What is the truth value of your knowledge?

Your starting point measurements paint an accurate picture of you…The truth value of your personal knowledge, (average:  2% truth value! It means 98% of what you know is wrong!) is indicated in your vocabulary number… your clarity… It can be translated to a truth value. My truth value is 70% and my accurate vocabulary is … Continue reading “What is the truth value of your knowledge?”

You don’t do well because you major in minor things

One of the distinctions I have never heard anywhere else is this “Majoring in minors” distinction. It’s from the 67 steps.It is about choosing to invest time, energy, money into something that is not going to return a big benefit.If we look at any area of life, the biggest difference between astute people and the … Continue reading “You don’t do well because you major in minor things”

A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.

Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.I first noticed that simple muscletesting is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.Eventually concluded that I make a better … Continue reading “A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.”

Finish What You Started. Started but didn’t Finish?

… Or how do you destroy your life, little by little…There is nothing more significant in destroying your self-image than starting something, with all the hopes and aspirations it takes to start something and abandoning in before it is finished.Even if you knew yourself as a great person deserving of the dream you set out … Continue reading “Finish What You Started. Started but didn’t Finish?”

Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…

I have students at all different stages of their personal paths.I, as a coach, can do only so much. I answer their posts, and then I write my articles. And the rest happens where I am not. Inside them, in their interaction with people, in their interaction with stuff.This is the hardest part.My soul correction … Continue reading “Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…”

You cannot talk butterfly language with caterpillar people

Many of my visitors fancy themselves butterflies…When I do their Starting Point Measurements they are caterpillars… with a big ego. With a sky high self-image. A delusional Self above the clouds.This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:https://evp-50116959de4b9-dd521b5ed563ee25508422182c681a30.s3.amazonaws.com/Manifestation-Magic.mp4Find out more about this magic manifestation … Continue reading “You cannot talk butterfly language with caterpillar people”

You are a racketeer. Small time bit player. Smoke, mirrors

Why is drama a racket? Why is it never real…Life is never dramatic. The drama is added by the onlookers or the participants.Things happen. And you do what you do. You may get mauled, killed, or laughed at. But drama only happens in your head… it is never out there.You look in the mirror and … Continue reading “You are a racketeer. Small time bit player. Smoke, mirrors”

Unless you understand why and how a spiritual practice works, you are just going through the motions.

This article is not about The Healing Codes… this article is about you. About you not taking the time and the effort to even understand what it is that you are hearing.Your ability to translate hearing to seeing is weak. Why? Probably because being complete and thorough in anything is a rare capacity in humans… … Continue reading “Unless you understand why and how a spiritual practice works, you are just going through the motions.”

Blind chicken syndrome part two. Serious teaching here

In some way I was born to be one of these blind chickens. It used to take me conscious and deliberate thought not to close down a looking process, not to jump into a conclusion. It did not happen without deliberate thought.And when I forgot, or I was too tired, or when I was on … Continue reading “Blind chicken syndrome part two. Serious teaching here”

How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency

The vibration number, often called “vibrational frequency,” tells a lot about a person.Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.“Vibrational frequency” is a number on a logarithmic scale, and it measures how accurately your worldview and your emotions, thinking, behavior match reality, to what degree you have … Continue reading “How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency”