What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%

What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%

Yesterday I had my doorbell ring. I rushed out, and opened the door.

It wasn’t my landlord, as I expected, it was a young man with a clipboard. He started to talk before the door was even fully open… It took me some time to distinguish the words through fear, I guess.

Anyway, I spent about half an hour with him, while he took care of what he was sent to do… Took care of it on MY cell phone… and I had to answer questions I didn’t understand… Something about solar power… Continue reading “What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%”

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer

When you decide on a new direction for your life, you suddenly find yourself with obstacles blocking you, even your view of the horizon, let alone your path.

Your reaction to it will be one of two kinds… in my experience. Continue reading “The Seven Boulders that you need to concquer”

The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious

The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious

You can get inspiration wherever you find it… if you have a strong enough knowledge base to attach it to.

Actually, curiosity, the strength of curiosity is proportionate to the amount of knowledge you have.

I have no knowledge of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals because when I was a kid that wasn’t a topic for us at all. So to get curious about anything, you need to have some pre-existing KNOWLEDGE about them… that leads you. Continue reading “The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious”

Do what you do today so your future self can…

Do what you do today so your future self can…

Do what you do today so your future self can appreciate the effort you made

I got this email about two, maybe three years ago… and today. Both warmed my heart. Today I even wept.

The first email from this student/client: Continue reading “Do what you do today so your future self can…”

Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…

Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…

The article was about your about-me score… and the illness that you either already have, or will have soon enough.

How do I know that I am about me? That my about-me score is high?

Now, before I answer that question, I have to say: that some people managed to overcome it with The Sight capacity practice. Continue reading “Yesterday’s article caused some despair. Rightly so…”

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

So let’s agree on what we’ll call ‘powerful’ in this article, shall we?

Power is measured with the speed at which we take a thing from A to B. To make things happen.

Most of us don’t take many things from A to B… So we pretend that we do. We lie about it. And we pretend to be faster than we are… while we are doing none of the ‘taking a thing from A to B’. We talk. We look busy. And we do busy-body-ing… advising others, lording over others. Continue reading “It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…”

Today I learned that if you are bored you are boring

Today I learned that if you are bored you are boring

Today I learned that In 2012 Jimmy Zhong uncovered a coding error on the now defunct crypto market Silk Road that allowed him to withdraw more funds than he deposited. He stole 51,680 BTC ($3.4 Billion) and stayed anonymous for ten years before finally getting caught and arrested in ’21 and was sentenced to 1 year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Zhong

Today I learned… watching this youtube video… Continue reading “Today I learned that if you are bored you are boring”

Why the eight billion is skill-less… Likely you too.

Why the eight billion is skill-less… Likely you too.

This article, in a way, will be the continuation of yesterday’s article.

Instead of how to play the wrong game, I suggest that you spend some time deciding what game to play.

But you can’t, if you are fixated on some imaginary result that is, in essence, a pie in the sky. Continue reading “Why the eight billion is skill-less… Likely you too.”

It is not so much about how to play the game…

It is not so much about how to play the game…

In life the challenge is not so much to figure out how best to play the game; the challenge is to figure out what game you’re playing. The game of Life or the game of pretense life… Read on, I’ll explain the difference.

Yesterday’s article, email, and the responses have lead me to look at life differently.

Then I had a phone call… and as you may know… phone calls make brilliant things come out of my mouth… because it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

Interaction. Continue reading “It is not so much about how to play the game…”

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Frank vs Matt is a concept Andre Chaperon came up with to help demonstrate the two camps or categories (or models) that us marketers operate within.

Although Frank and Matt are not real ‘flesh and blood’ people per se — their traits are absolutely real and based on real people.

You’re currently one of them. Continue reading “Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…”