousness?”