We are never smart enough, knowledgeable enough

We are never smart enough, knowledgeable enough

We are never smart enough, knowledgeable enough, clever enough to accomplish what we really want to accomplish.

Life comes without a manual. And our parents, our schools, our ‘teachers’ know as little as we do.

No one has taught us how to live.

Here is a little teaching…

We are never already enough to accomplish what we really want to accomplish.

If you only want to accomplish for which you are enough, you are not building a life worth living. What makes life worth living is the experience of expansion, growth, reaching for, striving, not the having. Continue reading “We are never smart enough, knowledgeable enough”

The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative can be:
* 1.a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
* 2.a book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.
* 3.the art, technique, or process of narrating, or of telling a story: Somerset Maugham was a master of narrative.
* 4.a story that connects and explains a set of supposedly true events, experiences,  It intends to support a particular viewpoint or thesis: to rewrite the prevailing narrative about masculinity; the narrative that our public schools are failing.

A student of mine, after listening to my last Sunday call recording, asked why Jews turned to a different strategy than the slaves from Africa. Or Native Americans. Continue reading “The narrative… the story that creates who you are”

The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden

The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden

It was my birthday yesterday. It was also Labor Day.

There are lots of theories about what’s the purpose of life. But ultimately, it seems to me, that without working and working in a way that you feel useful, and used rightly, you don’t feel that you are here for some purpose.

And yet, in this declining epoch people don’t work, or don’t work in a way where it causes satisfaction and fulfillment for themselves. Continue reading “The secret of fulfillment. A secret because it’s hidden”

The art and science of turning your life around

The art and science of turning your life around

OK, the title is lofty, and I am not at all sure I can actually teach the art and science… but I’ll share all I have seen so far.

Do I see all the ways you can turn your life around? No. Muscletest says I see 91%.

As with everything I teach, the Anna Karenina Method is the fastest and most surgical method I know. So I’ll use that. Continue reading “The art and science of turning your life around”

Attitudes: the All-or-nothing attitude causes rigidity

Attitudes: the All-or-nothing attitude causes rigidity

The best training program I have ever participated in was the Introduction to the Forum Leaders Program at Landmark Education.

A good training, I say, begins with screening.

If the purpose is to get the participants trained.

If the purpose is to find out who, what kind of person you can’t train successfully, then accept everyone who applies.

Therefore, the first step of any ‘good’ training program is to screen the applicants. Continue reading “Attitudes: the All-or-nothing attitude causes rigidity”

How to stop thinking while listening? And actually hear…

How to stop thinking while listening? And actually hear…

How to stop thinking while listening?

If you ever asked yourself a different question: how do I become less reactive? You would have gotten a better answer asking the question in the title.

Whaaat? Yeah.

But how? But why?

Let’s first look at what it takes to stop ‘thinking’ while listening. Continue reading “How to stop thinking while listening? And actually hear…”

Can you listen while you talk? Do you listen while you talk?

Can you listen while you talk? Do you listen while you talk?

As usual, I started my day with emails. Why? because, surprise, I wasn’t aching to tell you something. I had nothing to say.

That doesn’t stop millions, maybe billions of people from talking nonsense, I observe. and in fact I myself was labeled chatty Cathy, or chatterbox in English, or Dumás Dusi in Hungarian. Continue reading “Can you listen while you talk? Do you listen while you talk?”

This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up

This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up

Question on Quora:

My friend just died of colon/liver cancer. She lived 5 weeks after diagnosis. We had been on vacation the week before diagnosis and her only complaint was indigestion. How is this possible? What kind of cancer can move this quickly undetected? Continue reading “This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up”

Only waking up because we didn’t die the night before

Only waking up because we didn’t die the night before

It’s a symptom. You have no reason to wake up. Moreover, you have no reason, no purpose to be alive.

The eight billion lives like that 90% of the time. For someone who has the Sight capacity open, it is quite obvious. It has a hollow feeling to it that the speaker tries to fill it with phony cheerfulness, or phony sweetness, or phony eagerness.

Trying. Continue reading “Only waking up because we didn’t die the night before”

Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?

Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?

This article is about forces that work against you and forces that work for you.

Some 14 years ago I witnessed a partnership that broke up.

Then both of the previous partners went on, and got themselves another partner. I watched them grow. Continue reading “Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?”